- The Taking of Logan Marr
- By Four Corners/Frontline
- ABC Television
- 31/05/2004 Make a Comment
- Contributed by: admin ( 100 articles in 2004 )
Logan Marr: ... 5 years old, killed by Sally Schofield (a DHS worker).
Her mother Christy Marr and baby sister Bailey are also victims in a welfare system that abuses families, not supports them.
Full Story: Transcripts, video footage, pictures, caseworker files, child policy, discussion
On a mid-winter's day in 2001, five-year-old Logan Marr was found dead in the basement of her foster home.
Her foster mother - a respected social welfare worker - was jailed for manslaughter after police discovered that Logan had died from asphyxiation when she was bound with duct tape and strapped into a high chair.
Logan's death in Maine, USA, prompted public anger and a torrent of questions: why had the authorities taken Logan from her birth mother without evidence of physical or sexual abuse? Had they abused the mother's rights? Did they ignore signs that Logan was at risk from her foster mother?
The PBS Frontline program traces the events that led up to Logan's death, from the original decision to take her from her mother through her troubled years in three separate foster homes.
It includes searching interviews with Logan's natural mother, who struggled powerlessly to regain custody, and the foster mother who received a 20-year sentence for killing the little girl.
Logan Marr lived and died in America but her story reveals in confronting detail the dilemma facing child welfare workers everywhere: when, and under what circumstances, should a child be taken from its birth parents?
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