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  • To introduce a law that recognises Parental Alienation as a criminal offence.
  • By Chris Neville
  • Petitions UK Government and Parliament
  • 29/04/2019 Make a Comment (11)
  • Contributed by: Daveyone ( 15 articles in 2019 )
Government responds to all petitions that get more than 10,000 signatures
Parental alienation can have severe effects on children —low self-esteem and self-hatred, lack of trust, depression, substance abuse and other forms of addiction - as children lose the capacity to give and accept love from a parent.

More details
What children of divorce most want and need is to maintain healthy and strong relationships with both of their parents, and to be shielded from their parents' conflicts.

Sign this petition ((LINK BELOW))
11,252 signatures

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    By:Brendon Besseling from Gauteng, South Africa on August 26, 2019 @ 7:56 pm
    I have read all your stories, and I've been separated for 8 years, since May 2011, I have not seen my daughter, she is turning 14 years old this year, the mother returned back all the birthday and Christmas presents, that I got for my daughter.

    I've been in and out of court for the last 8 years, but to no avail.

    Its as if I've been stuck for 8 years, and cannot move forward.
    Hear breaking.
    10. By:Edward Kielhack from IL, United States on August 11, 2019 @ 2:35 am
    Make this a law!!!
    By:Bethani Broussard from Louisiana, United States on August 5, 2019 @ 12:24 am
    The state alienated my 2 year career led and confused him to the point he told me I wasn’t his mom. It’s sick that this is happening. We have to stop it
    By:Danielle Winterburn from NSW, Australia on June 5, 2019 @ 9:38 am
    Currently going through PA went one week love you dad, then a week later only through text we get accounted of speaking badly about the mother and we’re abusive to the daughter. Plus she never wants to see her baby brother again. Just think it’s very weird that she won’t talk to us about it, and now all communication is blocked and visitation isn’t allowed. Mother pulls daughter out of school early on the days we are to pick up.
    By:Diane from WA, Australia on May 26, 2019 @ 4:57 am
    Too many people from all over the world are suffering because of the dreadful cunning narcissistic behaviour of people who think that they matter more than anyone else, especially ex partners and their children.
    Abhorrent behaviour that is unpunished, and let’s them do as they please, whilst the innocent decent parent strives for contact with their child to shower them with the love they have boxed up inside. These children are being abused and living frightening lives without love, security or contact with their normal rational and loving parent. This must be made a crime. The alienating parent harms children and any families that disagree with them with their narcissistic, cunning and threatening behaviour. They must be stopped as soon as possible! Or we will have the children behaving like their bullying parent when they grow up,
    By:Kimberly Dwojakowski from Michigan, United States of America on May 25, 2019 @ 6:26 pm
    I been Alienated for Children are Alienated
    For skin was born with cerbal palsey. Each of
    My children had special needs. My ex abusive. I was Silent
    For 13 yrs before enough I am done and No More. That's it.
    Took my children. Resist floor protection. Was denied.
    .Two and a half weeks I was with my children. Until I was
    Served divorce papers.he gets temporary custody. He filed
    First a b.d it was hard to overturn. My Son screaming down
    The street I want my mom kicking and crying. There was nothing I could do. 19 yrs..i haven't seen a whole day and night..No One Cared. Two wells is a lifetime to them Children have no concept of time. It is very sad the old laws needs to go.New Ones need to be made fford the next generation and Now..
    By:Suzi Smith from Shefa, Vanutau on May 25, 2019 @ 4:24 pm
    PA is an awful form of abuse that need to be recognised and punished
    By:Jeanne Murray from Texas, USA on May 24, 2019 @ 1:49 am
    Parental Alienation should be a crime.
    1st my daughter was taken away. I had joint custody, and never had 1 day of visitation! My husband said, "You are the only one dumb enough to think court orders need to be followed! Watch me!." My corrupt attorney failed to tell me he indirectly & accidentally just killed his new replacement wife, right before I retained him. He asked his new wife to drive, but failed to pull over far enough and she was killed by oncoming traffic as she walked around the car to assist with the driving!:
    By:NIKKI from Qld, Australia on May 22, 2019 @ 2:37 pm
    Hope the law is passed
    By:Phillipa Cunningham from Auckland, New Zealand on May 13, 2019 @ 5:04 am
    I have experienced severe Parental Alienation for many years, were my Child doesn't want to see me anymore.
    By:Kristen Mikulaninec from Fl, Usa on April 30, 2019 @ 4:34 am
    Hope this a law is passed

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