- Is the legal industry serving the community or just itself?
- 29/07/2009 Make a Comment (43)
- Contributed by: BigJoe ( 9 articles in 2009 )
Has the public had enough of a harmful and failing legal system? YES!
Are families and parents sick and tired of being treated like criminals and having their assets and finances looted by the legal system for little or no reason at all? YES!
Is the public tired of dishonest members of the legal system who line their pockets at the expense of families and hard working citizens of Australia? YES!
Is it time to overhaul the legal industry to properly safeguard the public from the constant abuse perpetrated by various members and processes of the legal system? YES!
In fact, is it not time the legal system grew up, attained a higher level of maturity and a more positive vision for humanity overall? YES!
Is this a system that an aware and awake public is not happy with, and wish to have it discontinued in it's current form? YES!
Are the rights of Australian citizens who have done no wrong, being taken away and ignored on a daily basis, with Australians getting sick and tired of this deplorable tyranny? YES!
The answer to all the above questions is YES!
However, the reality is nothing will ever be done about it. Why?
Simply, because the legal system has a huge financial interest in their system reaching into people's lives, stealing their money, their livelihood and often a person's life.
It's suspected that many good and naive people who work in the legal system have no idea of this or are too fearful to speak up and blow the whistle, exposing what's going on. And what's more, there is just no safe body to complain to.
What's more the legal system is antiquated and out of touch with a brighter vision for humanity, and in many respects is just plain broken and irreparable.
What truly defines a criminal and what proportion of the legal industry are in fact criminals, committing crimes on a daily basis?
The fact is that the public has little faith in the legal industry, with many people regarding it as a mockery. The only people who promote and praise the industry, are the ones in the industry or those who get a kick back from being associated with the legal industry.
Gee, what a game. A self perpetuating industry of money, power and fun for a few, no matter what the cost to innocent people. It's usually a game that benefits the wealthy, whilst often exploiting the rest of us righteous and vulnerable citizens.
Maybe, there will never be any perfect system created by mere humans, however where is the body or organisation that oversees the legal system, it's corruption and problems with due process and complaints?
A body that is transparent and accountable to the general public, and staffed by everyday common citizens of Australia, just like our juries — what's left of them.
Guess what? There is none! No surprises there.
On the brighter side, there will come a day when there will be no need for a legal system as more and more of the public wakes up.
So to all in the industry, this is a fantastic opportunity to bail out and go do something that you love and are passionate about. A rewarding vocation that doesn't give you ulcers and health problems, where you can sleep at night with a clear conscience, knowing that you will be creating a better world for our children, families and society.
Ah, what a day that will be...
Download Demo Flyer for outside Law Institute Conference and other Legal Institutions that allow the destruction of family.
Are families and parents sick and tired of being treated like criminals and having their assets and finances looted by the legal system for little or no reason at all? YES!
Is the public tired of dishonest members of the legal system who line their pockets at the expense of families and hard working citizens of Australia? YES!
Is it time to overhaul the legal industry to properly safeguard the public from the constant abuse perpetrated by various members and processes of the legal system? YES!
In fact, is it not time the legal system grew up, attained a higher level of maturity and a more positive vision for humanity overall? YES!
Is this a system that an aware and awake public is not happy with, and wish to have it discontinued in it's current form? YES!
Are the rights of Australian citizens who have done no wrong, being taken away and ignored on a daily basis, with Australians getting sick and tired of this deplorable tyranny? YES!
The answer to all the above questions is YES!
However, the reality is nothing will ever be done about it. Why?
Simply, because the legal system has a huge financial interest in their system reaching into people's lives, stealing their money, their livelihood and often a person's life.
It's suspected that many good and naive people who work in the legal system have no idea of this or are too fearful to speak up and blow the whistle, exposing what's going on. And what's more, there is just no safe body to complain to.
What's more the legal system is antiquated and out of touch with a brighter vision for humanity, and in many respects is just plain broken and irreparable.
What truly defines a criminal and what proportion of the legal industry are in fact criminals, committing crimes on a daily basis?
The fact is that the public has little faith in the legal industry, with many people regarding it as a mockery. The only people who promote and praise the industry, are the ones in the industry or those who get a kick back from being associated with the legal industry.
Gee, what a game. A self perpetuating industry of money, power and fun for a few, no matter what the cost to innocent people. It's usually a game that benefits the wealthy, whilst often exploiting the rest of us righteous and vulnerable citizens.
Maybe, there will never be any perfect system created by mere humans, however where is the body or organisation that oversees the legal system, it's corruption and problems with due process and complaints?
A body that is transparent and accountable to the general public, and staffed by everyday common citizens of Australia, just like our juries — what's left of them.
Guess what? There is none! No surprises there.
On the brighter side, there will come a day when there will be no need for a legal system as more and more of the public wakes up.
So to all in the industry, this is a fantastic opportunity to bail out and go do something that you love and are passionate about. A rewarding vocation that doesn't give you ulcers and health problems, where you can sleep at night with a clear conscience, knowing that you will be creating a better world for our children, families and society.
Ah, what a day that will be...
Download Demo Flyer for outside Law Institute Conference and other Legal Institutions that allow the destruction of family.
That is how the secret family court acts, with zero compassion and zero respect for the law of the land, which is Common Law.
Parents should be left to sort out their own arrangements without state interference.
The secret family courts always punish GOOD parents, because the secret family courts were never designed for helping families, but for making money. Look at their roots.
The secret family courts are like a gigantic money sucking vacume cleaner and the people who run them are bankers and lawyers. Look up the circuit judge lists and see who these people are, and their families. They are rolling in it, and having a laugh at all of us, bloody bloodsucking bastards all of them.
Cancer is not nice, I would recommend hit by a truck, instant relief from thier misery, and that they cause us!
These people are beyond the pale. Speaking of which, the lawyer who goes by the name of Michael Weston is a necrophiliac and Injustice Peter Young is an incorrible old masturbator, as well as being a crook. He denies individuals due process of the law. Let's hope they all get cancer!
Stolen generation Pt.1.
A professional analysis of the Family Court’s ‘Bible’ that justifies the ‘ least detrimental alternatives’ to the traditional family. “We have a generation of fathers who are shell-shocked, heartbroken”. It was Adolph Hitler who first said that people will take any reduction to their freedom if you tell them it is in the best interests of the children. Could we not have a non-detrimental alternative, Amfortas asks.
Stolen Generation Pt.2.
The Family Court brings about the detrimental conditions that lead to a delinquent culture of fatherlessness in children. The ‘most deserving parent’ is chosen on genitalia. Professionals make judgements that cause parental alienation syndrome. A juggernaut is driven over Magna Carta. An equal society is replaced by a superior class of people.
I have also gleaned from some of them that they feel guilty and may have done the wrong thing. They also felt like they were duped by the empowerment and payback that lawyers and the system dangled under their noses. Unfortunately the lawyers didn't tell them about how crap their lives were going to possibly be in the future after many years through the carnage of the legal system and being robbed not only of dollars, but the real meaning of being together as a family.. There lies the real sadness and misery in this whole mess. I agree with John W but I think amongst us all we could hunt out who the real scoundrels were in the legal system and go and get them..Hmmmm
http://antimisandry.com/priority-news/world-action-day-thats-today-21851.html aagin if this is not clear I will put the link on a form board too
The rot is so deep, the complicity so broad, the people involved so many, the length of time so long, the institutions infected from top to bottom so comprehensive and essential, that 'reform' will never happen.
Far too many people have made their living from this systematic societal misery. They will justify and lie and claim to be 'obeying orders'.
They are so guilty that they will never admit to their wrongdoing. So they will fight to preserve the rotteness.
Dr Baskerville and others who are ramping the arguements up to new levels, will not be given credence by those in power. Things will not change through arguement and showing the Truth.
I am a great believer in Truth. To believe that Truth matters is also to believe what happens when Truth is systematically corrupted. Society rots like an apple with worms. The apple cannot be rescued. It cannot be made whole again. It has to be thrown out.
The mendacious, the liars, the running dog lackies of the feminsts will never willingly give up. The worms. They are at all levels. They are everywhere. They control one another is an unholy informal alliance. They will continue their evil because there is no other way for them.
They will need to be overthrown. Burnt.
The apple sorter cometh.
April 30, 2007 at 8:25 am On Men's Rights Board Blogspot.
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sun_talk/2481847/Its-so-easy-to-listen-in.html I have also left details on the Forum!We are also following your comments at antimisandry.com Good Luck Guys
WE know the legal system is corrupt, especially the Family Court, but the public is blissfully unaware due to the secrecy and the massive Feminist Agitprop.
and as for our deputy Primeminister ( God forbid);
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtANCL3lAoo the bloke she gets Dimbleby to shut up is former leader Ian Duncan Smith, spokesman for family cohesion for the Tory party!!
Why are we denied due process in secret, juryless courts? This is institutionalized corruption; a shameful abuse of power.
When is the day of reckoning coming?
Up on
Equal Parenting @ Ration Shed BLOG
Onward - Jim
NZ Family Law, Social Policy and the purveyours of it have been destroying the **Whole Natural Biological FAMILY** for generations.
Just 2 of the results.
Highest suicide rate in the World (OECD)
Highest Abortion Rate in the World (OECD)
Who is listening - Not many I have noticed
The divorce industrial complex is a huge bureaucratic cesspool that is nothing if not organized crime. Some of the legal crooks I've come across in it include Leanne Kelly, Peter Young, Michael Weston, Jasmine Ruffilli, John O'Sullivan and many, many more. All of these people should be prosecuted. Come the revolution and they may just be swinging from lamp posts.
Suely this has to stop and whilst it is probably to late for us how do you stop some poor yutz entering a lawyers office for the first time, as these judges are not so 'honourable' as to stop you wasting your time in their courts!?!
Is that what we want for our community, our families and children and their children? I dare say not!!
Its time to get out the pruning knife and carve all the fat off the bone and anything else that's useless and damaging to life.
It has not transcended into a wholesome culture by which we can all be proud of and support, but rather a dirty institution of selfish precedents which bring out greed and the dark side in people to war with each other.
Humanity will be a lost cause if we allow the legal profession to continue on it's present course.
It is almost 2 years since I have had contact with my natural children, although the mother did try to get me arrested for handing my son their post office pass books on his way home one day just so he could use the funds from this and a child bond set up when he was born to cover the cost of trips and equipment he may need at this time.
Needless to say the police were dispatched very robustly by me (Funny how the Dad can only be dealt with in Criminal law whilst the Mum is dealt with in Civil court!?!
Whilst I assume you are still content with your profession, eventually I will suggest my sons make contact with HHJ Pearl and inform her of what they think of her biased court performances and the effect they have had on them whilst in the meantime I will take advantage of Jack Straws ‘Open Court’ policy and as they do not have a bearing on my children any longer will have no hesitation in spreading the news throughout the media until I no longer have breath in my body!
In the meantime I really hope you can find it in yourselves (Pearl & Rhodes included!) to truly ‘serve the children’s best interest!’ Cc. Everyone capable of reforming this farce!
Having spent most of 2004 and many times in the years since securing a stable situation for my children and doing all the court asked of me, (Mainly the appalling Judge Pearl) I spent £35,000 on a reasonable contact order which remained in force until you were unable to enforce it in August 2008 (Strange as Judge Pearls laky DJ. Rhodes was able to enforce a penal notice on me for failing to allow the children to phone home in spite of it being me who had supplied them with mobile phones!) unless I succumb my children to still further investigation by CAFCASS or other Social Workers when they did not need this in their life and the only way for them to get the peace and allow them to enjoy a happy care free life style was for me to step back.
I am pleased to report having attended the past 2 parents evenings, something the mother has failed to do, I am aware of the success my eldest son has enjoyed at secondary school and my youngest ,who is not due to start secondary education till 2010, I am told “would not be out of place if he started there now!” I would put greater store in reports from school and indeed the GP then any number of incompetent social workers especially the clowns at the should be disbanded at CAFCASS!
It should be noted that having achieved a second comparable family home equal walking distance to both schools and at great financial burden to me again in the true ‘best interest of the children’ not the smoke and mirrors purveyed in Family Courts along with the earlier funds used for contact I was rendered bankrupt last year (£70,000) and face losing my current home ( having already lost the former one that all my life’s work went into for my sons) and only for a bit of luck and being able to draw on a pension fund early may avoid repossession. Cont...
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