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  • Vic magistrate guilty of indecent assault
  • National Nine News
  • 06/08/2013 Make a Comment (2)
  • Contributed by: MrNatural ( 18 articles in 2013 )
Magistrate Cooper
A Melbourne magistrate has admitted to sexually abusing boys in the 1980s after the abuses were reported three decades later.

Simon Mitchell Cooper, 55, of Brighton, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to seven charges relating to the indecent assaults, which took place in 1984 and 1986.

The unidentified victims, who are brothers, and their parents were in court today to hear the former Crown prosecutor plead guilty to seven charges of indecent assault.

Cooper, who is married with two adult children, was expected to contest the charges but instead admitted his crimes, the Age reports.

The allegations include three indecent acts with one of the victims in 1984 and one in relation to the other victim.

Cooper had his bail extended during the hearing in the Melbourne Magistrates Court.

He will appear before the Victorian County Court on September 3 and faces up to five years in prison.

Cooper was appointed to the Victorian Magistrates Court in February last year after becoming a barrister in 1980 and serving as a crown prosecutor since 1990.

He has been suspended from his role until the case is resolved.


    By:Paul from SA, Australia on August 8, 2013 @ 11:42 am
    A barrister of 4-6 years standing, clearly knowing man made law and right from wrong, all before the offences occurred in 1984-86. What gives? How many other officers of our so called courts have skeletons in their closets?
    By:Stevie from Vic, Australia on August 6, 2013 @ 2:04 pm
    Indecent that what they call it when a Magistrate, a so called "pillar of society" touches up childre and may get up to 5 years, whilst the rest of us do upto 18 years in jail for tying up 16yo consenting women in sexual play, oh my goodness, haven't we got something totally FUCKED UP!!

    The above Magistrate and other members of the judiciary have committed all types of abuse on the vulnerable over the years. Many of which people don't know anything about.

    Are these the people who you want sitting in judgment on you, your family and children?

    We thinketh not!!!

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