To the DIDSS community
We have prepared the next survey we are conducting around CSA policy, and we would be grateful if you were able to take some time to complete the survey for us. We have had excellent feedback from you in the past with our previous surveys, and it has greatly assisted us to prepare reports to government around how CSA policies and procedures can be improved.
The current survey is about problems you may have had with the formula CSA uses to calculate your relevant child support payments. The questions include some of the following components - were the following incorrectly assessed;
your adjustable taxable income
your ex-partners adjustable taxable income
care and cost percentages
your relevant dependant child amount
Some other questions include;
Has your access being restricted while being up to date with child support payments?
Have you had concerns that your payments are not being effectively spent for the benefit of raising your children?
If you are able to complete the survey for us, please click on the link below (Survey Monkey);
Thanking you for your support
Barry Guidera
Chief Executive Officer
Dads in Distress Support Services