Get involved in F4J Protests in your State
"United we stand divided we fall" - Aesop, Greek slave & fable author (620 BC - 560 BC)

** MARCH in August 2014 - Australia Wide **
Is Australia going down the Gurgler...???
Now is the time to get your friends & groups together in readiness to march in your state With the TPP, Agenda 21, budget of disparity, decline of standards & control by the people, in addition to the current government's intention of imposing anti-protesting "laws" in Victoria as of1 September 2014, is it not time we the people stood up & sent a crystal clear message.
No...No...No...No...No...No...No.. & No!!!
Share the Common Wealth of Australia with the 99% not the >1% mega financially rich & destructive!
** #Slogans/Photos... #Melb... #Syd... #Canb... #Bris... #Adel... #Perth... #Hobart... Other Locations around Oz... More info...
Have Your Say
Sydney March
Where: Belmore Park
Time: 13:00
#More info...#Slogans/Photos...
Next March 30/31 Aug 2014
Anti-Abbott "Not in My Name" Protest

Royal Commission into Corruption
11 March 2009Outside the Melbourne Magistrate's Court in Victoria men and women, young and old protest against corruption. Corruption affects each and every one of us. Currently, the Victorian State government does not seem to have the will or the courage to tackle the question of corruption in this state.
The Office of Police Integrity (OPI) does not have the power to shine the harsh glare of publicity on the links that exist between the criminal world, corrupt police officers, business, political and judicial interests in victoria. For more information goto Anarchist Age

Xmas Demos around Australia
17 December 2004Merry Xmas was the message to all children, families and fathers who have and are suffering a terrible fate at the hands of despicable laws and administrators of justice in, and affiliated with the Family Court. Thanks to all those who attended Family Court's in most capital cities.

Say 'No' Protest
18 June 2004All around Australia fathers and supporters were saying 'NO' to violence and abuse of the traditional family.
The members staged a mock decontamination of the evil influence and unnatural ideals and activities Nicholson has been allowed to inflict upon families of this nation. They called for a stop to the serious harm to children and their parents and the propagation of ill-will between bonded adults, to satisfy the political urges of Nazi like minority groups.
They condemned the ongoing transfer of family wealth and monies to a greedy minority, whose ill gotten gains promote the loss of faith in the human race by parents and lead them into suicide, murder and other actions normally foreign to their nature.
All Family Courts around Australia were manned by courageous fathers and other individuals who stood up to the wrongs being committed by the Family Court of Australia, members of the legal profession and other bodies affiliated with this industry. These people who live in shame(they know who they are), instigated, exacerbated and profiteered of the demise of families in crises. These negative systems and people will be weeded out - this is an F4J guarantee!

Family Court - Melbourne,Victoria
1 April 2004An 'April Fools' day where decontaminating the Family Court in Melbourne was the order of the day. Dressed in decontamination suits they bid good riddance to Alistair Nicholson the departing Chief Judge of the Family Court of Australia.
Disposable overalls and masks, purple flags, loud-hailers and non-stop activity was all the rage.
The occasion - well, it was a Sad Day as Alastair Nicholson was finally leaving the Family Court and position as Chief Judge on 31 March 2004.
It seemed only fitting that Fathers 'don' the white overalls, dust mask and be summonsed to attend the Family Court voluntarily, to join together in the sterilisation process bidding farewell to, what many people believed, a toxic man, not only for fathers, but children and families alike.
Thanks to many who attended on the day including Brian, Joanne, Ken, Simon, Maurice, Anthony, PT(President Torney), PMJ(Prime Minister John Piss The Family Court and Legal Aid), Syme, Greg and Michael. It was a crazy time and apologies to those whose names have temporarily been omitted - Send us an email and we will amend the list. View all photos at once

Law Institute of Victoria, Melbourne
19 Feburary 2004A humble protest one evening at a meeting at the Law Institute of Victoria, or as some people say, the 'devil's playground'.