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Who wants to be dictated to by the State on how you support your children what, how and when?
Whilst many views float around arguing for and against child support, most decent fathers and parents would argue the issue is not whether or not they wish to support their children, but rather the often unfair conditions imposed upon them.
Simply, it's an attack on the nature of a father's freedom and how he best wishes to raise and support his children in the many different ways a responsible father can, which are often more effective and benefical to a child than any 'slap-bang' instrument of government and statism can ever be.
For a father going through separation/divorce, experiencing the loss of family and children, horrendous false allegations, litigation, uncertainty of where your children are and how they are doing, often causes ill health, work and life instability in so many ways. Also, the effects from not having a fully functioning and emotionally present Dad in a child's life can be equally, if not more devestating as their development can be hindered considerably.
Then if that isn't bad enough, along comes an assessment from the Child Support Agency (CSA) for an outlandish sum of money based on your capacity to work at the highest rate when you were fit and able and on fire, which is possibly a stark contrast to where your financial position is today, or will be in the future if you are unable to recover from the upheaval of a traumatic separation that's often compared to a fate worse than death.
From 2006 CSA powers in Australia have increased to not only garnish your wages, but directly withdraw from bank accounts any amount they deem appropriate, siezing assets of any sort to pay the often highly questionable and unjust debts. As Fathers are assaulted with such draconian measures, one can only feel a sense of dictatorship giving rise to a totalitarian society not a free Australia causing fathers to unite and fight for their rights and freedom.
As there are many issues surrounding child support and the effects upon fathers, children and families,
Share your opinion and experiences about the pros and cons of child support,
lifting the veil on a most horrid part of family breakup!
Start writing a comment now...

Welcome to the nightmare called the CSA, and it will only keep getting worse!
As I mentioned in another response, you can try lodging an application with the AAT (Administrative Appeals Tribunal). Don't delay! Such applications are very time consuming, hence most people don't bother, or quit mid process. In my opinion it is worth a try. They are separate from and independent to the CSA.
Once the CSA have you in their crosshairs there are not many options open to you and your partner. That being said, as has already been mentioned (by Berto?), if you can legally reside and work in another country, do so immediately.
As "Mark from WA, United Kingdom on November 7, 2019 @ 2:44 am" wrote, another option to escape being unfairly hounded by the CSA, albeit an extreme one, is suicide.
Best of luck.

You need to understand that your ATO and CSA taxable incomes can, and often are, different. very different! The CSA will grab at anything, even your rent allowance: to them this is an income. There are many other examples of this money grabbing if you care to Google. You will get nowhere appealing internally to the CSA, they are biased. You need to lodge an application with the AAT (Administrative Appeals Tribunal). If you don't do this in the correct timeframe you will first have to apply for an extension of time, which is not always successful. So don't delay! Such applications are very time consuming, hence most people don't bother. In my opinion it is worth a try. They are separate from and independent to the CSA.
For what it's worth I don't believe you are being unreasonable, but then I am not the final decision maker. Good luck Jake from WA!

Given to live near my work as required. My second appeal was rejected and the tribunal seems like a waste of time as there is not enough policy to guide us. The case managers can go above and beyond to fuck you. I currently pay 22k for child support, after school care and school fees. Next year because of the cost of living I will be paying 32k and not be able to afford to live. Can anyone please provide advise. If you think I’m being unreasonable I would also appreciate your honesty

Call me.Think of the kids.

If you are having no joy appealing directly to the CSA to reduce your assessment, then your only real option, and success is in no way guaranteed, is to lodge an appeal with the AAT (https://www.aat.gov.au/). If they decline your first application appeal this - it's just he game you have to play. It is a lengthy cumbersome process, so don't give up.

Deceitful X wife and all the bull shit.( still got shit going on, she wont leave me alone and just see my kids)
Mate to be as up front as I can I told child support to fuck off and I will never ever give that deceitful thieving C--t a cent and I told them I know your recording the call, I know your account is at $40k and feel free to play it back to the b--ch.
Shane mate and anyone else call me for a chat or email me if you can't talk (I go through times when I can't talk either)
0419 926 521 or shanegodwin66@gmail.com
We are loosing more men a year (and it's not just about the men) than we did in the Vietnam war in 6 f--k'n years.
WTF if wrong with this hey??
Call, text opr emasil, I have lost to many people I know because of this fucked up system.
Happy to chat, court tomorrow morning, wish me luck..
The X just accused me of sexually abusing the kids.
4 months she will keep them from getting together.(long story she was investigated April before last for belting the shit out of my 5 year old Daughter)
What a complete bottom of the barrel shit to do.
Mate's we need to try to fix this shit, not for us because it's too late for us but for our children.
So sorry guy's however I'm really pissed this time.
Happy to chat if you want to call.

If you suspect your wife is working cash in hand, and thus avoiding paying tax, report her to the ATO. The ATO will be more interested than the CSA. However, be sure to Cc the CSA.

I recently call the child support agency as i was advised that my ex was working cash in hand as a hairdresser for 2-3 days and also working as a receptionist for the other days. I rang the agency and asked them about this, to which they responded that if they start a investigation and they find that she is, they will not necessarily rule in my favour. My children are 16 and 17, how when the kids are at that age and fully self sufficient is one person working part time not taken into calculations.
Additionally i also recently that my days of care was severely under calculated and had it altered, this did not result in any change to the calculation, however if my pay jumps in the slightest it is re-calculated.
All this may sound like i am a whinging dad, I always wanted custody of my children and I always do everything i can, both financially and emotionally. Being told she is allowed to get away with cheating the system by working cash in hand and she doesn't have to work full time because she makes enough from the child support is not a fair situation, working part time when there is no reason should be taken into the calculations.
The kicker was when talking to child support i was spoken too like i was a dead beat dad for bringing the above to their attention, i even had to ask the operator i was talking to, to please stop talking over me and that the message when calling asks the customers to talk to them with respect so i would expect the same.

I hope that there is someone from the government that reads it and finally does something about it
I hope that the gentleman has good support from family and friends
Our hearts are with you mate

My issue is that my wishes as a parent were never considered. I had no choice but to let the CSA decide what they think is best for the child, with no reference to her, her life or her situation. My objections were solely considered financial and the CSA forced me to comply with my ex and their rulings.
My beautiful daughter killed herself. I am broken. How can a government debt collecting agency over rule what the parent considers is best for the child?

Pauline Hanson is trying to sort all this b/s out

Send to PM instead- lets see how christian he really is.

Child support for son ended in November 2018. But I am currently still providing child support for daughter.
daughter resided with me in Victoria, in January 2018 for 6 months and then decided she didn’t want to live with me due to my expectations of her attending school and getting a after school job. She went back to her mothers, in June 2018.
I have had concerns since she has returned to her mother’s place, At 16 years old she went a lived with her boyfriend and started to receive Independent allowance (I believe living away from home allowance) through Centrelink, as she told the counsellor at Centrelink she could not live with either parent, which was not the case, she chose to not live with her parents.
Because of this, daughter was pregnant at the age of 16.
My daughter has split from her boyfriend and resides back with her mother, (mother) has applied for child support which was approved as daughter as she is classed as a dependent (mother receives $16.200 pa ) , but daughter is receiving a single parenting payment and child support from the baby’s father.
I have made contact with Child Support through Centrelink regarding child support, as I do not believe I should be paying this as my daughter is independent, to be told that it’s a Centrelink matter.
I would like more clarification around this, I am happy to support my daughter but if she is receiving payments already, then I should not be made to pay child support.

To CSA. Complaint 1. I received a wadd of letters today (2nd Dec 2019) are all (dated 25th Nov 2019), which is dating back from 1st July 2011- 30th April 2013. None of this makes sense, HOWEVER, from 1st Jan 2010 – 2nd Dec 2019, I have paid $12,234.63 according to my payment summary. Complaint 2. I was expecting paperwork in regard the mistake made by CSA - here is the reference number R39218185 of the call whom I spoke with Di. Instead I received the wadd of letters mentioned above in complaint 1. Complaint 3. It is ludicrous that CSA is only available by phone until 4:35pm, when the working FATHERS are still at work and can't call. Adding to this, CSA has no place to make online enquiries, EXCEPT if it is a complaint, like what I am having to do here. Please get one of your people to call me after 3:30pm (Adelaide time) on a weekday. If I am unable to answer, please give me the courtesy of leaving a voice message.

Please don't do anything that your kids will have to live with for the rest of their lives.
I have lost 3 mates over the last couple of years and they all left innocent kids behind, not fair and not their fault either.
The kids are all fucked up now!!
Now Guys or Mate's,call me anytime 0419 926 521 (call or text and I will call you back, I promise)
I don't want to lose anyone else because of the fuck'n system.
Stay strong and keep breathing my friends.

Now she has made a report to the powers that be that I have been sexually abusing my kids.
Just when I thought there was nothing more she could do to me.
My poor son text me on his phone and asked why I didn't pick them up on Friday, he was told nothing of course..He is absolutely spewing on how and why his Mother would do this.
My poor kids, it's so not fair.
Has anyone got some advice or something?
I have spoken to the investigating officer on Friday but he wouldn't tell me anything.
call me or text on 0419 926 521

Child support (legalized bullies) have the hide to tell me to find somewhere cheaper so I can pay more child support
Seriously what has Australia become
I'm really f**king over this shit with them
It's not worth getting up every morning and going to work
I live like a pauper every week as it is
The system is f**cked

I have read a few people saying the only was to escape the CSA is to leave Australia, or end your life.
After being falsely accused of abusing my then 33-month old son and not having had any contact with him for several years, and after being continually hounded and harassed by the CSA I left Australia in Q2 2015. This was after calling WA home for 22-years!
Even now back in the UK, I am still being hounded by the CSA for payments which do not reflect my vastly reduced income.
The only true way to rid yourself of the CSA is to end your life - it's as simple as that. I constantly think about this option and always have a ready made noose handy. The fact I am writing this means I have yet to follow through on ending my life, and this is a constant source of frustration to me. I often hate and despise myself for not being able to follow through with ending my life.
Some people say think of your son, however, after 9+ years of total alienation, there is a strong possibility his mind would have been poisoned beyond repair thus making reunification virtually impossible.
This is the reality of life once you have been registered with the CSA.

It Makes little difference whether you are Fired or resign due to say Mental health reasons.
A change of assessment needs to be lodged asap. CSA will still charge you a minimum amount which I think is $25 per week, if you have income or not.
If you leave your job for the latter reason mentioned above, make sure you are referred to a good psychologist/ Psychiatrist who will provide you with reports on treatment/ medication. these should be submitted to CSA with Change of Assessment.
It's worth noting that if your child turns 18 in say January, you will still need to pay until schooling is completed including university. The only exception is if your child has a gap year between the end of high school and the beginning of University.
Don't take my comments as gospel or advice. do some investigation of your own starting with your case officer.
sorry to be the bad news messinger.

If you think child support stops when they turn 18
Stop and think again cause if they are still in school you have to pay till they finish and there is nothing you can do about it
The whole system is crap
The child support people are just legalized bullies
No wonder we are all suffering mental health issues these days
Child support actually told me to find somewhere cheaper to live so I could pay more
They have my protected income of $750 a fortnight
That doesn't even cover my rent
The only advice I can give is vote for Pauline Hanson cause she wants to sort child support out for us guys

Last financial year also I gave ex directly another 6.5k towards sons and daughters braces above csa payments, as I will most likely get a debit can I get this 6.5k taken into account??any advice is welcome ta

I've been paying CS for 4 years ,the last year I have had full care of my children 100% court ordered and all. But with a click of the mother on the CS mygov she can change the % rate still. So 14 days if you haven't replied to the change (court order) the % back ,stiff too bad so I have a $11,000 debt. And because I haven't done my tax they go off your last tax return.
So many hours on the phone ,so much extra burden for years . 95% of the people you speak to don't seem interested. God forbid if you get frustrated with them ffs.

I'm new to this forum and hope someone can help or point me in the right direction, I'll try to keep it brief.
Recently separated with baby now 2 months old, ex is going through child support and we are trying to determine percentage in carer. Child support people say I have to provide proof of my son in my care 100% part of the time. Furthermore, the ex objects to me taking him to my place on some occasions hence reducing the time 100% in my care. Any suggestions how I resolve these problems amicably?

we all going throw this and no one will listen and no one will change any thin.
I am not sure what is the point of all of us posting on this place.
its just make you more frustrated.
and if you go and fuck the government and family court you will be called crazy.
but what the doing to every one its normal.
cant tell any more what is right and what is wrong mate
sorry for all working mums and dads that the have to pay there hard earning to there x partners and there in no chance in hell
that what you pay its getting spend on your child every one know about it but the will not change this broken system .
because Australian government build on Froud so this is very normal for them.

His mum is going for child support, he works and earns significant income, applied for change to assessment under Reason 4 which will take 90 days but CSA are already taking full money out, I'm paying spousal support not child support as my son supporting himself...I've been to my member of parliament - dont know what else to do, I'm classed as a A grade client with CSA for over the last 15 years which accounts for nothing...ive submitted all documents and its been ongoing since 27th July...unfair and unjust and Im paying for her Bali trip at Christmas...Mental Health hey!!

The hardest part of this to swallow is HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Surely the system would be electronic in most input (and at least with actual income confirmation with the ATO). All they could, or would tell me, was 'its a keying in error'.
Now again; I'm a little lost and bewildered to how in 3 weeks I can go from receiving, to now paying! The only advise they would give me was to fill out a objection form. And to be honest I'm not quiet sure what I'm objecting? That a keying error occurred? That I have several other pieces of documentation that say otherwise?
I will suffer a financial loss at the cost of CS due to this. I lodged my tax return late (2 years worth) for the 16/17 and 17/18 financial years in November 18. My provisional income was bassed on $61,00 yet my actual income those years was $26,000. I lodged late; I accept the loss of over $7,000 (however if my income was higher I would have incurred a debt! How unfair is this system). And to now again; be handed another loss means I am going to be bear near $8,500 loss over 3 years.
I have been separated from my ex husband for over 6 years. On initial separation I was paying him over 4 times the amount I am even receiving from him now. Yes I changed jobs (I could not sustain my job and be a full-time parent; note neither could he! But he found / or was fortunate enough to find a woman who cares for his kids ECT while he works). I won't appologise for not wanting to shack up with a guy who wants to stay home and play 'daddy' to my kids and not work.
If CS actually takes a true reading and reflection of incomes for the past 3 years; I would be owed a great deal more than the $3,500 they stated on the 6th of August. The system is not fair, in fact; it's the only Australian system that penalises you for over estimating! Even Centerlink and Family tax advise you to over estimate than under estimate to lessen the likelihood of incurring a debt.

They're thieves! They're thieves! They're filthy little thieves!
Last year my employment circumstances changed, going from full time to part time. I was earning a relatively decent wage then down to $800 a fortnight. I contacted CSA (thieves!) and explained my circumstances. The amount payable was reduced. When I was earning a steady average wage again I did the right thing and contacted CSA (thieves!) to change my circumstances. They back dated payments and that put me in arrears. I was told that if my income lowered again to contact again, but that WON'T be back dated.
Come new financial year I receive correspondence that I have under estimated income and now owe close to $5000 and cop a "fine" of $450 on top of money owed. The assessment they did didn't include my circumstances. Prior to earning way less than the average wage I was on above average wage.
When contacting them to discuss (via phone) I was told pretty much "too bad, so sad, pay they money". I was given one month to come up with $5000. I couldn't pay so I tried to organise some sort of payment plan (via phone). I made an offer and was told it was not good enough, the amount extra I have to pay is not what I can pay but what THEY say I have to pay. I was then told to use all my credit cards (which I don't have), use all savings if any and consider selling assets, such as my car. Fortnightly payments already were $556, they demanded another $491 on top of that. I said I could not pay that, I would have to get a second job to barely pay my bills and not including groceries (left with $340 for bills and living expenses for the fortnight) and I would have to get a second job to make ends meet which will sting me later down the track when they demand more money for more income, which I wouldn't need in the first place! I was told if I didn't pay the extra they would garnish my wages, take money from my account and seize all assets.
Then was told that they're only interest is trying to help me...
Ill say that again, I was told that they're ONLY INTEREST IS TRYING TO HELP ME...
They had already took all of my tax return which I was planning on using for a holiday with my kids.
The real kicker is that prior to this my kids mother wasn't receiving in full what I was paying at the time. She showed me her bank statement as proof. She was only receiving 10% of what I was paying. I had to contact them and demand to know what's going on, since it's MY money which is for MY kids which THEY demand I pay. They would not provide an answer to me. I am yet to see how much of $1048 she actually gets.
Now I work two jobs, accumulating extra income which will increase payments on the next income assessment and I do not get to see my kids due to working 7 days a week.

My advice as a result is this:
* CSA will always believe the Payee over the Payer.
* CSA workers are not all qualified to answer questions, nor do they understand their own rules/regs. Learn them!
* You will probably never speak to the same CSA worker twice, so save all your questions/comments for the Objections Officer.
* Avoid verbal communications if you can - put it all in writing/email it.
* The CSA will withhold information from you - you will discover just how much when you receive the formal decision.
* Be specific about what you believe is happening! Provide lots of information/evidence to back up what you say.
* Persevere - they will try to wear you down.
* Finally, and most important - write everything down - keep a record - you will need it.

Bingo! There is a profit to being a custodial parent!

I have a 16 and 15yr old who have no contact with dad since he just stopped coming.. 1st stage of roller coaster I can't answer their questions of why.. That hurts as a parent.. then 1nd I apply for Centrelink ever at 39yrs old- CSA need assessment of child support done.. OK good luck getting blood from a stone
3rd... Knowing I will never see a cent I lost 200 per fortnight from payment because I'm meant to get that from Him... the kick in the guts again not our fault a single mum 2 grown kids living on my payment of 211 per fortnight he is now thousands in arreas.. Yet both sole parent carers feel it every day and we still loose either way. Needs to change simple

Your kids will be alienated against you
The female will play games and manipulate everyone to make you the bad guy
The only option is to walk away or end your life....

Ex applied for over 18 CS extension for education until October 30. My son is only a General Studies student who does not do exams. His last school day of classes is Sept 27. His Graduation day is Oct 24.
Can I object to this for this reason?
It will save me a grand if successful.
I was on hold with a call to CSA for 69 minutes to ask this question. When she picked up she said she couldn't hear me and hung up. Haha.