The F4J Have Your Say area is simply a place for everyone where you get the Freedom, Peace, Love and Respect to share what's going on for you.
There is no right or wrong about what you say or how you say it
the main thing is you let it out!
So have your say, vent your spleen, say your peace, let your feelings, emotions and thoughts run free as opposed to bottling it up causing ill health in you and for others.
Chances are there is somebody relating to exactly what's happening or of concern to you. What you say may very well help others as well as yourself. Once we all realise we are not alone and we are all in this together in one form or another, as living men and women with fundamentally the same psychological and biological structure, a great sense of relief and peace can come from this knowing.
However, the only condition in this forum is we ask you not to identify family members by their true names. Not because of man made rules, fear or ignorance, but purely based on respect for yourself, your family and reasons of higher good, else you're free to let loose.
This Have Your Say section is an open forum and not censored as such giving you the freedom to let rip with whatever's on your mind.
So with all that out of the way.... Go straight to writing a comment now
Send submissions to Child Support Inquiry
THE SUBMISSION deadline for a Federal Parliamentary inquiry into the Child Support Program is likely to be extended to enable more people to respond on this sensitive issue, according to Committee Chair George Christensen.
Mr Christensen said that although the cut-off date was June 13, it was standard practice for parliamentary committees to continue to receive submissions.
“While that is the case, I have asked for the official deadline for submissions to be extended by three weeks,” Mr Christensen said.
“This is an extremely important issue and one that affects so many families, so we do want to ensure we are hearing from as many people and organisations as possible.
“The key point is, if you are working on a submission, please continue to do so and send it in.”
The inquiry into the Child Support Program was launched on April 30 and public hearings will be held in various centres throughout from June 19 through to early August.
Though submissions are being received, the greatest volume of communication on the program will be received via the online anonymous questionnaire.
The questionnaire can be completed on this page:
Further information about the inquiry, including the first submissions to be published, and the public hearing schedule, is on the inquiry website:
For media comment – please contact Lynnis Bonanno in the Chair’s office on (07) 4944 0662 or
0408 773 207.
For inquiry information – please contact the Secretariat: | (02) 6277 2223 |
Lynnis Bonanno
Electorate Officer/Media
On behalf of
George Christensen
Federal Member for Dawson
2/21 Milton St,
PO Box 1697
MACKAY. Q 4740
PH: 07 4944 0662 or 1300 301 979
1. Child Support anonymous questionnaire.
2. Submission to the Child Support Inquiry due by tomorrow (Friday) 13 June 2013, send your submission by the following link,
Or you can just send your submission to:
Committee Secretary,
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs,
PO Box 6021,
Parliament House,
Canberra ACT 2600.
Phone: (02) 6277 2223.
Fax: (02) 6277 4427.
Email address::
The current list of submissions (submission 3, 7 and 8 are worth to read) published to-date can found at:
3. Witness
To be considered as a witness at the Public Inquiry, please following this link:
The public hearing details can be found at:
Is the status quo ok or can we do better as a people and nation?
Where are our industries, manufacturing, production and service bases, jobs and incentive schemes?
Hmmm...good question and sorry to say they are dwindling every day causing Australia to be more reliant on the rest of the world for our survival.
So if we pull our head out of the sand and world of denial, can we all agree we are advancing toward greater freedoms and prosperity for all or are we simply heading down the slippery slope of conformity, tyranny and dictatorship??
I'll throw it out there what about building up support through a weekly F4J bike ride in each state.
WA it would be the foreshore on the Swan River to do a bridges ride 10K. Ideally meet on the foreshore in front of the family court or on the hill at parliament house wearing a bit of F4J paraphernalia on a Sunday morning
Hopefully building up numbers over the months.
I'm sure other capital cities would have ideal rides also.
Men like to keep fit and ride bikes
What say
However, although I might be an old fart and worn out, what I have gleaned over many years about the behaviour of Australian men in general, may explain the lack of enthusiasm to get up off their arse and fight. There being a few male exceptions of course, including those on this site.
a) Man is designed to only work for a short time and when he has to. Man can normally not endure hard times for any length of time.
b) Man is essentially hedonistic and non-sacrificial and yes and what's in it for him. Yes man often thinks with his dick as we all know. To work tirelessly without receiving some form of gratitude or satisfaction is not a man's quiescent state.
c) Man is unable to network with other men for the good of other men nor children. Their focus is narrow and concentrated.
d) Man will only get out of their comfort zone either when they choose to or are absolutely forced to survive.
e) Man has difficulty being open with his emotions and power unless under special circumstances, like at a sporting match where it's socially acceptable to shed a tear when his team loses or wins.
f) Some men can use their emotion to fight for their property and family, as it is an attack on his person and survival. But again, this is only for a short period of time as they don't have the mental or emotional stamina, usually not aware of their god given rights and power.
g) Man is often a fix it person and quick decision maker, hence if he can't remedy a situation he moves on. i.e. If something is too hard, like battling the system, he will work out a way to get round or over the obstacle.
h) Man often works on acceptable losses, they won't flog a dead horse.
i) Man won't go to jail for a principle.
j) Man has been feminised and sold his soul for the dollar, toys and fun.
k) Man is generally a loner and quiet type who don't need others to survive.
l) Man's ego is often far bigger than his belly. He is often loathed to become a fool and depart from political correctness. Society has robbed him of his true manly values and left him that of coward.
m) Man's need for control is strong, but not always strong enough when challenged.
n) When men feel like a failure, their morale is low and don't advance, depression and suicide can often be imminent.
o) Men often prefer peace to confrontation.
p) Men are more protectors, providers and defenders more than aggressors.
q) Man without true purpose is both lost and sunk.
r) Men have lost themselves and fail to remember who they really are.
Whilst your viewpoint may differ, these are but a few from my standpoint.
If men could only realise and resume their true brotherhood the world might be a far better place for all.
So in conclusion, man will mostly only fight a battle when he is personally affected. His fight will then usually be by himself as man alone due to his proud nature, limited knowledge and resources. He may join the collective battle some time later after he awakens to an underworld that is never revealed in the mainstream, but then how long he wishes to endure such resistance, hardship and sacrifice against such great forces, can only be attributed to what type of value the individual man wishes to place upon his life and that upon his brothers and sisters.
Numbers are the secret no doubt about it Shane. I'm with you. Why should good fathers keep getting th cue stuck up their ass? But maybe we are a minority. How many men are suffering, does F4J have a poll with numbers? Loss of assets, bugger all contact and excess child support, second class citizen, Im sick of it, it's all gotta end. Maybe dis is why im sick. Have wondered how this could be done and wht our plan would be. Question is how many fathers/men would follow when most are too slothful, ignorant, afraid and in their comfort zones. We would need issues that are righteous and good for every man/father/woman and family, else it won't stick. time for a beer
Clarence House
For the uninitiated the FamCrt game is a simple one. The first hearing (interim) gives primary residence generally to the parent who has possession of the kids usually backed by a status quo of stability for some months. Fathers can often become primary carer of the kids at this point if mums have run off, left the abode or in a bad state on drugs etc. From a lawyers perspective and the business of fleecing mum and dad, lawyers will prefer that Dad's win at interim residence as this way it keeps both parents in the fight at least up until the final hearing where Dad thinks he has a good chance of so called victory.
The final hearing however, if mums put their hand up for residence they pretty well get it. Only the exceptional case of big dollars, a qc, and very good evidence against the mum may win it for Dad.
Psych reports, witnesses and evidence/affidavits are all part of the illusion to keep two or more parties embroiled in a conflict that ultimately liquidates their cash and family assets.
"We don't need a warrant - we're the Police!" ..... Australian Police trespass, assault and imprison Australians with impunity.
"We don't need a contract - we're the Banks!" ..... Australian Banks steal from and dispossess Australians with impunity.
"We don't need a commission - we're the Judges!" .... Australian Judges deny Australians their Rights with impunity.
What of the Rule of Law?
"All law hangs on loving God and loving one's neighbour as oneself."
God once delivered the People of Israel from the slavery of the Pharaohs.
When will God come again to "deliver us from evil"?
No reason you have to be represented by lawyers unless some specific direction by the courts as far as I know.
For more info & link to sign petition:
It never ceases to amaze the dumbness, self-centeredness, self serving and shortsightedness of the ruling class when it comes to looking after the people, on whose behalf they 'supposedly' were elected to fairly and wisely represent.
Of course the simple and complete answer to all public assets and resources of the nation is to have them owned and administered by the people for the people, avoiding bankrupting this great nation we call Australia and home, to foreign interests who don't care for anything but making a profit without regard to the negative footprint they leave behind.
The only path we should be considering is the wonderful concept of Social Investments where these are setup giving people a direct interest in public services, not shares through an antiquated stock exchange, but many opportunities, employment with great rewards and incentives for all allowing communities and local economies to flourish.
It's really not that hard with the right mindset and attitude and once you get rid of those captains of the ship that continually run aground. This will in turn put big happy smiles on all our faces as we advance towards a brighter future, not some carcinogenic cesspit of fear and being controlled as expendable and mindless robots.
However, the paradigm shift needed for the well-being of the community short and long term will never come as long as our so called leaders and representatives are controlled by interests externally to the best interests of Australia and its people.
The political system has been infiltrated for many years and it's time the people canvassed new ways and forms of leadership in Australia. The political structure and landscape is old and requires an alternative structure, if the current system cannot be suitably transformed.
The trouble has been when you have puppets at the helm who answer to foreign masters, rather than be true leaders and representatives of the nation's people, of course you will always see this continual sell out until one day, there will be no lucky country and our kids will inherit a gigantic physical, psychological and economic wasteland.
This is not what we want to leave our kids, is it?
So remember, we are the problem as individuals, and both individually and collectively have allowed this to happen. Yes, we have taken our eye of the ball, been deliberately distracted by all the control mechanisms, environmental stimulants and addictions known to man, but it's now time to wake, think clearly, act and be brave!
It's up to YOU and each and every one of us to ensure good things happen in this country and around the world. For when we each truly care for others, there will simply be nothing ever to worry about. Good luck to us all.
"It is a serious matter for the state compulsorily to remove a child from his family of birth. The section 31(2) threshold is an important measure to protect a family from unwarranted intrusion while at the same time protecting children from harm [1] [75]. The wording of Section 31(2) has been the subject of six appeals to the House of Lords and Supreme Court. Those cases have consistently held that a prediction of future harm has to be founded on proven facts: suspicions or possibilities are not enough. Such facts have to be proved on the simple balance of probabilities [36]. This approach is supported by the legislative history of section 31(2) [45-46] [96]. It would be odd if the first limb (actual harm) had to be proved to the court's satisfaction but the basis of predicting future harm did not [47]."
As for "future harm as a justified reason to take peoples children away", in the main as I understand it, this appeal kills that notion. However keep in mind, we don't want to limit SS from acting when they should and getting kids killed, as has been the case before, but rather we want to stop SS from blatantly removing kids and deliberately fracturing families, not under the guise of safety, but other agendas with destructive intent.
As to "can those parents use that judgment to appeal & get their children back", well this is a good question and one that needs to be pushed repeatedly, through the high court if need be, to allow and promote reunification plus installing a barrier to keep the state out of the lives of all normal loving and caring families once and for all.
The issue of compensation for affected families I believe also needs to be considered.
ie. TUT TUT State, hands of our kids!!
If a referendum is not the answer, then please tell us what we should be asking for.
Although the game at the Family Court circus is rigged with far higher odds against fathers, winning is not always about being triumphant at the conclusion of a Final Hearing.
Firstly, there are no Final Orders when it comes to children as their needs are dynamic and always need to be reassessed. You could have another final hearing in 2 or 3 years time. This hearing on Monday maybe just one battle of a long war, not necessarily a foregone conclusion to having your kids lost forever.
If the FC appointed psych and child rep(ICL) are against you overtly or covertly cos you have a pair of coconuts and not in the FC club, there's not much you can do apart from giving it your best shot kicking them all in their nuts where it hurts, including members of the FC fraternity. Fighting for the rights and welfare of your children is paramount and must always be your first consideration, as I'm sure it is.
On a big picture scale it's a mother's domain with so much history to it, and not personally about you. Of course it's the 'norm' to award mum custody/residence at final hearing time, save rare exceptions.
Preliminary court advice to a self represented litigant in the absence of the above info made available would be to simply run process, be as clear minded and unemotional as you can, don't buy into all the tricks and allegations of the other side, and don't concern yourself with the outcome, as easy as that may sound.
The best you can do at this stage for the short and long term, is feel you have been credible, truthful and true to yourself. Saying what you believe is right and important, no matter what your lawyer has told you, what theatrics lawyers and the judge may throw at you, or what you hope or think the outcome maybe.
In the years to come knowing you did your best with what you knew and the resources you had to keep your kids safe will be what matters. We can't control everything all the time, and where it comes to safety of our kids this can be a hard pill to swallow.
Put all your concerns/abuses before the court and on the record with as much supportive independent evidence as possible. Abuses must be direct threats to the safety of the child. Abuses that any independent fair minded person would agree with, not just your set of values.
Good luck!
So who is up for it.
Join a class action for damages arising from the discrimination meated out by the BASTARD Judges and Magistrates
Use the ambulance chasers themselves, one of or a bunch of the big class action firms - no win no pay.
Don't wallow join up.
I want to hear from people willing to sign up and tell their story. Give the money to your kids for the slow start these bastards are imposing on them.
Who's up for it?
Are they planning to do anything or try to get away with doing nothing believing we will still vote for them because they are not quite as bad a Labour and the Greens. If they do nothing I'll vote for the lunatic fringe parties and see where that goes