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  • The time for violent resistance is approaching
  • By ‎Kevin Mugur Galalae‎
  • The Knowledge Booth
  • 12/02/2016 Make a Comment
  • Contributed by: Julian ( 5 articles in 2016 )
The time for violent resistance is approaching

My letter to heads of state and government has now reached all nation states on earth ( The deadline I have given them to tell the truth and to stop all covert methods of depopulation is the end of March. After that, the presidents and prime ministers who have not complied will face charges of crimes against humanity and genocide and will be punished accordingly. The People's Protection Force will be activated and we will go hunting for all those who are responsible.

I am now in the process of addressing the world's doctors, jurists, journalists and civil servants to ask them to organize a general strike and to speak up publicly against the depopulation genocide. Those who refuse to establish a public record that they have spoken against the depopulation lobby and have stopped cooperating with the executive branch of government and the UN to commit genocide will be considered war criminals and the People's Protection Force will execute them on sight after the end of April, which is the deadline they will be given to establish their innocence.

I will also ask all police and military forces to join us or at the very least stay out of our way as we clean up the world. Those who go against the people will pay with their lives and serious repercussions will extend to their families.

In the meantime, I ask all individuals who are aware of the depopulation genocide to prepare for confrontation with the authorities.

The chemical and biological war waged against us will be stopped by force if the authorities do not obey the deadline we have given them.

The law commands us to act … and we will act.
Neutrality is neither legally nor morally possible.


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