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Who wants to be dictated to by the State on how you support your children what, how and when?
Whilst many views float around arguing for and against child support, most decent fathers and parents would argue the issue is not whether or not they wish to support their children, but rather the often unfair conditions imposed upon them.
Simply, it's an attack on the nature of a father's freedom and how he best wishes to raise and support his children in the many different ways a responsible father can, which are often more effective and benefical to a child than any 'slap-bang' instrument of government and statism can ever be.
For a father going through separation/divorce, experiencing the loss of family and children, horrendous false allegations, litigation, uncertainty of where your children are and how they are doing, often causes ill health, work and life instability in so many ways. Also, the effects from not having a fully functioning and emotionally present Dad in a child's life can be equally, if not more devestating as their development can be hindered considerably.
Then if that isn't bad enough, along comes an assessment from the Child Support Agency (CSA) for an outlandish sum of money based on your capacity to work at the highest rate when you were fit and able and on fire, which is possibly a stark contrast to where your financial position is today, or will be in the future if you are unable to recover from the upheaval of a traumatic separation that's often compared to a fate worse than death.
From 2006 CSA powers in Australia have increased to not only garnish your wages, but directly withdraw from bank accounts any amount they deem appropriate, siezing assets of any sort to pay the often highly questionable and unjust debts. As Fathers are assaulted with such draconian measures, one can only feel a sense of dictatorship giving rise to a totalitarian society not a free Australia causing fathers to unite and fight for their rights and freedom.
As there are many issues surrounding child support and the effects upon fathers, children and families,
Share your opinion and experiences about the pros and cons of child support,
lifting the veil on a most horrid part of family breakup!
Start writing a comment now...

I will briefly outline my story here as it has common threads experienced by many separated, lower care-time parents. 6yrs ago I discovered my Wife of 18yrs was having an affair with my best mate and we subsequently separated and I left the family home. We formally agreed to parental care arrangements for our three children and divided the family assets. The agreed parental care arrangements, were never adhered to by my children, or their mother. My children slowly became estranged from me as their mother had given them the choice at the age of 6yrs, 8yrs and 8yrs. I chose not to further disturb our children by taking the matter to court yet attempted to resolve the matter by initiating mediation. This mediation failed for unknown and “confidential” reasons. At this point I was completely up to date with my Child Support payments even though I was not seeing my children. This is when the dreaded CSA really became involved in my life as they applied their draconian formula which resulted in me being required to pay the highest amount of Child Support. My ex.-wife is living with the man she had an affair with (who is a business owner), she is now working 3 days per week, getting the maximum benefit from the government and attempting to get the maximum benefit from me due to her having full-time care of the children against my wishes and attempts. My children are living in a large four bedroom house on the lake by the beach and have all of their needs well and truly met. I began to struggle emotionally with my teaching position as a result of not seeing my children and came down with the shingles. I then chose to take a year of leave without pay in an attempt to heal and to come to terms with life without my children. While on leave without pay the CSA attacked me telling me I have to go back to work and earn $82,000 pa as this is my “capacity”. They continued to invoice me as if I was earning $82,000 pa when I was not. In the 12 months of me not working the CSA racked up an $18000 debt against me based on my capacity to earn. I have since been threatened by the CSA with legal action and having a DPO taken out against me. Meaning that I will no longer be permitted to travel over seas. I have received up to four phone calls per day from the CSA. I now have a fanciful debt with the CSA that will be taken back from me the moment I return to my fulltime teaching position. I am Presently, attempting to work on getting time with my children and considering not returning to my Teaching position. It is not only my children here who are missing out on a loving father it is now a Community who may loose an experienced and dedicated teacher as a result of this CSA “shake down”.

Dear Senator Hinch,
I am writing to you on behalf of our children, myself and fellow Australian Citizens who are suffering, and taking their lives, as a direct result of the actions of the Australian Department of Human Services, more specifically, the Child Support Agency. I have worked in a professional capacity (As a Social Worker and Primary School Teacher) with fellow Australian Citizens for the past 28yrs and have given much of my life to aide my fellow man. Presently I, along with a rapidly growing number, feel anger and contempt towards the disgusting manner in which our government is attacking many of it’s Citizens through this extortion racket called the Australian Child Support Agency.
(Please visit www.f4oz.com for conformation}.
This agency simply uses its draconian legislation to “shake down” the lower care-time parent without regard for the true requirements of the children they so claim to be representing. Through the guise of Human Services this agency is stealing money from citizen’s bank accounts (without the account holder’s authority or recognition of one’s basic living requirements) they steal tax refunds, and/or attempt to take a citizen’s assets, they prevent Citizens from travelling overseas and they take unwarranted legal action against them using tax payer funds. This has occurred to me personally and has also occurred to many other lower care-time parents.

We have a lot going on all of us.
Sorry to all about a few typos I have found in my comments. I use my phone and auto correct sometimes pre fills the words.
I am just peeved off that in this country that they put in plans to help every one out from a single mum or dad to helping people who need it. Except the one who workes 6 days a week and have to pay maintenance (child support) that leaves hardly anything in the account to pay rent and to buy food with from a management job. That is BULL SHIT. Trying to support a new family because of what I get from the work I do on the sliding scale Isla would only get a few dollars if that from Centrelink and that would be it.
I know I am not the only one who is in this position. It makes me feel so damn low, that I can not fully provide for my new family.
They wonder why the person takes there own life.
I know if it was not for Isla and our little one together I would not be here. But on top of it all it makes me feel worthless that I can not give them the life they deserve because of CSA taking all of our hard earned money. All the sleepless nights and back to back shifts still have nothing to show for it.

You don't need Facebook. We haven't got it either same reason
Go into Pauline Hanson one nation website. Go into contact us and there is an email
Good Luck
Tell her what you think!!!!

you sound like you have coped it from all sides and we all need you to make a stand with the rest of us and be a voice for the good of fathers and mothers that have been screwed by the elites and the powers that be!!
We will not be sheeple any longer and won't follow their Dumb flock, we will do are damnedest to change the one sided corrupt system.
thank you for your support and understanding.

Their web sites there.
Right now everyone send them something, tell them your story about the corrupt one sided system and dont hold anything back.
Tell them your pain. I have and hay it might not help however they are hearing us and we can make a change.
Stand up, be mad as hell but lets use it to combat this system/indestry we are stuck in.
Remember everyone who is getting fat at our expense??
I know you know the answer already!!
The peasants are revolting -- that what they think of you.
Your revolting because your X said you were.
If you don't see your babies don't pay for what you have no control over. Just don't do it. The deceitful win again.
Your children are being brain washed by some vindictive humans (that side of the family) and you are made out to be everything from a pedo to Hitler.
Fuck'm dont let them do it to you, keep your dignity, be strong and forth right.
Check this link out to the home of the free
More to come soon.

As a woman i will be helping raise awareness & supporting Will get justice against the corruptness of the CSA. It is just wrong & disgusting the way fathers are treated & i am appalled that the law protects women who use children to steal money & Assets from their children's fathers, & the continuing of such abuse that the men are crippled emotionally, financially & physically that any attempt to try to rebuild their lives are nearly impossible. I stand by Will & all fathers used & abused by an outdated & sexist system. Change must happen & with numbers by both men & women with this lived experience, & women who support & advocate for their rights with them, i'm pretty sure the nation can be stopped & forced to take notice.

Hi Pauline
Firstly congratulations for not giving up after all these years. Finally people understand what you are about.
I am writing to you in regards to csa and how unjust they are against Fathers.
I have watched my husband go to hell and back over the past 15 years. The emotional Blackmail from his ex , the threats from csa and the general treatment.
We got a restraining order on his ex so to punish him she stopped the kids from coming and guess what maintenance went up. It is no use us going to court as this costs us a lot of money. This has put financial pressure on us as a family and not to mention the emotional, mental pressure it puts on us as a family. We have 2 children together and I was working 2 jobs before I had to have tendon transplants in my feet and was diagonosed with 2 autoimmune diseases we put in for a reassessment but it was rejected as csa stated his first family comes first. There needs to be a reform, if the female stops children or the children stop seeing the father then no extra money should be given. As a woman I have seen so many men be traumatised through all this and my opinion is csa causes a lot of the family violence for the pressures that are put on them. I went into family relations once and blasted them for being so unfair, I also blasted them for taking the violence against men posters down. WOMEN EMOTIONALLY VIOLATE MEN yet that doesn't count because there is no bruises to show.
Pauline I ask you to have a look at Fathers 4justice site and Dads in distress.
Women are getting away with murder( more and more men are committing suicide)
Through this crap system.
You help is needed
Sent from my iPad

I keep say let's stand up well let's do it.
We will have to come up with a day and it will be a hard thing to pull off. Coast can be high but we will all have to meet up at the head office of the CSA. Minister responsible
Alan Tudge,
Minister for Human Services
Department executive
Kathryn Campbell CSC, Secretary (since 2011)
I am willing to pull together with every one and we do it the old fashion way right in front of this place at there office till we get our opinions across.
Then we can make our case and get it changed.
It has worked on a lot of other cases so why not this one. They can not lock us all up and can not get us on freedom of speech.

Yes most sites are Venting but also have support with a few.
Hang in there and yes there are a lot of good men who have had the same done to them, and taken there own life over this situation.
I am also getting counselling now because I have also contemplated it as well.
It is a unfair system and it needs to fall.
We need to make a stand and I am all for it, we need all stats to pull together all of us to unite. The only way we can do this is to shear this site with every one we know, who is in the same boat.
But becarful with whom sees it, due to I have seen sites been shut down due to people like minded as us who want to make a difference with today's laws. They do not like it. There is a email a few comments down the page. Email Mick and that way we can keep together and find away to beat this once and for all. The best voice is all ours put togeather as one from every single person who is willing to stand up and be noticed. They can not stop us all at once and they can not push us away if we are all in it.
Even if your friends have no children and they know what u are going thru they will back u if there real friends I have people who are will to stand with me here in my town. They have no children. So let's stop saying and start doing now. It is our time to BE NOTICED....

We can do this if we play it smart enough.
Remember we as men have no rights and no power over this discusting system.
We need some women to stand with us.
Talk to your mums and girl friends and see if they will have a voice for us.
I have found 3 women already who cant believe what is going on and are willing to help.
Ask around.
Question --- Who is paying child support and dosen't see their kid's???
SG66 Perth

I miss my 4 sensational kids.
Let them all know how you feel.
Remember they dont give a fuck about you or your kids or if shes a meth head.
Tell them straight don't hold back.
Let them know what the system has done to you and your beloved kids.
Time to rise up and be heard.
They cant lock us all up!!
I'm in, who's coming with me to make some noise??
Even my nearly 80 y/o mother is emailing and talking to people about the system and its injustice.
Use your anger well..
Rise up and give them shit, say no more I'm not listening to your one sided crap.
Change banks, every month if you have too.
Stick your money in a mates account,
Just don't roll over anymore,your not a dog or an ATM, make a stand!!
I'm going to!!
The fuckers left me with not much left to loose.
I have been raped by this one sided disgusting system and a minipulating deciptful X.
It starts with one voice!
I've started!!
And I'm not going to shut the fuck up!!
Who's coming to stir the powers that be with me?
Let me know and I will get my email to you and a web page done.
Time for a revolution!!
SG66 Perth

Everyone please start writing to Pauline as she is starting a CSA reform
Vent your issues and feeling. More rights for fathers.
On her one nation website you can read what her intentions are with family law.
Have your say NOW.
Either do it on her Facebook page , write to her or email her through One Nations website
Good Luck. Remember PEOPLE POWER

I've sent this to Pauline..
Hi Pauline
Can’t believe the family court system and the court system in general and how a woman (wife) can steal all your money and cover it up with a VRO and then play the system with lies and manipulation.
It’s a long story but to say my 4 young kids are pawns and weapons used to try to drive me to suicide I’m sure is her hope to cover up what she did.
The lawyers say there is nothing you can do as she got the VRO first. That ruined my business and my life (as I working from a home office).
Just found out in WA you can get a VRO now if you have a fear of someone. Don’t need proof.
I managed to get my kids off the VRO but she is still on it and now she has made application to the family court of a notice of child abuse or family violence. Never was any violence.
I cannot believe the lies and the twisted half truths that she can say and get away with it.
What can someone do to help me and all the other poor men that are killing themselves because of this system.
There are some sites like this but it’s mainly venting about the system .
Please help us Pauline

If not please do so.

For example, in New Zealand child support is only collected if the mother and/or child is on welfare payments. In Sweden the amount to be paid must be agreed between mother and father.

I will float a few ideas:
- Limit a period of compulsory child support to a maximum of 7 years after separation. After that point any payments would be voluntary on the father's part. If the mother can maintain a positive relationship with her child's father than no doubt the father would be willing to pay a reasonable amount.
- At 50/50 contact, there should never be any payments. In other words, the objective of balancing the economic advantage of the two households should be abandoned. If a man earns a man's salary and a woman earns a woman's salary, the man should not be penalised.
- When a woman enters into a new de facto relationship or marriage, then the child support payments should reflect the combined income of the new relationship.
- When women have new children in a new relationship, this should not affect child support payments from a previous relationship, like it currently does. If she can't afford to have new children she shouldn't have them.
- If a couple separate within 24 weeks of the date of a child's conception, there should be no child support owed from the father if the mother decides to carry the child to term.
- There should also probably be criminal charges for getting pregnant without the father's consent. For example, lying about using the contraceptive pill.
If you have other ideas please post them.

If we all act in UNITY and stand up as one, if we do that and fight for what is RIGHT they have to listen, only and only if we act as one. How do unions do they stand as one and use one voice. If we all stand up and make our mark at once they can not push us to the side. It is time they stand down and here us.
We can not work our self to the ground. I have a new family to support, and CSA want to take half my pay, and I am the sole income provider. How is that just full. It's not.... I am willing to take a stand I say if u want change,,, STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT!!!!

Those men and women who want to join an alliance in dealing with rogue and corrupt forces that act unjustly and unlawfully impinging upon our rights and stealing our freedoms, whether it be through CSA, family court, banks, other courts/tribunals, councils, lawyers/bar/law society, telcos, energy utilities, ombudsman, tolls, state trustees, police, rates, fines, taxes, farming problems and much much more, contact me at f4j_vic@outlook.com.
I urge other strong willed individuals with a passion for justice to do the same in other states, otherwise we will only continue to lose our families, kids, wealth, sanity, our lives and way of life if we keep thinking we can fight this shit alone!!!
They are thieving our energy; blood, sweat and tears, and even those polymer notes they gave us after exchanging our value. Speak and act or sit in silence and do nothing...the choice is all yours...I choose to act!!!

can you please get the money out of Andrews account.
The blood suckers will find it and DRAIN you dry.
Try to think a little smarter, I don't think we need to be much smarter to beat them.
Just cleaver about our personal stuff.
Stay strong and be proud!!

know how you feel mate.
Tell them all to get stuffed or fucked if you like and take it out of my tax in July.
See if you can get your money paid into a family members account instead and go on the fuck'n dole.

I've been screwed from the pointy end of the pineapple and she is now going to go for spousal maintenance even though I'm not working. She can make up any crapp she wants and they believe her. She had a VRO taken out to remove me from the home/home office destroyed the bus we had and forced me in to taking a small % of our assets.
Who ever gets the VRO first wins!!
That what the Luck'n useless lawyers say anyway.

They CANNOT drag you into court. You have NOTHING to do with Andrew's situation, married to him or not, and if CSA say that to you they are BLUFFING and LYING to you.

They took your money under a 72a application because it is paid into ANDREW'S account. It is NOT a court order
If it was your account they CANNOT touch it. The simple way is to have your wage and Andrews wage paid into your account. But you must realise that any of Andrew's payments can be traced but the CSA need a COURT ORDER to access YOUR account. It must ONLY be in your name. Another way is to have a Company account IE Pty Ltd ABN, Directors ( must have 2 directors ) and all that goes with running a Company using the Company as a firewall between yourselves and the CSA. I know its stressful....I have been there. Just remember to get creative with your accountant. It will cost your more in legal fees if you use a solicitor to get your money back. The only people who win out of this are solicitors ( Leeches ) and ex-wives.
If Andrew can be paid through the "Company" then they cant touch his wage as well.
Don't stress.....you both need to be healthy for your family..... treat it as a cat and mouse game.

The point at which income no longer affects child support is currently $178,140. So, unfortunately this is way to high.
The amounts are specified here:

I am quite happy to pay any financial obligation I may lawfully owe on condition that the following is provided:
1. Validation of the debt, ie. actual accounting;
2. Verification of the claim, ie. invoice signed by a living man showing value has been provided or sworn affidavit; and
3. Certified copy of the contract binding both parties, comprising the eight essential elements including wet ink signatures.
Please reply with requested proofs and substance to be received within (14) days, failing such, it will be deemed that no lawful debt obligation exists.
Only a guide, change it as you see fit.

I'm French been in Oz for 4 years with Andrew. He's Australian .
He has had 2 kids with his ex and needs to pay $ 16,077.47 to child support before tomorrow ...
We basically barely afford to pay for our house loan with both our wages.
My salary goes Into Andrews account.
CSA took 1,300$ 2 weeks ago, leaving us only $106 to live on for 2 weeks..
I'm on antidepressant because of immigration issues and Andrew is loosing it with talking to CSA.
CSA said they will take legal action against us to recuperate the full amount of money ...
We really need psychological and legal help...
Do any of you guys been in the same situation ? How can we find support to get through this?
Someone told me we could ask Andrews superannuation company for the money...?
Thanks for your time

"Stage 1 of the reform was introduced on 1 July 2006. From that date the minimal annual rate of Child Support was increased to $320.00 and is indexed annually to the consumer price index. The minimum payment again increased on 1 January 2008 to $339.00 per annum.
The Child Support cap was reduced from $139,347.00 to $104,702.00 so that the income of a payer over $104,702.00 will not be taken into account for the purpose of calculating their Child Support liability. This change was in response to research suggesting that high income earners were paying Child Support in excess of the cost of maintaining their children."
So child support assessment can only be worked out on $104 702 max right for paying parent?

The reply to us was his first family comes first.
Every time we have put in a reassessment they have been rejected.
CSA will do your head as well
They are nothing but arseholes.
Look up your local council website and see if there is free legal advice
I feel for you Jen. But it will never end.
Be aware as well ALL your information goes straight to his ex.
So much for privacy laws

My husband has reduced his hours to share care for our one year old son so I can return to work. He is also suffering stress and has a medical certificate.
His ex wife works part time and reduces her salary each year by less then 10%, csa consider this minimal and no issue. We did not have an issue with this and paid the assessed child support as required.
Now my husband has reduced his salary she did a reassessment and he has to pay full amount against his full time salary not reduced hours salary. Will the dr certificate and caring for our son have any weight??

You get less time for murder. Csa create family violence. Eddy I really feel for you kiddo as far as csa are concerned what the woman says goes. Dads are molesters, violent etc according to them when in actual fact the majority of them make wonderful parents. I'm a woman and have seen this for years.you don't see many single mums drive crap cars, broken fingernails and grey hair
Do you?

Sorry to hear you have been through all that. It's good hear from females as it proves the system is not all one sided and is broken badly. I also know a female that was ripped by the system and nothing she can do. The govt just don't care that they ruin peoples lives. It seriously needs review but all too late for many, unfortunately. Best regards.