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  • Your Say - Re: Family Court probes suicides (cont)
  • By As Named
  • The Age
  • 19/08/2003 Make a Comment
  • Contributed by: admin ( 75 articles in 2003 )
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My experience with the Family Court was an unhappy one. I found the Judge who ultimately dealt with the matter both fair and humane. But my everlasting memory will be of the female "counsellors" who dealt with both my wife and myself utterly at odds with the purposes of the Court. For a start they allowd my wife to meet with them one the day before our joint appointment. She is a skilled public relations manipulator and by the time I arrived for the appointment the next day, I faced two "counsellors" who were antagonistic, hostile to me personally and who managed to reduce me to tears by their verbal brutality and obvious anti-male bias. In our case there was not the slightest hint of violence or deprivation and our baby daughter was an infant that the mother and her mother decided was really theirs rather than ours.So I faced this wall of vicious and innate dislike before the "counsellors" and I even began to discuss the matter. It was cruelty in the extreme and raises the question as to whether these part-time women come to work at the Court to vent their prejudice or to be helpful and and humane at a time when both parties are hurting - not just the wife.


This is all too common and tragic however I'm grateful this subject has been raised by The Age. It shouldn't be swept aside or hushed up as it affects so many people.

My younger brother attempted to hang himself (whilst going through an extremely rocky patch in his life at that time)he failed, thankfully and phoned me at 5am in a state of distress when he came to with his belt still around his neck. I'm so thankful as his son would not have been able to comprehend this. I held back informing other family members for a few days as my parents would have 'flipped out' but close support and love extended to him brought him back to us.

I have felt for those in the stories The Age has printed and my heart goes out to you. My friend's partner is the GM of Yellow Ribbon NZ -a suicide awareness organisation for youth and adults. They work hard encouraging people to TALK about their problems and lifting the 'taboo' lid off the subject. Men (& women)need to know suicide is not the solution, there are too many victims left behind because of their actions but because of the many intricate reasons why they choose this option friends and families are still left behind wondering why.

Thank you to The Age for giving this the subject the profile it needs.

Marlene Theodore-Holmes

I agree that the courts make some bad decisions, but you can't attribute it to the lawyers....doesn't the judge pass judgement?

You sounds like a bitter parent who has been through the court system.

And - men & women are equals. Men are NOT better than women and viceversa

Get some counselling

Well said Leigh Pearl, you've identified a couple of the very worst myths ... right up there with 'every man is emotionally backwards' and 'every man needs a woman to keep him organised'.

And I wholeheartedly agree that custody should automatically be 50/50 ... ie 3.5 days a week, 52 weeks of the year. As should financial contributions / equitable sharing of expenses.

Tim Wilson

Leigh, SPOT ON.
Why has it taken so long with all our other advances to recognise that the FAmily Law courts have been propping up exceedingly outdated, moronic, totaly unjust ideals that women should automatically take custody of the kids.
Absolutely barbaric treatment of men (not all, some dont deserve children and EQUALLY if not more some women dont deserver children either) should no longer bo tolerated.
I think its about time someone sued the FLC (and those bastard lawyers) for provoking male suicides.
Men are equal/better to any woman as a parent!

Chris Stedman

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