- Prisons - Cui bono?
- 03/05/2014 Make a Comment (1)
- Contributed by: SpongeBob ( 17 articles in 2014 )
"The only people they ever catch are the people they create...viola...let's create a criminal."
Are prisons setup to protect the community from a supposedly harmful individual or are they about protecting the establishment from a waking public that is decreasing its tolerance of draconian institutions? Yes, a new dawn is approaching.
So who really benefits from prisons full of thousands of innocent people like Schaeffer Cox, Dean Clifford and Trevor Torney, just to name a few, who are serving exceedingly disproportionate sentences for unfounded crimes? People who for one reason or another have attracted the attention of legal forces with an ever increasing appetite to process people and store them in prisons, regardless of common law justice or human rights.
While many countries around the world including the United States, China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Thailand and even the so called 'lucky country' Australia are involved in the slave trade, a profession as old as prostitution and fear itself, it doesn't make it right!
'Plan 241': Proposed Documentary Looks to Prove Innocence of Alaska Militiamen (2.00)
As the huge expanding market of prisons rise, so to do the lucrative investment dollars for a selected few, that benefit from injustice, slavery and cheap labour of people in prison workshops?
It's the irony and the occult nature of prison systems that makes it difficult for people to catch on quickly. Setting aside the monetary component and deprivation of freedom, alarmingly, prisons can be somebody's play pen, consisting of brutal and heinous torture and games, the truth of which seldom escapes.
The question for humanity is why do we allow it?
So let us take back our prisons, dismantle and reform them dispensing with make believe fear, setting free all political prisoners and those unfairly locked up for little or no crime or harm done. The time is now!
Clearly, ethical people with good morals need to withdraw their services from corrupt authoritarian institutions and police forces. In contrast to the sparkling and notorious image the FBI and CIA receive in movies and television series, their general public profile and credibility leaves a lot to be desired. Clearly, it is these organisations and/or the master minds that control them that are the terrorists in the eyes of the people.
The following is from www.FREESCHAEFFERCOX.com.
Shaeffer Cox Freedom Fighter (4:14)
Schaeffer Cox, 30, is a husband and father of two young children. He is a political activist. In 2008, Cox ran for the Alaska House of Representatives. His platform was simple:
The government needs to follow the Constitution because it’s the law.
Cox argued that when the government disregards the law and tramples on others, simply because they are powerful enough to do so and get away with it, it hurts them as a Nation.
He went on to point out that that sort of heavy handed disregard for their basic obligations costs the government their stability at home and their credibility abroad.
His message was well received by the people and local government. After the election, Schaeffer Cox spent time traveling and gave speeches outlying a peaceful way to reclaim individual liberty.
His message continued to warn the people attending his speeches that the Federal Government’s current behavior was unsustainable. He contended, that the responsibility would fall back on to the shoulders of the people who had created the Government and let it run off its rails.
As Schaeffer Cox continued to give speeches, the crowds grew. This caught the attention of the Federal Government. Cox now had the world’s most powerful government as an enemy. For the next several months, Cox and his family now had the force of the Federal Government against them. The FBI played a key role in trying to provoke Cox and when those attempts failed, the FBI began tearing apart the family.
Liberty Advocate Framed by FBI? - The Schaeffer Cox Story
What turned out to be a nightmare, continues. Schaeffer Cox is currently serving a 26 year sentence. The charges the Federal Government came up with range from conspiracy to murder federal workers to weapons charges. He is being held in a communications management unit (CMU, also known as Little Guantanamo) in Marion, IL.
Schaeffer Cox is an example of the tyrannical grip the Federal Government has on the people and their thoughts. There is no injured party; there was no crime. At what point has the overreaching grip of the Federal Government gone too far? If someone does not think the way the Federal Government wants them to or challenges the policies, the person is considered a threat.
The importance of this case is critical for the whole of humanity. When a government decides what we can eat, what we must buy and what we are allowed to think, we no longer have life. Thomas Jefferson wrote:
“To preserve the freedom of the human mind… and freedom of the press, every spirit should be ready to devote itself to martyrdom; for as long as we may think as we will and speak as we think, the condition of man will proceed in improvement.” Thomas Jefferson to William Green Munford, 1799
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Schaeffer Cox Court Case Uncut Part 1 | Schaeffer Cox Court Case Uncut Part 2 |
When people learn how to think instead of being indoctrinated on what to think, only then shall they become free..
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