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  • Meadow Heights man Ramazan Acar charged over murder of daughter
  • By Anne Wright, Anthony Dowsley
  • Herald Sun
  • 19/11/2010 Make a Comment (14)
  • Contributed by: admin ( 9 articles in 2010 )
Ramazan Acar entering court last night with police after being charged with murder.
A MAN charged with killing his two-year-old daughter has been ordered to undergo psychiatric assessment.

Ramazan Acar, 24, faced the Melbourne Magistrates Court this morning over the murder of his daughter Yazmina, who was found dead in grassland in Melbourne's north yesterday.

His case was adjourned until March 3 next year. He made no application for bail.

The court ordered Mr Acar to be assessed by a psychiatric nurse before his next hearing.

In an out-of-sessions hearing last night, a court heard Mr Acar allegedly threatened to kill his daughter several times after he picked her up from his ex-partner.

Toddler Yazmina was allegedly driven across Melbourne by Mr Acar before being dumped in Greenvale.

Mr Acar was charged with the toddler's murder last night.

Sen-Det Constable Scott Jones, of the homicide squad, told an out-of-sessions hearing Mr Acar arrived at his former partner's address in Hallam, in far southeast Melbourne, at 6.10pm on Wednesday and a short time later took Yazmina with him.

Left: Happier times, Yazmina Acar and her mother, Rachelle D'Argent
Police will allege Yazmina's mother made several calls to Mr Acar, who threatened to kill the girl as he drove across Melbourne to Campbellfield.

"Ultimately the accused has attended an address in the Campbellfield area where he removed the child from the car and a number of stab wounds resulted in the child's death," Sen-Det Jones told the hearing.

"Mr Acar has then allegedly driven from where he dumped his daughter to another address where he burns the car and flees the scene in a second car."

Sen-Det Jones told the hearing a post-mortem examination found that Yazmina died of multiple stab wounds.

During the short hearing at Melbourne Custody Centre last night, Mr Acar told the bail justice he did not have a medical condition and any injuries had been attended to.

Sources told the Herald Sun Mr Acar had allegedly been under surveillance at some point after Yazmina was taken from the house.

Homicide squad detectives were last night trying to solve the tragic riddle of what happened in the period after Yazmina was taken, which happened 55km from where her body was found.

They were led to grassland beside a fence near the Greenvale Reservoir at 1.35am where they made the awful discovery.

Mr Acar, from Meadow Heights, was arrested two hours later at Epping by heavily armed officers from the special operations group.

He remained in custody last night with a 23-year-old woman who had allegedly also been travelling in the car.

It is believed he was being tailed by police when the Toyota was set alight in Merri Concourse, Campbellfield, at 10.30pm on Wednesday.

Firefighters called to the scene were told someone might be inside the burning vehicle.

Police cordoned off the area and searched a section of grassland surrounding the charred vehicle, returning with an object in an evidence bag.

They would not confirm if it was a weapon.

Sen-Det Sgt David Snare, of the homicide squad, said it was a tragic set of events.

"It's difficult circumstances for everyone involved - a young child just starting life off and doesn't have the opportunity to grow into an adult, that is horrendous," he said.

- with Mark Buttler


    By:Phil from vic, australia on December 30, 2010 @ 12:12 pm
    Sad story this...just like all the other deaths due to divorce, courts, csa and money hungry lawyers. As a few people have already hinted, why has this guy done this. Maybe if we had more answers made public perhaps more people could be educated and safeguarded!! Or is this too sensible a suggestion??? Happy New 2011 to all
    By:John Abb from Western Australia, Aus on December 21, 2010 @ 12:06 pm
    If we had the electric chair in Australia he would be a candidate???
    By:Barb Bee from Cairns Qld, Australia on December 5, 2010 @ 8:24 am
    I have advocated for fathers on many occasions and offered plenty of support as many are genuine caring people in regards to providing and caring for their children. Its a shame and makes me sick to see a father do this to his child. My deepest condolences go out to the mother and family. God bless
    By:Scott Hamilton from SA, Aust on November 27, 2010 @ 10:26 pm
    With these events the public never gets to hear why these people snap and do these atrocious things, hence we will never truly be able to prevent these events from happening again.

    Hence more kids, mothers and fathers will keep dying im afraid.
    10. By:Philip A from Gold Coast, Australia on November 22, 2010 @ 6:33 pm
    Don't be surprised if his culture(Arab ??) does this sort of thing in his country and gets away with it. Perhaps we need to have another look at who we let in the country
    By:Petie from SA, AUS on November 22, 2010 @ 7:05 am
    It's a sad moment to lose a child through, death and Divorce in circumstances where you have little or no control but to kill you own kid... what possesses some people? The devil! His neurological hard-wiring certainly has it's problems.
    By:Benny Boy from Queensland, Aust on November 20, 2010 @ 12:20 pm
    What we need to be clear about people is the Family Court are not there for the best interests of the children, COS if they really were they wouldn't allow children and parents to enter that god forbidden hole, and allowing lawyers to loot all the family assets and send families into a negative spiral that few ever fully recover from!!.
    By:Paul from Sale Victoria, Australia on November 20, 2010 @ 10:29 am
    Some need to goto jail before they mature and wakeup. Heartfelt sympathy to dear little Yazmina and family. The mother's no doubt drugged up and gotta be wondering what she ever saw in this loser for him to do a thing like this.
    By:JD from vic, land of the free on November 20, 2010 @ 7:56 am
    bring bak the rope!!! a life 4 a life!!
    By:Peter Wilson from NSW, Australia on November 20, 2010 @ 7:14 am
    On a balanced note it would be interesting to hear what goes on in the minds of people like this who take a child's life(their own blood) when in fact they should be protecting it, even up until the point when a father loses his life... What has gone wrong? The public needs to be informed and involved in these situations so we can learn more.
    By:Brian Robertson from QLD, Australia on November 19, 2010 @ 5:57 pm
    At least that freeman character who tossed that poor kid off the bridge looked like he had some rmorse about the whole ordeal...this joker doesnt
    By:Sam T from Vic, Aust on November 19, 2010 @ 5:45 pm
    Anyone know yet if the matter was before the family court? It wouldn't be an excuse but seriously that place would push anyone to drink at times.
    By:Jack S from WA, Oz on November 19, 2010 @ 5:54 pm
    Absolutely tragic for this poor little girl.
    Sounds like this guy needs a bullet!!!
    By:Brian from Vic, Australia on November 19, 2010 @ 5:53 pm
    Some people do bad things without rhyme or reason showing no remorse for what they've done. These types of people need to be strung up in public for all to see. For killing defenseless children, let alone a 2yo, should not and will not be tolerated.

    Sticking one's finger up with a crazed look of a demented a callous soul possibly says it all.

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