Banks Discussion Forum

Banks — What do they mean to you, your family and our community?
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Anyone entering into a commercial 'loan' agreement and mortgage covenant with a bank may get far more than they bargained for, and not in a beneficial way either.

What may appear in the beginning to unsuspecting mums, dads and others as a warm, fuzzy and manageable new family home loan arrangement, may very well turn out in the years to come, to be an unfair and unilateral agreement they wished they had never entered into, with little to no effective help or consumer protection available in times of despair.

The desecration to your health, family, relationships, work, wealth, dreams and life itself, that can follow from a lack of knowledge about such woeful commercial bank transactions, may hopefully make you sit up and take a stand. If not for your sake, then do it for your kids.

The aim must be to expose what really happens in banking circles. Only with a greater push toward transparency and accountability can better remedies be found avoiding harm to many. Ordinary people and the backbone of this land deserve a whole lot better. Enough is enough!

Share your opinion and experiences about all facets of bank problems and solutions, lifting the veil on yet another most horrid part of society, which undoubtedly affects our most vulnerable during times of crisis!

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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 Comments +Add Yours Over 8,328 views
    10. Bank would not give change - By: Mick from Vic, Australia on May 7, 2023 @ 4:41 pm
    Bendigo Bank would not exchange a note for any coins, only other notes, if i was not a bank customer. They said it costs them to supply coins, although when asked how much, they could not answer. They pitifully said they could not give change to just anyone who walked in off the street. Would this not violate public policy or an implied fundamental duty to provide such a basic service to the ordinary person in the street? They said they were a business and 5th largest bank. Not sure what profits they make but CBA and NAB profits are reported to be in the billions. If Banks cannot provide proper services to the public they will become redundant as better solutions are available.
    Agreements!! - By: Bob from WA, OzNation on May 12, 2019 @ 11:28 am
    Get better at commercial agreements guys. Its all contract, common and equity law with a few statutes, public policy and confusion thrown in for good measure.
    Banks sham explained - By: Judy Greene from Sth Aust, AU on December 1, 2018 @ 7:50 pm
    Royal Commissionj - By: Moses from QLD, Oz on February 12, 2018 @ 3:39 pm
    Royal Commission into Banking starts today.. everyone let us not dilly daddle with putting our submissions in.

    Let's make them count for all to see!!!!
    Banks - By: Mick from Vic, Australia on December 27, 2017 @ 8:10 am
    yep..banks win due to our ignorance
    Royal Comm - By: Benny from NSW, Austr on December 26, 2017 @ 9:11 am
    Cant wait for Royal Commission for greater transparency but where will the accountability lie?
    NAB - By: Steve from SA, Australia on August 28, 2017 @ 4:49 pm
    promise one amount conditionally then only willing to provide half that amount. Delays, no answers, all in collusion with each other. very frustrating
    Banks are bullies - By: Gene from QLD, Australia on August 27, 2017 @ 1:12 am
    Bring it on I say these banks have been gettin away with blue murder for way too long,,,somethin needs to be done
    ANZ - By: Phil from NSW, Aust on August 26, 2017 @ 6:39 pm
    One by one I dare say.
    CBA - By: Johnno from Vic, Aust on August 26, 2017 @ 5:37 pm
    There are so many problems and solutions, where does one begin?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 Comments
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