The latest from the surreal world of Soviet Britain ( Yes we are all mad as hats!) ... 182299.ece thank goodness for Camilla Cavendish thank goodness for judges and justice
Davey' opinion on all this ;
Jack Straw was given under 5 Min's to talk on Today (Shows how this is
taken seriously at the BBC) Wake up call to Family law pro's!! ... 019900.stm
Sarah Harman says about the press going through hoops to get
the right to be able to report on cases , imagine the ever decreasing
size of hoop a parent go's through!! ( this time it lasted a little longer) ... 021960.stm
I am Daveyone on the next link;
this was in anticipated responce to the following article by Camilla Cavendish ... 069466.ece
and here is her latest of an excellent series of articles on this she shows
it from the benefit of children's as always which is how it should be but the Family court
system works FOR the vengeful mothers and feckless father but AGAINST caring mothers
or fathers who truly wish to "Serve the best interest of their own children!" ... 182299.ece
The solution to all this is really quite simple the judge puts Child A Child B or FamilyXYZ
on the court orders and that is how our more Honorable press( which they are in legal matters)
will refer to them as in criminal court this will also keep court admin to a minimum,
a concern of judges!!
We now learn they won't let us out as we have signed a petition to have Brown resign