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Who wants to be dictated to by the State on how you support your children what, how and when?
Whilst many views float around arguing for and against child support, most decent fathers and parents would argue the issue is not whether or not they wish to support their children, but rather the often unfair conditions imposed upon them.
Simply, it's an attack on the nature of a father's freedom and how he best wishes to raise and support his children in the many different ways a responsible father can, which are often more effective and benefical to a child than any 'slap-bang' instrument of government and statism can ever be.
For a father going through separation/divorce, experiencing the loss of family and children, horrendous false allegations, litigation, uncertainty of where your children are and how they are doing, often causes ill health, work and life instability in so many ways. Also, the effects from not having a fully functioning and emotionally present Dad in a child's life can be equally, if not more devestating as their development can be hindered considerably.
Then if that isn't bad enough, along comes an assessment from the Child Support Agency (CSA) for an outlandish sum of money based on your capacity to work at the highest rate when you were fit and able and on fire, which is possibly a stark contrast to where your financial position is today, or will be in the future if you are unable to recover from the upheaval of a traumatic separation that's often compared to a fate worse than death.
From 2006 CSA powers in Australia have increased to not only garnish your wages, but directly withdraw from bank accounts any amount they deem appropriate, siezing assets of any sort to pay the often highly questionable and unjust debts. As Fathers are assaulted with such draconian measures, one can only feel a sense of dictatorship giving rise to a totalitarian society not a free Australia causing fathers to unite and fight for their rights and freedom.
As there are many issues surrounding child support and the effects upon fathers, children and families,
Share your opinion and experiences about the pros and cons of child support,
lifting the veil on a most horrid part of family breakup!
Start writing a comment now...

Later this year I am moving over to the UK to work, marry etc...
I plan on still paying my entilements, but outside of the CSA.
Anything I need to be aware of for me to do this. I will of course be returning to Australia every 18 months to spend time with the kids but I currently have 47% care. Huge decision from me and I don't want any nasty surprises


for some time now ive cared for my son 6 nights in the fortnight but the monthly estimate is saying i should be paying say about $184 a month but the have been some times talking out 40-48% of my second job, last fortnight my second job paid $680 and I have noticed they took out atleast $320 from that, i was left with $360, my rent alone is $620 for the fortnight. one lady at csa mentioned i could file for hardship, i am back at my first job now and they are not taking any from there now, at one stage they took out 11% from both jobs. I negotiated with some one there for just taking that from one job. i did not recieve any noticed they were going to ask my employer for $159 a week they told me they tried to contact me to discuss it but i didnt get a call from there, i told them they could have sent me a letter online but they didnt, has any one gwt any advice??

Dad's in distress and other groups have organized a Dad's and kids day in Guildford in Stirling park just behind Alfreds kitchen for this Sunday the 12th of Feb between 12.00 and 4.00.
There are heaps of things to do like animal farms bouncy castle other rides and sausage sizzle and heaps more.
Come and join the fun with your kid or not with your kids.
Together we can make a difference.
Divided we will fail..
For more details or just a chat give me a call.
0419 926 521

Check out "Child Support (Assessment) Regulations 1989" in particular part 7 which no one in child support will tell you about.
This has to do with all aspects of income acceptance by CS

Don't rely on the DHs, PHs, DHS's and other agents and trustees of the state to help, they live in a different world, it's just us common brothers and sisters who go through this heartbreaking shit.
Ask yourself, do you as a man have a contract with a fiction named CSA? Bahhh.. Get them to prove you do.
All tom foolery and christ knows how many fathers have been sucked in over the years, sending many over the edge through not realising there is no debt. Whilst ignorance of law is no excuse, shame...shame...shame on all those agents who partake in such fraud.

Show me your support or I cant do it on my own..
I need to know that we can help and make a change with these fuckers.
The more i have sent emails and texts to them the more suisidle they hope I am.
Fuck'm not doing it, they can just f'off..
I want to fight so for fuck sake people help me to fight will ya???
Who's got some nut's???

email the minister for human services and tell them what a bunch of low life no felling pricks they are.. Don't hold back..Let loose..
They keep calling me and asking if I'm suicidal and are disappointed when I tell them I'm a fighter and wont give in to their wishes..
Also ask for the ministers resignation as the f/wit is an
ass whole or just a complete D C.
So removed from the reality its just neglect on his behalf.
Human services my fuck'n ass.
Should be called Human suicides and CHILD SEPARATION SERVICES AND ABUSE..
Just a huge industry that don't give a fuck about our kids and what the DEMONS are doing to them.
Time to stand up people!!
Email that Prick and tell him what a blind fuck whit he is..
And I tell you where is Hinch and his Justice party??
Also P. Hanson and her I'm for all Australians??
another COUPLE OF FUCK WHITS only in it for them selves.
Fuck'n gutless bunch of useless no good wind bags, well fuck too them big time.
I should have the resources to stand for thew senate next time and give these fuckers what they deserve.
If I know I will have enough backing I will use my resources/money to get there and fight for us all..
Have you heard of Iron Bar Tucky??
He will have nothing on what I will do to these low life scum bag f'nk bastards.

Like many others i use this site to vent out my frustration and maybe spread some awareness. Otherwise i would be a bottled up anger monkey.
I have been through this long enough and understand things very well not just the csa. The whole csa/family flaw is a product of this system/left regime , and if you want to change any of it you need to change the system otherwise its just a futile quest to satisfy your own personal blind ego. But good luck if thats what you want to do,its your choice. It not nice to read what can or cant be said on this site by people. Thats what the csa does to us very well is dictate and force.
Isn't that what political correctness does , censorship through intimidation.
Ive fought the csa,legal maggots the ex,sick of it ,dont need to come here and wrestle some more. Besides i do enough of fighting the fight in my inner circles.
Revolution dreaming.

Why is the court involved when CSA have a job to do and their own laws prevent them from doing that job making it more difficult, time consuming and costly for anyone to have anything corrected? Maybe it's free but time is money. The courts also cost taxpayers money... Judges are paid money... Its a huge expense all because someone wrote that CSA cant go back more than 18 months.
its a lot more complex... I was self-employed and about 8 years ago i was fined $120k by the ATO for late returns with interest... About 2 years ago I was successful in having the interest remitted (forgiven) but that amount is then considered income and added to your real income... (adjusted income)... (e.g. you earn $60k and they add $120k, so you pay tax on $180k) CSA then take the $180k as your income and charge Child Support on that... Its a systematic fault in the system... I filed a special circumstances and CSA agreed it was wrong and reduced some of it but because of the Act refused to go back further than 18 months and refused to include one child that had finished with child support.... Then at the end of the last financial year, (for some unknown stupid reason) it automatically went back to child support on $180k. I submitted an estimated income and they refused it.... I should not have to keep submitting special circumstances (and bare my ass and soul) and estimated incomes when medical records already provided prove my incapacity to work... I should not have to start a court case or the AAT for their own systematic failures when they agree its wrong... WTF is wrong with these people??.... Another systematic fault is when medical records are presented they have no idea what they are looking at, and words they have never seen before... so they take the attitude of "it can't be that bad" or "maybe he is making it up"... CSA refused to allow me to claim medical expenses as a deduction from my "adjusted income" in some form of fairness that i'm disadvantaged....My medical reports state "permanent chronic illness", how much more do they want?...They have no concept of how physically ill this disease has made me and how disadvantaged my life has become... so all that aside, I have two options, pay the money or start a case... Like the Tax laws, the CS laws are written so that CSA can bend the rules to maximize pain and suffering... Which, if abused, is a "misfeasance" in public office.... If I had the energy and money I would sue each and every staff member from ATO and CSA that has made any decision to make my life harder.
noun, Law.
1. a wrong, actual or alleged, arising from or consisting of affirmative action.
2. the wrongful performance of a normally lawful act; the wrongful and injurious exercise of lawful authority.
And btw... As of the end of 2016 i'm now finished with CS...Which also makes it harder because they say "case is closed, you had your chance"..... i just have to clean up these loose ends...
TIP: If CSA ever tell you that you can't claim medical expenses you MUST object because you can... It came back on their report that I didn't object when they refused, so they didn't do anything.

Did you put in tax returns over this three year period?
if you did your assessment for the new financial year should be based on the tax assessment not some previous year higher income. they just cant keep using an older period if they have the new tax amount.
You CAN get them to go back more than 18 Months.
read and understand "guides.dss.gov.au/child-support-guide/4"
Get all your medical records together , a letter from your doctor and any specialists, organize yourself and send complaint to AAT (a special independent adjudicator) no cost.
make sure you insist that CS in on the phone during hearing and not your EX (done over the phone)
THE AAT can also have penalties removed if you put it in your submission
You need to read this from
"Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989"
112 Court may grant leave to amend administrative assessment that is more than 18 months old
(1) If an application is made to a court under section 111, the court may grant leave for:
(a) the Registrar to make a determination under section 98S; or
(b) the court to make an order under section 118.
(2) The court may grant leave for an order to be made under section 118 if the court is satisfied that it would be in the interest of the parties to the proceeding for the court to consider, at the same time as it hears the application under section 111, whether an order should be made under section 118. If the court does so, the applicant is taken to have made an application to the court under section 116 for such an order.
(3) Otherwise, the court may grant leave for the Registrar to make a determination under section 98S.

They cant lock you in into the future if you do an estimate.
You can only be charged 3 Months CS back pay from time of AFC
(check they did this correctly) (some times 9 months)
If they did not do the AFC correctly you may have a case with the AAT despite delay due to not being informed.
rental return is income( but under separate law some may be a tax deductible)
please note no responsibility taken for suggestions although they are based on my battle.

If you had no job for a period your tax return will show less income so when the new year tips over they must use this as your next year new assessment.
Important .. if you then start earning above this average and don't tell them they will hit you with heavy penalties when the next year trips over.
If you start earning more you can do an estimate ,either before end June for full year or any time for remainder of the year.see section 60 of Child Support (administration)act.
Now ... Did you tell them you were not working? If you did they should apply section 65A and 65B of the ACT,(but they never do) this should reduce your assessment to $1060PA.
They never report this on their Cuba notes so ask them to send copies of Cuba notes and copies of the voice recordings the take on every call and compare them. They cannot refuse you this request.
Compare them if you told them SQUEEZE.
Changing your case officer is another tactic they use to delay. confuse and stuff you. Insist on keeping the same one.
Remind them of the Objects of the act (read it yourself at the top of the act)
They only by law are to make decisions according to the act or the Registrars directive.
You cant sue the Federal Gov but remind them that they can personally sued for damages if they don't follow the law. Gets their attention.
As for letters .... Check that they have your correct address and insist on a copy of that Cuba note call this will prove they have your correct address. With me they sent mail to a 20 old address and failed to update my phone number.
When you get "assessment letters" read the whole thing , the last few lines give you 28 days to object ( but more if you have special circumstance.. their is a list of these somewhere if you cant find i will look for you.
As for your 15/16 $42000actual earnings i think what they have done is that you must of earned more in 14/15 and they have recalculated on a under "estimate" which allows them to multiply your???error and put on penalties.
Section 55J tell them how to "GENERALLY" work out your new assessment. they follow this and ignore other provisions ie, not working.
Going forward you need to do an "partial Year ESTIMATE" section 62A of the act . Before you do work out all your income from June 30 last year till the day you do the "Estimate" over the phone ok but get Cuba Notes and recording.
Important .. if you start to earn more overtime etc you must keep abreast and report you extra before end of year .Do your tax return as soon as you can.
if you are not working 65A and 65B above should come into play
As for going forward you should do a partial year "estimate' if you are working or going back to work.
I don't think it costs anything to take them to AAT but you must know where they did not follow the AC. As for your delay did you have medical (Stress,etc) problems this allows an extension
Did you have a court registered "agreement" this locks parties in to some extent.
If you had a "private collect" she can only claim 3 months back pay from the time she made her "AFC" "application for collection"
If she made an "AFC" CS had to ask her certain questions which would (should of seen you get a phone call to confirm), They forget this bit. chase the case officer on this they will try to hide it.
Also push them to drop the penalties .it is within their power.
Good luck

Fill out a complaint if they refuse make sure of your grounds and advance your case to the "AAT" within 28 days of their refusal. make sure to tell AAT that it a procedural problem and that CS must be on the phone hook up and not your EX. despite what this says +they must follow the rules, your problem is to work out what rules they didn't follow. Don

Another option is to have your case revert to private collect. Make sure you pay to ex,s bank account only(no Cash or goods)
CS staff can only make decisions in line with the ACT's that govern it. BUT THEY GO WELL BEYOND THIS. You must get to know how the screwed you. They will not tell you your rights and deliberately miss lead you from my experience.
Send a formal complaint to your "case officer" (make sure you have one ,these are higher up the BS ladder" ) A complaint must be about failure to follow the ACTs. Send a copy to "THE Secretary of CS"
Also look at my entries below for important(hidden) web sites.
In the The "operation...." site refer back to the "separated parents" heading in the black column on the left.
Good luck

Note that you have an opt in period and that you should have got a letter from them requesting back pay. read the fine print

Maybe australia should be pushing for this.

it is a definate to watch.

My Mother lent me her life savings $30,000 just to keep afloat and be able to see my kids (under supervision at $95 per hour, never any violence by the way, all made up shit from her with a VRO)and the wonderful Child Separation and Alienation people CSA said its wages and put the child support up to $1,200 per month.
F'n great when your not working and on new start.
Now they are taking $48 per fortnight to pay the arrears but still leaving it at $1,200 per month and they new about the loan all the way through.
Human fuck'n services hey???

There is no hope
We are all fucked
Even if somebody did manage to get up and attempt to change things would be kicked out sacked ridiculed or accused of some bullshit to justify kicking them out to "MAINTAIN FULL AND ULTIMATE CONTROL"
Our governement is in place to keep us in our place that is their job
so what do you think they are going to do if one of us gets up and upsets their little luxury nest????
pretty easy fkn awnser

In 2022 I'll say fk off to csa ,after 17.5 years of paying top dollar,for a child taken to another state,without my consent.
My son will say fk off to me after 17.5 years of being lied to poisoned and isolated from me.
I think that petitions or other group actions wont do too much. Do you think these scum lawers and legal maggots/politicians ,who make billions on this bullshit show called family law, will just walk away from their money bag and their lifestyle it gives them?. The legal system is buddy buddy with those scum politicians .
Maybe try contacting crocodile dundee or Russell Crowe or even dick smith to shed some light on this fking disaster.
2022 this sentence is over for me and im counting every day.
Revolution dreaming, Trump 2 for OZ.

The group invites all supporters choosing to support our course. Uncles aunts, Grandparents, Sisters, brothers, children, friends, observers, work colleagues, authorities, anyone who gives a fuck. Come on dude let's try some positively and less paranoia. Feel the love man. Let's amoungst it. WE ARE COLLECTIVE.

1.Keep a dairy of each contact Date receipt no person
2.Insist on copy of Cuba notes posted to you, These are the notes they put on their computer. Mostly will be lies,
Insist on copy of recording they make with each call
3. check your recollection or recording received against Cuba notes
4.Insist on a case Manager from day one. This pushes you up the ladder to a higher level and prevents you getting calls from all over Australia by people that know nothing of your case.
5. If you had been "private collect" then changed to "agency collect" you have on "opt in time to respond" of at least 28 days. All CS staff will deny this and lock in the generally requested three month back pay
5 Do not give them your email, Insist on post.
6. Do not give them an estimate until you understand all its implications
7.http://operational.humanservices.gov.au/public/Pages/SiteMap/separated-parents.html use this to find their rules
8. Also use this http://guides.dss.gov.au/child-support-guide/4/1
9. don't be afraid to send a "formal complaint" if they have not followed the rules
10 If you have no money to pay they will record this as a "refusal to pay" and will not tell you you can apply not to pay anything under financial hardship
"Change of assessment in special circumstances (CS) 277-03120000" and/ or "Minimum annual rate to nil - Reducing child support assessments 277-03100000"
11. If coming of "private collect" this means your ex has applied under an "AFC" "Application for Child Support to be collected 277-04030000" despite what the document says The "acceptance date" is when the request was placed it cant be locked in for at least 28 days after. If hassled get a letter from them refusing to change and take them to the "AAT"
12. Put in your letter to AAT that this is strictly a procedural thing and that Child Support should be on the phone when determining the outcome other wise it will be your ex on the phone

Pas - don't think she can back date anything 3 years. 3 months is the most from memory, but if you had an agreement, and you met that agreement, then I find it difficult to think she could get anything turned over - contract is contract.
jimmy - have just been through those processes, so if you want to chat about it, give me your contact info and I will give you a call.

Laurie Fittock
CSA Help
I was paying the wrong amount by far', and he helped me get a new assesment that saved me a shitload... it cost me about 1200 for 1 years representation but those people dont call me anymore they have to call him and he deals with them he calls me from time to time to touch base is all.
Now we are persueing the 900 days i was out of the country and not a resident for tax purposes where on return CSA charged me for the whole time i was away based on the assesment in place at the time i was still in the country..... it was a shit load and the only way you CANNOT" be held responsible for paying child support is in their legislation and it is if your dead or a non resident for tax purposes which i was... And they did not give a fuck about the legislation it was the perception of a csa representative and she made that decision so we are fighting that to get compensation from them ... then i am going to sue them for whatever i can.
So in terms of help and good advice for you.... give Laurie a ring and tell him Lenny from darwin on F4J Website put you on to him have a talk and he will either be able to help or not but he morethanlikely will be able to help you.
I tell you that it has been soooooo good not having to deal with csa on the phone or at all just let laurie and his team do it and you can at least keep your sanity
Just thought id share that bit of good news
stay strong keep your shit together i know its hard but theres more than one way to skin a cat