The F4J Have Your Say area is simply a place for everyone where you get the Freedom, Peace, Love and Respect to share what's going on for you.
There is no right or wrong about what you say or how you say it
the main thing is you let it out!
So have your say, vent your spleen, say your peace, let your feelings, emotions and thoughts run free as opposed to bottling it up causing ill health in you and for others.
Chances are there is somebody relating to exactly what's happening or of concern to you. What you say may very well help others as well as yourself. Once we all realise we are not alone and we are all in this together in one form or another, as living men and women with fundamentally the same psychological and biological structure, a great sense of relief and peace can come from this knowing.
However, the only condition in this forum is we ask you not to identify family members by their true names. Not because of man made rules, fear or ignorance, but purely based on respect for yourself, your family and reasons of higher good, else you're free to let loose.
This Have Your Say section is an open forum and not censored as such giving you the freedom to let rip with whatever's on your mind.
So with all that out of the way.... Go straight to writing a comment now
They spend Billions a year on domestic abuse & they haven't even agreed on what it is yet' or accepted gender specific domestic violence polices' don't work & they haven't got a clue when it comes to child protection. No idea on what needs to be done or why. A bit like care really means they don't the same thing applies' they don't have a clue.
A child's "needs" cannot be optimally met by a single parent, however loving. Kruk's findings show that a child must spend at least 40% of his time with a parent to establish and maintain a beneficial attachment.
David Cameron doesn't seem to care about what is in the best interests of children or he would of honored what the Conservatives pledged to do in their pre-election manifesto.
On 17th October 2004 the Conservative Shadow Secretary of State for the Family, Theresa May, pledged to end the misery of the family courts. Unveiling a strategy for institutional change.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ivor Catt
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 3:23 PM
“We believe it is critical to most children that they have a good relationship with their mum and their dad. We know that it is usually also very important to both parents. When it is safe and consistent with the child’s welfare, ....” – Lisa ....
Above is from the debate cited by David. This is the silver bullet, which destroys a father’s chance of helping to bring up his child(ren).
In the past, I have reduced this to ridicule by suggeting that legislation making education compulsory be modified by the caveat; “Education of children is compulsory when it is safe and consistent with the child’s welfare.” There is no possi8bility that this caveat will be added in any other legislation enshrining a citizen’s rights. The purpose in the case of a father’s access to his child is to make it easy for a judge in a secret court to cause complete break between father and child, perhaps by refusing to enforce court orders when there is a hint of violence. It is nothing to do with a child’s safety.
Ivor Catt
when dealing with the csa always record any communications, you can buy a cheap voice recorder that plugs into the phone for like 20 bucks, tell them you are recording to train your lawyer, if the csa make any financial suggestions they can be reported and will get their arse kicked hard, make sure you ask them if they are a certified financial adviser?
i cant recall the agency to report them to, so i will post when it comes back to me.
always ask for a full name and id number if they wont give it just hang up.
i have slowed the csa down over the years by citing their acts of limitations but now they just don't care, so they need to be held personally liable. Once the members start being charged for their own actions i imagine things will change rapidly.
suing the agency is of no good as you may win by settlement but that establishes no precedence so your just fucking over your fellow man.
i am now getting garnished even though i pay the ex directly and have signed receipts stating for child support, (like i said they don't care,they don't care because they know that they and the family court fuck us so hard that we cant afford accountability) they refuse to accept these receipts on the grounds that if they did my ex would not receive child support for some time due to the large credit,( i have this in writing) its a fucking joke, a few public hangings might be in order?
i will gladly join a class action if any get started?? and/or support a bill to reinstate the death penalty for public officials acting outside their limitations.
there is just no accountability for any officers or women in Australia, men are defiantly fucked by all.
im now going to pressure my employer to cease garnishment as its unlawful without a court order, we will see how that goes?
i'm also over the next twelve months going to go completely private and cash in hand and if these bastards try to enter my property to gain payment which i do not owe, they will be trespassing and face self defense, this is what it has come to.
Was told "well take a loan on your house or better still sell it"
I work 70h hours a week to pay Tax and CSA - No life outside of work.... Can these bastards get you if your Dead?
There maybe many different solutions experienced.
These changes took place during 2008 as a small step for the CSA to come into alignment with the declaration of human rights, however they will abuse your rights in every other manner.
Drowning in debt from an unfair system!
1. Parents don't separate until youngest 18
2. Parents stay in counselling/mediation sessions until they work out mutually amicable plan to take care of kids until youngest 18.
3. Everything 50/50 as if parents weren't separated.
This may seem simple and unfair but so are the alternatives!
"Without support Australia may lose the ability to grow and process food in the future, placing the food security at risk, said Mr Gurney.
It is shocking to think of a food industry in Australia without a classic Australian brand such as Rosella, and action is desperately required to reverse this trend before all of our food is produced overseas," he said.
As predicted, Google is the next target to be controlled by those at the top.
Read more and cast your vote at:
Those who have taken authority as the truth,
Rather than the truth as authority."
G. Massey, Egyptologist
Absurd laws liken allowing hear-say evidence in F courts has always lead to nonsense judgements. Two well known examples are the inquisition and star chamber debacles.
You people putting the latest up for all to see means we keep up to date on the latest issues.
Keep up the good work!
I'm sure if there was an FC like ours in Ireland it would have been leveled by now.
Convict conditioning, brainwashing or fear, call it what you like, many australian men are still asleep.
Whilst many prefer dumbness, I prefer to be awake!!
F4J appears to advocate love and justice. If that is correct then patience and peaceful protest are still our best friends.
Even a slap in the face from his daughter, as well as expecting sole title to a block of land that was earnt through many long hard years of recycling aluminum cans.
Even his son now looks like the man he once knew as a family friend, who now upon looking back, did seem to hang around far too often.
It all just hurts too much including getting old, especially after 30yrs of burying unresolved hurt and issues being abandoned, humiliated and emotionally starved of love.
What will become of all these men?
By the way I still cannot log in to this site the page just goes blank
Family Court is a misnomer. A more apt name should be "Family Caught".
If the father is threatening the belt there are issues there that need to be looked at. If he's a bad man and hurts your grandson send an urgent email to F4J with the man's address. No more to be said on that subject.
If it was an isolated threat, he may have been under stress as the system and a breakup can push people pretty bad. If he treats his son bad he will no doubt lose him, but more importantly let's hope he grows up without serious issues to deal with in adulthood.
Forget the courts and CRC's, common sense and common law or fair play in the proper sense, as you just won't get it. It's all about MONEY, MONEY, POWER, CONTROL, their fragile EGOs & keeping the good name of the court (racket) in tact.
The answer short of the guillotine for many in the Family Court System is simply for your son to walk with his feet away from his father and straight towards strong child caring professionals that can be trusted. If your grandson does this enough of his own free volition, and it gets recorded this will be a step in the right direction for him, if his will and wishes are strong enough for him to remain persistent.
A good article on this site about an 11yo running away and finally getting his wishes to see the parent of his choice is:
One may think I am a cynic. No... just someone with plenty of experience in this area, unfortunately.
This is where the focus should be. The division of financial resourses following a break up should not be done after the child has been allocated to a parent, but before. In giving custody, the court\'s should take into account, amongst other factors, the ability of a parent to financially support the child. There should also be pressure to move away from the concept that marital assets should be split fifty fifty, no matter who earned the money. Being a stay at home mother or father is a pleasure and is not work. It does not have the same financial value as a successful businessman or even a regular working person. Almost anyone can be a stay at home parent, not everyone can run a successful business or even work solidly for many years. can we change these two principals? 1. custody and after that division of assets should become division of assets and then custody is decided. 2. Stay at home parents should get much less than 50%.
I don't remember much below about the age of 10 and pretty well nothing under 5. This so called father person not known to me abandoned my mother, my three brothers and myself leaving her and us in a very destitute position back in the 60's. There was no social security & positive support like there is today. She was affected so badly from the stress that she had a brain tumor, nearly died and pretty much ruined her life. Although upon talking to her, you wouldn't think so from her good sense of humor and positive, supportive sacrificial nature for her family on a continual and tireless basis, even whilst somewhat blind and immobilised.
As for the dog of a father (no disrespect to dogs) he has no doubt had an empty life from the lack of many family members that he could have had the privilege of being with. Perhaps it's really his loss!
I guess I want to send a message to all fathers & mothers not to abandon their children to pursue their own selfish and narcissistic needs, for the ramifications for the children left behind can be quite horrendous for a long time and possibly most of one's life.
Although, I get pretty angry towards this let me say sperm donor of a Dad for all the pain caused to our family with some pretty strong feelings at times i might add, I then think we were better off without a useless father who may have made our lives far worse in other ways.
Ive pretty much come to accept these days (well I think I have), that the past can't be changed and it's what it was, attempting not to lose myself in the past for it won't do any good. It doesn't mean i don't get worked up about it at times, although, I try to forgive, understand and be grateful for what I have in the present. This is not easy I might add, taking much hard and repetitive work however I persist when I can.
As I am more aware these days these days, I believe I am a better person for all my experiences, perceived negative or otherwise. However, each day is a new opportunity to continue to purify my mind and soul, hopefully bettering myself wherever I can, for myself, loved ones and all those around me, for it's all I believe anyone can really do.
May we all live happily, in harmony & in peace!
Says it all for me how about you?
All of us