The F4J Have Your Say area is simply a place for everyone where you get the Freedom, Peace, Love and Respect to share what's going on for you.
There is no right or wrong about what you say or how you say it
the main thing is you let it out!
So have your say, vent your spleen, say your peace, let your feelings, emotions and thoughts run free as opposed to bottling it up causing ill health in you and for others.
Chances are there is somebody relating to exactly what's happening or of concern to you. What you say may very well help others as well as yourself. Once we all realise we are not alone and we are all in this together in one form or another, as living men and women with fundamentally the same psychological and biological structure, a great sense of relief and peace can come from this knowing.
However, the only condition in this forum is we ask you not to identify family members by their true names. Not because of man made rules, fear or ignorance, but purely based on respect for yourself, your family and reasons of higher good, else you're free to let loose.
This Have Your Say section is an open forum and not censored as such giving you the freedom to let rip with whatever's on your mind.
So with all that out of the way.... Go straight to writing a comment now

I felt this was just another push towards dehumanisation, bringing in unnecessary and unrequested third parties. Digital everything and cashless, bank closures everywhere, repetitive bad attitudes and disrespect from bank staff especially during COVID, recent removal of quick balance feature on app and so on, so NO it was, amongst other things. From thereon it felt like an aggravated assault by this now assistant manager Nicole who had taken over. Unbelievably disgusting. and smirks were also on the face of Amanda the first teller as the assault went down.
Instead of either teller simply asking security questions, what was once a normal practice when required, the obstruction and refusal lasted a few minutes before I had to raise the process of them asking security questions to verify myself as the account holder.
I was asked 6 or so questions about the account which I answered without hesitation and even showed my driver license, with a photo.
This was not standard or necessary as I had only redone my signature some 6 months prior at another branch. This was abuse, a shakedown by an enemy combatant. Was it some anti-male prejudice in there or some form of individual discrimination, it is hard to tell.
One comment that came from the branch manager was something like "it must be the day for it". A rude and demeaning comment to say the least and certainly short of satisfactory performance.
When speaking with the branch manager and assistant after the ordeal, I got the impression these women could not speak freely as if being monitored, or perhaps for liability or other reasons. Whilst their conduct was poor, I explained I took umbrage mainly with the bank and its policies. Its proper leadership, or lack thereof is more in question.
But something has changed with these banks and they need to up their game back to proper acts of service and respect. A little push back from many and the improvement to something better will come quicker. To build back better we must all become better.
What is becoming very obvious is these large corporations are placing a heavy burden on their employees to do their dirty work, as we saw through the COVID rubbish. Another example is Coles and their refusal to remove their "smart" gates and perspex screens between self serve machines causing injury to both customers and their staff. This will be the subject of another post.

Become awake, then be the judge and the solution for a better world.
Stunning Short History of Why the World has Gone Mad!
Northern Light Convention - The Shapers of the Future
Watch more videos at:

He is not the only high-profile silk in the non-renewing category. As of July 1, former Australian Chief justice Murray Gleeson, QC, had not renewed his practising certificate with the NSW Bar Council, nor had former High Court judge Michael McHugh, SC.
The NSW Bar Council did not respond to repeated requests for information regarding the two senior justices on Thursday. McHugh’s Eleven Wentworth Chambers did not respond to a question regarding his certificate and whether he planned to renew.
Of course, the High Court investigation into Heydon’s alleged misconduct recorded a claim that Gleeson and McHugh were told of their colleague’s behaviour. Gleeson headed the court for a decade until 2008, while McHugh served on the court from 1989 until 2005.
A documentary by a production company thats made films for Netflix has been running 3 years now. They have targeted prominent barristers (QC's) and solicitors who with the help and protection of the NSW and Queensland Bar and their legal services commissions over a number of criminal offences including witholding critical evidence and misleading the courts in big cases. With these sort of judges you can only get justice by taking it to the streets.
The above appeared in CBD Melbourne on 12 July 2020 in an article written by:
By Samantha Hutchinson and Colin Kruger
July 2, 2020 — 11.59pm

Lawyers and parties involved in litigation have a legal obligation to disclose material even where the disclosure of such material helps their opponents. Yet judges turn a blind eye where such withholding of material is obvious. (breaches of disclosure obligations).
There is now a service provided by a company that provides a service to clients to be able to fight on equal terms by providing two vital services to clients to assist especially in litigation involving family law:
i) they can assist in locating people (missing partners and children, fugitive defaulting parents and children taken without authority from a custodial parent).
ii) using sophisticated tracing means locate missing documents, witnesses and communication between parties that were withheld from disclosure.
There is more. It is a highly cost effective means of smoking out cheats and the misconduct of their lawyers and people within the system who assist one party against the other when they are required to be independent (e.g. child psychologists including those appointed by the courts).
Write first for information detailing your name, type of matter location, telephone and email contact.

Whatever you do do not make verbal or written agreements with these utility providers as there is absolutely no need, especially for amounts that may not be yours and cannot sustain, giving them a reason to disconnect you as a form of default. Ideally it may not serve you to talk to them over the phone, especially when some can be quite insistent, if not coercive, about pushing you into an arrangement that you do not want or cannot sustain and have you acknowledge any arrears/debt that is not yours, so be careful.
Lose the fear and start taking your power back today and help the state with the contracting of the economy by paying less.If at any time you are disconnected simply call them up and 'ask' they put the service back on... that's it! If they attempt to get you into an arrangement stay strong and persist with only getting re-connected and say you require time to consider any offer they put to you, and that now is not the time to discuss any financial arrangements while you are under duress.
You could always ask them to read out, and confirm in writing, where in their obligations or under the Energy Retail Code, does it require them to conditionally obtain a payment arrangement before the service is re-connected. Disconnection is usually a Last Resort and rare event, as them being complicit in causing you harm is a big NO NO and quite separate to them collecting on a fiction.

A foreign born lawyer who defended an African man whose children had been kidnapped by an imposter and brought to Australia as a refugee claiming these children were hers is an example of how standing up to bullying can help and turn things around radically.
The lawyer ran the matter for 2 years pro bono with little help from anyone including from the Bar, whilst Legal Aid did everything it could including lying on affidavit to stand in his way.
The barrister (later a family court judge- the late Judge Andrews) who acted for the mother under instructions from legal aid Queensland chest butted this lawyer in court when he discovered he was on the losing end of the matter.
The lawyer persisted, was fined by the retired incompetent judge Bell (tinker bell as he was then known) for daring to act for the elder daughter and the father trying to regain custody of the two kidnapped children.
The federal attorney general at the time under a labour government in Canberra allowed the imposter into Australia inspite of her having full blown AIDS. His clerk said he had the discretion to waive her health requirements.
With the assistance of a police man with a conscience the father's side managed to access information the Family Court previously denied the father's lawyer.
Following a further hearing of the matter in which incriminating and damaging evidence about the conduct of the lawyers from the imposters side (including the late Judge Andrews) was presented, the matter was abandoned with the imposter fleeing town not to be heard of since.
Family Court appointed "independent" psychologists work with Legal Aid (or the women's only legal aid agency) to distort reports presented to the courts in favour of women. An example of this point was presented during this particular case.
Well may we say "God Save the Queen", but nothing will save the likes of Judge Andrews or his ilk within the Family Courts of Australia. If it is not the courts, the legal services commissions, the peak professional bodies, it is God that will eventually prevail along with the truth.
I ask you to take heed of this post and to speak up.

I'm looking to engage in mediation with my ex to arrange a concrete visitation agreement.
Does anyone have suggestions of father friendly mediation organization?

So what choice does a child have? From a child's fear of not fitting in or belonging, afraid of being alienated, to incurring the wrath of their parents, teachers or other ignoramuses.
Swags of kids are being subjected to their parent's ignorance, yet again, over and over. Parents who too have been trapped in fear and clear mind control in response to certain agendas by twisted individuals in this country and globally... its sickening i tell u and above all very unhealthy; physically, mentally, emotionally for our kids and contrary to law. So which part of unhealthy and the law do parents do not understand?
As for the lies the state has told this speaks volumes. All those complicit should be charged, jailed and assets seized. Parents, schools, govts and media outlets should be horsewhipped for causing such harm, dehumanization and overall child abuse on our precious young. This is not normal... no fuckin way!!! So to all parents and adults out there complicit in such crimes... STOP it NOW!!!!! You have been noticed.

Unless we take definitive and decisive action, like a mass withdrawal of labour, we will just keep getting kicked from pillar to post.
I left AU for my sanity after being falsely accused and being screwed over by the FCWA and CSA.
many of us have already lost a lot, if not all, so what have we got to lose?

His approach was a bit crude but very effective. He brow beat the judge to admitting he (the judge ) did not have sexual intercourse with a party to the proceedings. The judge caved in. This is unprecedented. We all have to be like Shane Dowling. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Putting that to one side (lesson learned) Youtube has become a bit sensitive about allegations against judges. The Chief justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland was overheard by a registry clerk in Queensland making disparaging remarks about the character of people from the subcontinent and Asians.
The Law Society of Queensland (by one of its former employees) also speaks of a general bias against Asian and in particular Vietnamese Australian lawyers and lawyers (regardless of their racial origins) from the smaller suburban firms.
The point I make is this. Unless we all stand up against this system, we will continue to be oppressed by a class of people who come from the upper end of town connected and powerful (till we topple them). They system is broke being staffed (or stuffed) by corrupt public school boys and girls.
There is a former High Court judge who is also overtly racist, perverted and corrupt (now in the cross hairs of a journalist and lawyer). He acted for the CBA and is believed also to have been the source of attacks against Dyson Hayden Banking Royal Commissioner. He makes disparaging remarks about women lawyers, men and one not of his class and does so in arbitration which he specializes in. He is also now known to have passed information on how he would deal with a matter, to one side of the two party battle.
This has to stop.
If they are capable of corrupt practices against each other think where you stand as a parent with biases against you on account of your gender as a man.

You can read my article on the same subject at the link below. I believe a mass withdrawal of labour by fathers and their supporters is the only way to go. The current Family Law Inquiry will amount to very little, if anything at all.

You can read my article on the same subject at the link below. I believe a mass withdrawal of labour by fathers and their supporters is the only way to go. The current Family Law Inquiry will amount to very little, if anything at all.

This is piece is aimed at those people who are going through the hell that is the Australian Family Court and Australian Child Support Agency, and are considering instigating class actions.

Excellent paragraph on the subject and highlighting some good points.
Yep the CSA don't like the truth to be said but the more we say it as it is and the more people read your say the better. A excellent platform to inform others of the reality of the whole broken system.
My ex wife gets back with a fat alcoholic old boyfriend and moves to a place miles away from the father and do the CSA and family court care, they don't give a shit.
The kids complained to me they hate him but i'm unable to do anything but report to child services. Outcome nothing done.
At the end of the day the kids will seek you out for the truth. All i can say is keep all the Family Court documents and CSA letters etc and save it as evidence that you tried to do the right thing but were shafted by the CSA / family law court system.
My bush pig ex wife has bad mouthed me to the kids and i guarantee many other ex wives will have done the same.
Trust me it will bite her in the ass because the kids will hate her for her lies and years of missed time with their father.

How can she deliberately turn down a job near The ex husband so the kids get the benefit of both parents and take the kids thousands of miles away to a dead beat town such as Mount Isa so the other parent gets no access to the kids and the fucked up CSA allow it to happen.
To make it worse she goes there with a absolute Feral drop kick that the kids hate and one of them claims hit them.
CSA informed but as usual not interested. What a bunch of assholes who's only interest is their own narcissism and men hating agenda.
The ex wife should work for the CSA, certainly not fit to be in charge of other people's kids, fucking hypocrite !
An absolute fat bush pig of a woman who makes it bad for other women who try to do the right thing and not use the kids as a weapon which she has done from day one and the CSA allow it to happen.
The CSA needs to be sacked as its not fit for purpose.

And now due to Covid 19 and no work the corrupt bastards still take every dollar and keep adding to the debt, this leaves the father in a worst financial and mental health situation and the CSA just enjoy being scumbags to the parent that does not have the kids.
They don't give a care about the father, the kids and any contact that they don't have, only the bush pig ex-wife who's constanly lies and use's the kids as a weapon against the ex-husband to get more cash.
The ex wife can even cut out the innocent grandparents. When explained to the csa, do they care, no they don't give a shit. These people in the CSA aren't human or understanding in any form,
As I've said before the CSA is not fit for purpose and Australia should be ashamed not proud of having one of the most corrupt and hated government departments in the world.
The only criteria for a job in the CSA, are you a narcissistic, people hating bastard, great they have a job for you in the CSA!

Please instead of letting off steam, sign the petition and let us move on with putting pressure on governments and on the courts compelling them to behave.
Indidual stories of abuse and false allegations are passe and don't do much to bringing this broken system to its rightful end. All you do is drive yourselves to madness.
Women and judges are as infallible as anyone else is. They are able to manipulate the system to their needs but not if you stand up to them and put up an intelligent resistance.
Cardinal Pell's guilt was the work of a woman first then a group of them channeling their causes via social media.
We too can achieve the same results for ourselves if we move in the right direction if we think and act. Lawyers like Luke Cudmore in Queensland, bright young and bold has turned around the fortunes of many men before the family courts against all odds. He speaks out about the biases of judges and courts because he believes in what he does. Not many like him.
Get on to the petition and lets all make some headway.

The govt has no authority over people, just like the spider has none over the fly, except for when the fly gets caught by the web and placed into the jurisdiction of the spider.
As the fly buzzes furiously for his freedom, perceived as aggression and belligerence by the government, the fly traps himself further and incurs the wrath of the spider.
The moral of the story is to understand what belongs to you and what you have control over, and what you do not.

I have a story for you.
Like to get involved if I can.

Hi Group
I launched my False Allegations Research Project 4 April 2020. To date I have emailed 12 surveys, of which 2 have been returned to me completed.
Many of us have been the unfortunate recipients of False Allegations in the Family Courts in Australia, so now is your time to have your say. The more respondents who take part in the survey the more accurate will be the data, and consequently, the final report about the crisis us falsely accused find ourselves in. I am hoping to receive a minimum of "300" completed surveys. More would be ideal.
I am undertaking this research project because 10-years ago this month (April Fool's Day to be precise) I was falsely accused of abusing my then 33-month old son in the Family Court of WA. In July of this year I will have been alienated from him for 10-years. No contact at all. Not even a photo or school report. And yet, I have still had to pay child support!
Rather than get angry and bitter and twisted, I am hoping to use the results of my research project to highlight the problem, and to bring about change and accountability.
You can find more details about the project, including the survey document by clicking on the link below.
Please feel free to pass on this link to anyone you feel may want to take part who are not members of this group. My email is mkresearchproject@gmail.com.
Thank you, Mark Kosmider

Divorced dads - "Yeah whats new? Welcome to our world, except there was never any help for us. Society was fine letting us struggle. It's only a problem now the entitled cannot go on their precious holidays.

I guess the constant nasty actions, and threats, of not allowing contact with my son; if I don't do what she wants or don't pay Child support got to me. Well I started giving her over 2.5 thousand dollars every year for his schooling and other incidental expenses of $40 per fortnight because I could not fight anymore.
Now my son is 15 and I understand the DHS system, especially family tax benefits A and B in which she receives.
I stopped paying her after another incident when she , out of the blue wanted more money. This time I said no! I also wanted to know where the FTB A & B payments go?
Anyway, since I said "no!" and my son is old enough to make up his own mind when he wants to stay with me, a great depressive fog has been lifted. By standing up I have taken my power back, with honors. Now she is screaming bloody murder wanting money and wont sit down for a mediated meeting so I can show her the records.
All I say now is "where has all the FTB money gone to"? I went through all the records, and with a school card fee remission my money covered all his schooling plus.
Anyway I'm just airing. The big test now is how can I, and my son, weather the storm of her threatening to take my son out of school while constantly in his ear about how bad his dad is for stopping voluntary payments.
This is the test. To get rid of my 'Stockholm Syndrome'.
Anyone else know if I'm right?

Karma will come back on you and one day the kids will find out the truth.
What a joke and a bloody hypocrite. Get a job with the CSA, you are well qualified and being a bush pig you should fit in well with those assholes.

Every bit counts.

yes I know it' is all shit Mate.
Call me or text for a chat Mate.
I'm in WA too.
0419 926 521

How can it be fair for the ex wife to agree to not having child support and renege on that agreement that was signed in a solicitors and the state court, when she had been left a mortgage free house, all contents and a good car.
Then she talks to her inbreed mates and gets these corrupt bastards (CSA) to get even more money from the ex- husband.
Well the CSA does not recognise the Australian legal system and are a law only to themselves.
When i contacted them, they stated you earn money and we take it!
They do not care if the father see's the children and as such he has no leverage to force the mother to give access visits etc.
The whole system is not fit for purpose, the people in it are narcissistic men hating bastards who should be given some of their own treatment and see how they like it. The CSA should be shut down, it should stand for CSA --Child Separation Abuse as all the CSA does is fuck up the kids lives with the parent who has no access.
Australia should be embarrassed by this system compared to the rest of the world. The CSA are not interested in the children, only their toxic system they run, SHAME ON YOU AUSTRALIA for allowing this to happen.

888 click-signs already! Let's make it 1,000 Thanks, Alex

Go to http://chng.it/Ymv9PdJZ
Already two formal complaints have been lodged against sitting judges in the Supreme Court of Queensland and one against a judge of the Federal Court (Family division).
Against the Supreme Court judges one is by a layer the other by a litigant who a judge abused during a hearing.
The fish they say rots from the head. If we don't arrest it there and remain intimidated, we are going to be like sheep in the fire engulfing our nation.

The csa maggots have all sorts of penalties they threaten the paying parent with, such " capacity to earn " ,back payment for a provisional amount that they think you've earned,etc etc.
But what penalties do they enforce on the receiving parent?
Do they force the receiving parent to do their tax return in return for payment?
Do they increase their provisional income on capacity to earn?
Do they carry out checks weather the receiving parent has other sources of income, such a working for cash or living above their means or claiming to be single, whilst living in a defacto relationship. Thus ripping off paying parent and centerlink? .
Do the look at bogus living arrangements such as living in seperation in a one bedroom unit for example.
The answer is nothing, they do none of that.
They just support and encourage parasitic lifestyles that do no good for themselfs or the people they sap off.
While the interrogate the honest parent who is forced to pay unrealistic amounts of money to someone who is no accountable to anyone. And then the fake news media dramatize domestic violence. Revolution dreaming...

Go to http://chng.it/Ymv9PdJZ
Pass it on.

Someone need to start a change.org petition and I am willing to give it a start. But each and everyone one of you needs to put your shoulder to the wheel and push it along.
No government ought to feel safe by ignoring the plight of children deprived of their fathers (and mothers) by an incompetent family court and government.
These are "our courts" "our judges" and we need to control them.

Australia's savings and its economy has suffered irrepairable damage because of it.
The judiciary are politically appointed and merit becomes a casualty in the family courts. It is the same in all our courts. The chief justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland is a case in point.
In Queensland they rolled a fine judge who was appointed as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in a most unconstitutional way and put in a complete nutter in the current Chief Justice. She forms views, does not like non Europeans, men and women who view justice as an outcome. But thats what we get for a politically correct appointment.
Queensland requires a Royal Commission every decade. Lets have one soon but also one at the national level to rid the family court of its judges and better still make them accountable.
We also need to make lawyers more accountable. And for that the pretentions of their 'immunities' and self correcting self regulating peak professional bodies have to go. Government need to have real people judge the judges and lawyers.
May 2020 be the year men find their courage, their tomatoes and get to starting a petition online to end the family court and women's rights only madness. We ar all Australians created equal before God aren't we?

Call me.Think of the kids.