- 'What they say is sensible'
- By Ferdinand Mount
- Letter to the Guardian (UK)
- 23/05/2004 Make a Comment
- Contributed by: admin ( 100 articles in 2004 )
"During the past 40 years, all our social arrangements - not just the divorce laws but the tax and benefit systems too - have been tilted away from preserving marriage to securing the rights of the individual ...
"In this atmosphere it is only to be expected that so many mothers should feel little obligation to share their children with their feckless and despicable exes ...
"It is not a question of rebalancing the scales in favour of men against women. It is a question of loading the scales in favour of marriage and the stability that marriage alone, with all its tribulations, brings to society.
"The deliberate demolition of all the structures supporting marriage has already caused more human misery in this country than any ricin or anthrax attack is likely to inflict on us. Yet it remains as hard as ever to persuade the politicians to pay much attention."
"In this atmosphere it is only to be expected that so many mothers should feel little obligation to share their children with their feckless and despicable exes ...
"It is not a question of rebalancing the scales in favour of men against women. It is a question of loading the scales in favour of marriage and the stability that marriage alone, with all its tribulations, brings to society.
"The deliberate demolition of all the structures supporting marriage has already caused more human misery in this country than any ricin or anthrax attack is likely to inflict on us. Yet it remains as hard as ever to persuade the politicians to pay much attention."
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