- @AbolishThe child support agency Australia ((PETITION))
- By Ernst Hanisch
- Change.Org
- 26/10/2018 Make a Comment (8)
- Contributed by: Daveyone ( 28 articles in 2018 )
petition to federal member for human services Michael keenan & Jenny macklin
The child support agency has been in effect since 1988, the agency has powers that are unquestionable & overshadow basic human rights. The agency over rule & overrides family court rulings.
The CSA has an ABN, therefore is a registered business of Australia, this business charges late fees, penalties, interest & calculates continually even if you’re no longer employed based on your last estimate, which you guessed it CSA will ascertain and or even presume. Any debts accrued are generally never rectified even if the error is the departments failure/fault and generally they’ll never backdate in the payee favour.
In most cases “men” are affected by the child support agency & it’s iron fist, so it is no surprise that more men, single fathers alienated from their children & involved unwillingly in the CSA system will commit suicide or be affected by mental health issues than women. Struggle to financially support themselves and even proceed into future stable relationships.
Currently the child support is calculated on gross earnings before tax & time spent with the child/ren. The agency is linked to both the ATO & Centrelink, so there is no escape! Recipients are also coached & educated in claiming with the CSA, threatend if they refuse their benefits will be withheld or decreased. Recipients are also rewarded for withholding or alienating the other party from the child/ren increasing the financial value they receive! (FACTS)
its time for a major overhaul & make the system 100% fair for all & promote healthy relationships with both mothers & fathers with their child/ren, instead of focusing on dollar values, penalties & debt collection!
There are many men ....& yes women that have increasingly been affected by this corrupt, bias faceless system. It’s time for the CSA to be held accountable for the senseless lives lost & trauma the system has caused, bankrupting, bullying & destruction of family units, the father/mother child/ren relationships destroyed by the agency has to stop!
Its time our federal government hear our voices & a class action is bought against the faceless corrupt system.
If you agree, if you’re affected or been affected, if you know someone who been through this system or going through it currently....sign this petition & forward it to everyone you know who wants the best for our future generations
The CSA has an ABN, therefore is a registered business of Australia, this business charges late fees, penalties, interest & calculates continually even if you’re no longer employed based on your last estimate, which you guessed it CSA will ascertain and or even presume. Any debts accrued are generally never rectified even if the error is the departments failure/fault and generally they’ll never backdate in the payee favour.
In most cases “men” are affected by the child support agency & it’s iron fist, so it is no surprise that more men, single fathers alienated from their children & involved unwillingly in the CSA system will commit suicide or be affected by mental health issues than women. Struggle to financially support themselves and even proceed into future stable relationships.
Currently the child support is calculated on gross earnings before tax & time spent with the child/ren. The agency is linked to both the ATO & Centrelink, so there is no escape! Recipients are also coached & educated in claiming with the CSA, threatend if they refuse their benefits will be withheld or decreased. Recipients are also rewarded for withholding or alienating the other party from the child/ren increasing the financial value they receive! (FACTS)
its time for a major overhaul & make the system 100% fair for all & promote healthy relationships with both mothers & fathers with their child/ren, instead of focusing on dollar values, penalties & debt collection!
There are many men ....& yes women that have increasingly been affected by this corrupt, bias faceless system. It’s time for the CSA to be held accountable for the senseless lives lost & trauma the system has caused, bankrupting, bullying & destruction of family units, the father/mother child/ren relationships destroyed by the agency has to stop!
Its time our federal government hear our voices & a class action is bought against the faceless corrupt system.
If you agree, if you’re affected or been affected, if you know someone who been through this system or going through it currently....sign this petition & forward it to everyone you know who wants the best for our future generations
Source: https://www.change.org/p/australian-federal-government-overhaul-the-child-support-agency-australia?signed=true
1) You've separated/divorced. Primary carer wants/needs financial support (cash) from you as other parent.
2) If primary carer does not get this through a property settlement or child support agreement between parents (both ways recommended), they often make application to CSA. If they seek a Welfare/Centrelink benefit they have no choice but to first show evidence of a CS agreement or application to CSA.
3) Non primary parent then receives CSA notice of say mother's claim and request for father's particulars of income, % child care details etc. At this point, if you are not the father you must rebut the presumption that you are. The mother will have to provide irrefutable evidence that you are (ie. DNA). Whatever you do, don't deal with CSA.
4) If you have fathered the child/ren for many years, suspect they're not yours and want to possibly end the r'ship with your kid/s over a few dollars, then this is the time to seek proof of paternity. Otherwise if they are yours, you have fathered them and want to continue and don't object, the presumption stands.
5) If you are caught by the CSA machine and work for someone as an employee, you are pretty much fucked. They know what you earn, can garnish your wages and seize any crazy amount the CSA say is owed from any tax return or bank accounts (which don't belong to you anyway).
6) If you can afford whatever the CSA demands and takes from you great. Usually they start low, get you on the agreement hook, and then they can jack up the charges. If this is not for you, you have to create a company/trust entity being different from the entity you know as your name and then pay yourself a modest sum. Yes, this will mean leaving a job as you know it and making changes. Perhaps you can contract with your previous employer.
7) Alternatively, go on welfare/Centrelink benefits and be protected by the ceiling of say $30/fn and maybe setup a new entity/income on the side.
So that's it. For those unsure about when the agreement was first formed, it was when the man and woman consented to that act of lust and pleasure and did the deed. Agreements get stronger with time making them harder to terminate. So too does refuting any presumption of fatherhood.
The most important part about all of this is to be responsible for your kids in whatever way you can, but if the ex-partner is being unfair and unreasonable, don't contemplate taking your life as this doesn't serve any good, least of all for you, your children, family, friends and the positive difference you can make in the world. Never forget this! Just use a remedy that allows you to live fairly too.
And yes keep away from dealing with the CSA at all costs. Don't respond, write or call them. Don't contract with them. Make them insignificant because their terms are unfair and one-sided with their antics worse than Nightmare on Elm St.
The only way to abolish the CSA racket is by not using and empowering it, otherwise your participation will only serve to dis-empower yourself; sending you crazy and broke in the process as it sucks your energy dry.
Remember: Fairness and CSA are not synonymous so give it a wide berth !!!
Good luck!
Why are my two youngest worth nothing, but my eldest has to have his mother paid money I can't afford? I look after my children - expected to pay half for the two little ones, the eldest is the one the 'support' goes to, but I can't even afford to pay my bills anymore. Where do I go - who do I speak to - to have this WRONG decision removed/reviewed or SOMETHING?
I see why people choose to either kill themselves or do the wrong thing: I am to the point that either one I am considering - why do the right thing any longer? I have since my eldest was first indoctrinated into this 'system' - but why should I do the 'right' thing when it has left me at the point that, as a single father, I cannot even have him at my place anymore as I can't even feed him? How is that 'looking after the children'?
C$A are a joke. It's time to change it. No more talk. Need ACTION. Whether that be a class legal suit against the department, records of how many suicides have been caused by this agency - anything. It's time. This is bull$h!7, people!
I got no free legals and pay the debt left over, I can't afford court and have not seen my kids in 2 years. I deeply love them and a great Dad. She used the court system with DV to move and it is not based on facts rather based on hear say and what they call probably but not factual.
The people who work there yell down the phone and threatened me to go bankrupt and take my car which gets me to work and threatened any profit I make from house or anything that I will be punished again with deductions. I earn good money and it should be 1 simple means tested like the dole bill. Rather than the more you earn the more they take. I can't afford my kids even if I had them. Disghusting to be Australian, I can't wait to move out of this shit hole. Oh wait they took my passport also because of going broke and also get my freedom taken away too.
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