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Who wants to be dictated to by the State on how you support your children what, how and when?
Whilst many views float around arguing for and against child support, most decent fathers and parents would argue the issue is not whether or not they wish to support their children, but rather the often unfair conditions imposed upon them.
Simply, it's an attack on the nature of a father's freedom and how he best wishes to raise and support his children in the many different ways a responsible father can, which are often more effective and benefical to a child than any 'slap-bang' instrument of government and statism can ever be.
For a father going through separation/divorce, experiencing the loss of family and children, horrendous false allegations, litigation, uncertainty of where your children are and how they are doing, often causes ill health, work and life instability in so many ways. Also, the effects from not having a fully functioning and emotionally present Dad in a child's life can be equally, if not more devestating as their development can be hindered considerably.
Then if that isn't bad enough, along comes an assessment from the Child Support Agency (CSA) for an outlandish sum of money based on your capacity to work at the highest rate when you were fit and able and on fire, which is possibly a stark contrast to where your financial position is today, or will be in the future if you are unable to recover from the upheaval of a traumatic separation that's often compared to a fate worse than death.
From 2006 CSA powers in Australia have increased to not only garnish your wages, but directly withdraw from bank accounts any amount they deem appropriate, siezing assets of any sort to pay the often highly questionable and unjust debts. As Fathers are assaulted with such draconian measures, one can only feel a sense of dictatorship giving rise to a totalitarian society not a free Australia causing fathers to unite and fight for their rights and freedom.
As there are many issues surrounding child support and the effects upon fathers, children and families,
Share your opinion and experiences about the pros and cons of child support,
lifting the veil on a most horrid part of family breakup!
Start writing a comment now...

The following web page will tell you how the Child Support Agency calculates the support amount :
You can also use the following calculator :
The biggest factors when calculating child support are your and your ex's Income, and the number of nights your child spends with you each month (the Child Care Percentage).
You are not obliged to go through the Child Support Agency, and can negotiate a Financial Plan with your ex instead if you both agree.
If you do not already have one, I would suggest you and your ex also draw up a Parenting Plan.
Take care

So the conversation had just been had between myself and the wife, Can anyone tell me how much I'm looking at in child support for a 3 year old boy?
I've looked at various sites but can't see a percentage etc?

To: Senator Pauline Hanson
Re: Changes to Federal Child Support Policies
Dear Ms. Hanson,
I write this letter to yourself because I have heard that your party may be reviewing child support practices and policy in future. I only want to give you an overview of my particular case, because at this time my two daughters are practically grown up, and I do not feel that I would have much longer to pay anyway.
Firstly, I believe that what needs to be exposed, and make public, is the direct effect that this particular government policy has on levels of male suicide in Australia. I know, because in the past, I have been close myself.
The past is the past of course, and cannot be changed. For me, this past has been me having my girls taken away without my knowledge, of being lied to consistently about both their location and their education and well-being, and of course numerous lies to my children, from their mother, about me and my family. This sort of behaviour has to stop.
My girls have been consistently moved around Western Australia, at one stage living with a man whose son had been dealing in class A drugs. My ex speaks of the inconsistency that I have brought into the lives of my daughters, and yet she is the one who has always taken them away.
For me, all of this culminated at the end of 2016, when my eldest daughter of 17, deliberately lied to my face regarding times and dates of her high school graduation. This was later put on social media, to portray me as a “Uncaring Bastard”.
Finally, more recently I was happy to sign some paperwork so that my ex-wife could take my girls to Japan for a holiday in 2017. After signing, I have found out through various sources that the CSA have the ability to block my passport, so that I am unable to go on holiday. Where is the fairness in this?
In the past, I have approached several media outlets about this, such as A Current Affair. But it seems that they only want to talk about “deadbeat dads”.
I hope that One Nation can restore some balance to this equation, if not for me, then for all other fathers who have lost their children to this system
Yours sincerely,

May we bid farewell to this miserable year. I personally am looking forward to 2017: to a year without CSA garnishing my wages, to a year without fighting with my gloomy bitch of an ex, to a year without any court dates, to a year of not paying lawyers fees, to a year of not paying court fees, to a year of not being harassed by CSA, to a year of enjoying life, to a year of living life, and perhaps (god willing) to a year of discovering true love with a kind woman. My ex has moved on and now has a brand new baby to go with her brand her husband- perhaps some of us gentlemen also will be given the chance of a new beginning.
May we all receive the blessings we deserve come the end of the worst year ever 2016

Time to give the CSA HELL!

All welcome.


we are all with you mate.
Call me for a chat if you need to.
Happy to help and work out how to get some fairness back in the system with you.
We are all going through the same horrible shit.
0419 926 521

call me for a chat mate your not alone, we are all going through this disgusting system, lets do it together.
I'm here if you need to.
Anyone else as well.
0419 926 521

I have seen your pain and I feel your pain. I have watched my husband go through this for the past 15 years. Why do you think the government shut down csa offices you can't talk to anyone face to face. It is just a paper trail with no one being accountable. Typical government department full of shit, Lies and make it up as you go because we can't see their faces and if you Phone back that person miracousley dissappears. We don't see my step kids anymore as they thought it was a challenge to look through our paperwork and treat their dad like shit. He cried in front of them and they couldn't care less because we got a restraining order on their mother. They couldn't understand that you do this for no good reason. They have changed their names to their stepfathers but we are still paying csa. I am so angry that this is allowed if they change their name why should we have to pay. We found it easier to cut ties and get on with our lives as much as it hurts it was affected our 2 children as well as our relationship. The whole system sucks I'm a woman and if there was a CSA office I reckon I walk in and flatten someone. It's so easy to tell so many sob stories and turn on water works over the phone.
Thinking of you all over Christmas, shit time of year anyway everyone is hypercritical and Ferrell. Stay Strong but keep in updating politions with letters. WE NEED TO CHANGE THIS SYSTEM

I know it's a really shit time of year.(Call or text me if you need a chat or a venting session over Christmas, my number is below, happy to chat.)
I'm not able to see my 4 young kids at Christmas but we will have our own Christmas when I see them.(under supervision because of the vexatious X)
Stand up and change your pain to a positive!!
Be mad as fuck'n hell, I am however I'm using my pain and grief to ruffle the feathers of the establishment (the powers that be)
So far after my emails to the minister (and other politicians, Pauline Hanson's is below) for so called human services I've had a councilor call and someone from the CSA.
Now I'm told I'm getting a call from the Attorney Generals office to discuss my concerns.
All I did was spell out the truth to them and what they are doing to us as fathers and parents and the child abuse that they are creating and forcing onto our innocent children.
Copy here of what I sent
Your killing us faster than the road toll!!!
Hi Pauline
Can’t believe the family court system and the court system in general and how a woman (wife) can steal all your money and cover it up with a VRO and then play the system with lies and manipulation.
It’s a long story but to say my 4 young kids are pawns and weapons used to try to drive me to suicide I’m sure is her hope to cover up what she did.
The lawyers say there is nothing you can do as she got the VRO first. That ruined my business and my life (as I working from a home office).
Just found out in WA you can get a VRO now if you have a fear of someone. Don’t need proof.
I managed to get my kids off the VRO but she is still on it and now she has made application to the family court of a notice of child abuse or family violence. Never was any violence.
I cannot believe the lies and the twisted half truths that she can say and get away with it.
What can someone do to help me and all the other poor men that are killing themselves because of this system.
There are some sites like this but it’s mainly venting about the system .
Please help us Pauline
Shane from Perth
0419 926 521

mate it could have a massive effect on your payment. If you want to give me your number, I will give you a call and give you some guidance and advice. I have just been through this, and appealed CSA decisions all the way to the Federal court based on something very similar.

It's time to get angry, it time to take up pitchforks. Let the backlash begin.

this will eat u up. the csa are doing a job, purely a debt collection agency.
they are good people, usually ladies working, same as you and me. they know us dads are getting shafted by the ex's, they do know what is happening and they can't do anything, they are bound by legislation.
don't vent on them it's not their fault, they didn't make the rules, they don't like the rules, but they have to work. They are not ex's bumming off welfare/govt handouts.
dads need their daughters and sons, and our daughters and sons need their dads. my old man sorted me out, my dear mum, mothered me. Without my dad kicking my ass when I needed it I would not be where I am today, without my mums mothering I would have missed out on the motherly love.
THE KIDS NEED A MUM AND DAD..divorced, separated don't matter, but they need a mum and a dad.
THEY need you to rise above CSA, be the dad. This icon on here is bullshit, kids don't need support, my kids need their dad, their mum is hurting them for purely financial gain, they are a asset first and foremost to her.
You guys know that nobody loves their kids more then their dad. We are the strength when trouble rises. Nobody touches our daughters and we teach and show our lads how to be tough, we show them how to be a mate, we always tell them to look after each other, show respect. look after the girls.
We tell our daughters how to look after themselves, we are their rock.
I went through hell and fire with csa and family courts. accused of being violent/abuse/sexually abusing MY OWN KIDS, all was so much lies..the court looked at me like i was a mongrel dog, ex got legal aid, family reports..two years later. two years too late, the court and family reports saying i was a good dad..too late the ex had 2 years to poison the kids minds..
The best advice I got was from this little old lady solicitor.."your ex wife is a bitch, keep in contact with your kids, birthdays, xmas..keep in contact..
I did.
I'm a alpha male. U know I thought about topping myself I got that damn depressed..ME..thinking about giving up..damn..thats how tough it got.
BUT MY KIDS ARE BACK. finally they grew up realised their dad was always there.
kids need their dads..hang in there.

Who isn't able (aloud) to see their kids over Christmas?
Me and who else?
Let us all know...

Further more these people should be investigated and punished as criminals. Yes... I believe in jail time for women for marriage crimes.

The CSA was represented by private lawyers, and flew special counsel in from out of state to defend the action against me - an unrepresented litigant.
I could only appeal on a "question of law". Anyway, Hearing was last week, at the end of which the Judge invited the CSA to file further submissions to a point I had raised.
Today - I get an email from the CSA's lawyers informing me that they are conceding, and the matter will now go back to the AAT.
Who said we cant win if we are right .....happy days !!

My reasoning behind this is
1 what makes a child worth more than another just because someone earns more surely that is descrimination to all children in seperated families.
2 this may encourage more couples to sort out their issues rather than take the easy path (I know that doesn't apply to all seperations)
3 the amount of money the tax payer / government will save getting rid of over half of all csa employees.( and watch them try make it in the real world )
4 we all know the money doesn't go to the children most is spent by the ex for the ex
5 everyone then knows where you stand straight up eg 1 child $100 per week 2 children $150 per week 3 children $175 . These are just random figures as an example. This makes all children equal no matter how much the payer earns.
Once the relationship has ended everyone has to make the most of the cards they are delt.
Not rely on the ex ,s salary
Just thinking out load
Furthermore if for any reason a child chooses or is not made to see the paying parent then the payment amount goes down, this will then encourage the ex to make sure the child continues a relationship with the other parent so they get the benefit of the Cs
Obviously It won't work for all situations but there will still be checks and balances in place to sort out the crap some people will spin

well fuck me where do I start!!
Ok, let me tell you about our fantastic CSA system and our wonderful government/judicial system.
1. CSA dosen't believe you even with your evidence to prove her lying again..
2. If you look like a silver back gorilla and she looks like a fairy you must be the violent one.IT'S that simple!!
3. Well fuck me the big silver back hay?? I was fucked before it even started.
4. I know my 4 kids love me they tell me every time I see them at the supervised visits (every second weekend supervised for 3 hours) when they ask , can I come home with you please Daddy.I love you....Breaks my heart every time to see them have to go back to the manipulating Witch.
5. I hope this can help someone else!! I have been played since 2010 and set up for this shit.(turfed out when I asked to many questions in 2016 and on our 16 anniversary)... Well planed and excited with help from a (friend) that she convinced over the time I was a monster.
Yes a friend, my best one, I was his best man twice and he was the god father of my kids (first 2)
She worked on him for the past 5 years planing all this. Poison, poison, poison, until he believed her.
Wasn't I Blind?? I thought he was my mate , you know looking after me and being impartial when needed between my wife and I.
Was I fuck'n wrong?? I was done over by them both working together, he told me I was a bad father because she said, what the hell ever?? He believed everything she said.
6. Now that their deceptive conduct was complete I was screwed.
You know what shits me as well as all the other crap?


There are a lot of problems with the current system. The bottom line is that taking money from someone without their consent is theft. People may argue that this harsh treatment is justified as punishment. However I believe we can make a sound argument that child support should not be punitive. Separated fathers are already suffering from loss of contact with their children, this is adequate, natural punishment. Family breakdown is a tragedy and the government does not need to apply external punishment to make the situation undesirable because it already is. One change we can request of the system is to ensure it is not punitive.
Another problem is the desire to equalise the economic advantage between households. This means if the father earns more he still has to pay even if there is 50 percent contact. This imposes a sort of communistic arrangement on the separated couple, where the right to private property is diminished for the paying parent. We can see where this comes from, men, in general, are the providers in a relationship. The law is saying that the man must continue to perform this role in the relationship after it has ended. Yet, women are not required by law to continue any contributions which they made to the relationship after it has ended. Further to this, since it is a principle of the child support regime that men are providers in relationships, we should naturally conclude that a consequence of forced providing to an ex-partner will impair a man's ability to be a provider to a new partner and to form a new family. It follows that the current laws restrict a man's ability to form a new relationship, and naturally there can be harsh psychological consequences for this.
There are other angles on payment despite 50/50 contact, there really are a lot of reasons why it is wrong. For example, it ignores the fact that a higher income generally relates to a higher level of economic productivity. It may be because of additional work hours, it may be because of years of hard earned experience in a particular field, but the fact remains that the higher income is not some random stroke of good luck, but something that is a result of personal effort. The current system penalises men who have made the effort to increase their earning capacity by inflicting higher rates of child support on them.
Another important problem with the current system is the ease at which women can apply it on their ex-partners. There is no requirement for the separated couple to work out arrangements between themselves as there is, for example, in the UK. The availability of the CSA to women as a personal debt collection agency simply gives them excessive leverage in what should be a family discussion about what is a reasonable level of ongoing support.

Writing to find out if anyone has been in a similar situation. My partners child support money may have been used for criminal activity. She has been convicted and is serving time. Can he get this back etc ...
Wow some of your stories are heartbreaking :(
DJ I hope someone somewhere is supporting u.

My ex earns much more than me and I signed all assets over to her, the family home etc so the kids would always have a roof over their heads. CSA doesn't take any of this into account. Over the past couple of years I have had periods of no income and being homeless so I couldn't even see my kids. I am now just getting back on my feet and seeing my kids but have a CSA debt of $10000, how does this happen when I had zero income for about 6 months and then on Centrelink income for a while until gaining employment earlier this year. All this while the ex lives in the home we built together with her new partner an investment property and a new car. I just keep afloat paying rent etc and CSA still takes money from me

Anyway, what I wanted to say is there is a web called change.org that can be used to petition for our thing. We would see what support we have if well worded (would draft that yet I am not EN native speaker). We could agree on the wording here, include examples, goals (one of them to be e.g. to have CSA release stats on their "clients" suicide rate or such..). If you followed the Red Pill movie screening that has been initially shut as its about these very issues we discuss here had a huge success getting the support. There is so many people like us affected, big power, waiting to be heard.
Just an idea. Stay strong,

It is far too simplistic to lump any parent into the “deadbeat” category to justify extorting from these Citizens. Most of us desire to financially support, love and share our lives with our children and our Communities. Unfortunately, the present system does not enable these parents to do so. It simply creates greater separation, parental alienation, too much accountability on the lower care-time parent and it provides a means for one parent to lever a government agency to crush the lives of the other parents. Our future Australian Citizens (our Children) are growing up with unresolved internal conflict as a result of this negligent Government behaviour.
We are asking that you acknowledge the negative impact that this system is having on the fabric of our amazing society. We are asking you to represent our crying-growing minority who are taking their lives as a result of these unwarranted govern attacks on our Citizens.
Thank you for your attention
Mr Trevor Watson 13/12/2016