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  • Worker at DHS had porn
  • By Natalie Tkaczuk Sikora
  • The Australian
  • 09/02/2005 Make a Comment
  • Contributed by: admin ( 47 articles in 2005 )
A DEPARTMENT of Human Services worker yesterday avoided jail over child pornography charges -- but he will not work with children again.

Janek Felix Kajer, 55, was banned from working at the DHS after being convicted and put on the sexual offenders' register.

But Kajer won't have to spend a day behind bars after a magistrate suspended a six-month jail term for two years.

Broadmeadows Magistrates' Court heard 11 images of pre-pubescent children posing naked were discovered on Kajer's computer.

The court was told Kajer, of Barkly St, Sunbury, was trying to delete the images when police raided his premises in November last year.

Police also found an unregistered air rifle in a bungalow cupboard.

Police prosecutor Sen-Constable Ron Lennox said Kajer denied he had any child pornography, claiming the images were of adolescents.

Kajer yesterday pleaded guilty to three charges, including one count of possessing child pornography and possessing an unregistered firearm.

When arrested Kajer was a residential care supervisor and carer of disabled people of all ages, including children.

During his 30 years with DHS Kajer was in charge of children's wards at the Victorian Mental Health Authority, later called Caloola Training Centre.

His solicitor, Michael Kuzilny, said Kajer was so ashamed that he resigned from the department.

Mr Kuzilny said Kajer, who has an 11-year-old daughter, was reclusive and his computer was his window to the world.

Magistrate James Mornane also imposed a community based order, which requires Kajer to undergo an intense sexual offenders program.

A DHS spokesman last night said that under safety screening policy, Kajer's conviction meant he could not be employed by the DHS.

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