- Killed man's family 'disgusted with legal system'
- By Francis Tapim
- ABC News
- 04/06/2010 Make a Comment (10)
- Contributed by: admin ( 9 articles in 2010 )

A Brisbane jury two took just an hour-and-a-half to acquit Susan Falls.
The family of a man who was drugged and killed by his wife four years ago say they will not stop until they get justice.
Susan Falls, 42, admitted she gave her husband a curry laced with sleeping tablets before shooting him twice in the head, after years of domestic abuse.
A Brisbane jury two took just an hour-and-a-half yesterday to acquit the Caloundra woman of murder and the alternative charge of manslaughter.
Three men who helped Ms Falls to dispose of her husband's body were also found not guilty of being accessories.
The dead man's brother, Anthony Van Donselaar, says the prosecutors did a lousy job.
"I am totally disgusted with the legal system in this case; we have been let down beyond belief," he said.
"Me and my family will be doing everything in our power to make sure that justice is served in this case.
"We have been betrayed by the prosecution and the police in this matter; the legal system has truly failed us.
"She shot her husband dead, admitted to it and is still not going to jail. How does that work?"
To listen to the ABC Life Matters interview with Zoe Rathus (Director of the Legal Clinic at Griffith University Law School) defending the woman's acquittal Click Here
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Susan Falls, 42, admitted she gave her husband a curry laced with sleeping tablets before shooting him twice in the head, after years of domestic abuse.
A Brisbane jury two took just an hour-and-a-half yesterday to acquit the Caloundra woman of murder and the alternative charge of manslaughter.
Three men who helped Ms Falls to dispose of her husband's body were also found not guilty of being accessories.
The dead man's brother, Anthony Van Donselaar, says the prosecutors did a lousy job.
"I am totally disgusted with the legal system in this case; we have been let down beyond belief," he said.
"Me and my family will be doing everything in our power to make sure that justice is served in this case.
"We have been betrayed by the prosecution and the police in this matter; the legal system has truly failed us.
"She shot her husband dead, admitted to it and is still not going to jail. How does that work?"

Leave a comment on F4J below and to leave your point of view on the Life Matters Feedback Click Here.
Source: https://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/06/04/2917881.htm
self-defence, but as you say, this was premeditated. The problem with
juries is that they reflect public opinion in that they are a small
sample of it. Like any small sample of a broader population they can be
representative or biased. In this case the jury reflects the greater
opinion in the public that it's okay to kill men, because they can take
it and in fact, it's probably suitable to kill them in some cases
because they are violent and have earned it, and left their victims no
choice. The fact that this idea exists in the public at large is a
reflection of years of indoctrination by the domestic violence industry.
Does not drugging a man before shooting him multiple times constitute premeditated murder, deserving a death sentence or life in jail?
Whatever happened to simply leaving the husband, as we are all so used to?
If this gets acceptance without resistance it will be truly over for men, fathers and your sons as they grow older into adulthood.
Forget the Family Court and Child Support Agency, you won't be around to worry about things like that.
What the hell is going on?
Hunting Day on men has officially been launched!
For everyone else it's called leaving.
The Women's Domestic Violence Industry is so huge and well resourced that there is no excuse for a woman not having support and protection to leave.
Simply this is pre-meditated murder and the death sentence for this woman should have been handed down.
A man drugged and then shot multiple times. Simply amazing!
Whatever happened to getting away, driving or walking, ringing for help, the doctor, or the other hundreds of support people on hand.
There is no justification for this sort of behaviour nor should it be tolerated by the community.
This is simply setting up a precedent and opening up the flood gates for women to kill their husbands, or men in general.
Over time the defence standards will be lowered that a women's perception or fear at any time will be enough to kill when they desire, knowing full well as long as they have some form of excuse they will be let off.
This is the wrong message to be sending to women and the community.
Whilst F4J and people can feel sorry for this woman's perhaps awful ordeal, what about the man? How will his children and family feel?
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