- Claims for Medical Negligence @JudgeRinderTV @JudgeJudy @JudgeGregMathis @DrPhil but what about Family Court Negligence?
- By Daveyone
- World4Justice NOW! Lobby Forum.
- 12/02/2016 Make a Comment
- Contributed by: Daveyone ( 16 articles in 2016 )
Funny that the Judge Rinder Show is sponsored by claims for medical negligence but how do we claim when the Family Court Fail?
Funny that the Judge Rinder Show is sponsored by claims for medical negligence but how do we claim when the Family Court Shows bias, discrimination and outright corruption in their every day business? Fletchers sponsors Judge Rinder show
Closed courtrooms only protect bad judges and lawyers, says Judge Judy
AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS judge has told a former Minister for Justice that Ireland should have cameras in every courtroom.
Speaking to Nora Owen on TV's Midweek, Judge Judy said closed courtrooms protect two things - bad judges and bad lawyers.
Closed courtrooms only protect bad judges and lawyers, says Judge Judy
AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS judge has told a former Minister for Justice that Ireland should have cameras in every courtroom.
Speaking to Nora Owen on TV's Midweek, Judge Judy said closed courtrooms protect two things - bad judges and bad lawyers.
Source: https://daveyone1.wordpress.com/2016/02/11/claims-for-medical-negligence-judgerindertv-judgejudy-judgegregmathis-drphil-but-what-about-family-court-negligence/
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