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Who wants to be dictated to by the State on how you support your children what, how and when?
Whilst many views float around arguing for and against child support, most decent fathers and parents would argue the issue is not whether or not they wish to support their children, but rather the often unfair conditions imposed upon them.
Simply, it's an attack on the nature of a father's freedom and how he best wishes to raise and support his children in the many different ways a responsible father can, which are often more effective and benefical to a child than any 'slap-bang' instrument of government and statism can ever be.
For a father going through separation/divorce, experiencing the loss of family and children, horrendous false allegations, litigation, uncertainty of where your children are and how they are doing, often causes ill health, work and life instability in so many ways. Also, the effects from not having a fully functioning and emotionally present Dad in a child's life can be equally, if not more devestating as their development can be hindered considerably.
Then if that isn't bad enough, along comes an assessment from the Child Support Agency (CSA) for an outlandish sum of money based on your capacity to work at the highest rate when you were fit and able and on fire, which is possibly a stark contrast to where your financial position is today, or will be in the future if you are unable to recover from the upheaval of a traumatic separation that's often compared to a fate worse than death.
From 2006 CSA powers in Australia have increased to not only garnish your wages, but directly withdraw from bank accounts any amount they deem appropriate, siezing assets of any sort to pay the often highly questionable and unjust debts. As Fathers are assaulted with such draconian measures, one can only feel a sense of dictatorship giving rise to a totalitarian society not a free Australia causing fathers to unite and fight for their rights and freedom.
As there are many issues surrounding child support and the effects upon fathers, children and families,
Share your opinion and experiences about the pros and cons of child support,
lifting the veil on a most horrid part of family breakup!
Start writing a comment now...

Dont have high expectations at the AAT. I tripped my ex up with evidence, AND law for a change of assessment when she left full time employment. She had no evidence. I still lost. Apparently it was the taxpayer that needed to be considered now. It doubled my CS.

It’s dictator system nothing you can do about it
Unless u change the hole government by having force stronger
From what the have.
That means no hope for men / die or pay
And I wish I find way to die with out pain because life is shit what’s point working if you end up see you hard work go some where called you child
But you rely don’t know if that is the case or the money get spend on mum boob job or nail or hair and the kids will only have the crump
God bless men and there children’s

Would like to clarify why some fathers are reluctant to pay child support.
The amount to be paid is too much, especially if you have lost your house and money to ex and lawers.
The amount to be paid is calculated yearly from your gross income and taken out of you net income.
Second jobs are added to you first job so you have to pay more.
Child support is seen as income by the banks, and as debt of the payer.
The child support payee is not pressured to do yeary tax returns.
The payer does not control how the cs is spent, ( can easily be set up through credit card method, where the payer gets the statement).this also would give proof how money is spent.
Minimum self support in the cs formula should be 30k, most people pay that in rent, what about the rest of living exp?.
2n job and overtime not to be included in cs assessment.
Custody court orders not to be overruled by csa.
No increase of cs unless payee does tax return each year.
Cs to be worked out using real world figures and circumstances of both parents, either through mediation or non stressful/anxiety type arrangements.
Just to give an example my ex always does her tax return when she is out of work , that way she is not forced to back pay any money from over payment. Unless i take her to court and spend 10k to get back 1k.
The system isn't broken it was designed that way . It helps no one and only adds $fuel$ to the fire. Open your eyes.

Anyway it should be very interesting as the receiving parent tripped herself up at the hearing on several occasions. She had no documents or evidence to support all her false misleading claims. She even went as far to falsify a rental agreement document with interesting information on it which was acknowledged!
At the end of the hearing she suddenly decided to inform the parties she was bankrupt. First time hearing this so I have tried to find information on it and all I can find in the child support act is what happens to the person paying the child support. Reiterating that the ACT is so one sided!
Maybe this needs to be addressed. What happens to child support payments if the receiving parent is bankrupt? I know they have to inform the trustees of any other income. But can’t seem to find anything else.
But hey this individual is something else so it wouldn’t surprise me if it was just another story!
Keep up the fight people.

We are reaching out to all, please participate in the following survey to help research the top identifying changeable factors of Child Support.
It is completely anonymous, multiple choice and will take approx 2 minute to complete. Make you opinion count!

This equation I personally don't agree with since if it's 50/50 I still have to pay and if you earn $5m then you pay a massive amount while if your ex earned 50k and her new husband earned 100k then you still pay some massive amount when they probably don't need it. Using my own situation my ex earns less than me and because of this equation she owns a house worth twice as much as my house and multiple cars and I pay more in child support than my own mortgage and I drive around in a $2k car.

There must be a way if we all get together to sort out this rubbish
I'm actually quitting my job this week as it's not worth working and I have nothing left at the end of the week
I struggle all the time but the CSA don't care
Live homelessness is what they all want us to be
Well CSA you have succeeded with me
You should stop and care a bit about the fathers as well
We are humans too

The CSA are an intermediary (Government debt collection agency), as far as I know the full payments go directly to the payee. Whether the payee uses these payments for their intended use, for the child/children, as opposed to wasting the money, is another matter entirely.

Can anyone answer this , I pay $210 weekly to csa maggots for a kid . Does she get this exact amount or does the csa skim a bit of this? .

My son’s mother fell pregnant within 2-months of us meeting, and we separated 5-months after this. Everything happened so quickly, and if I am honest, I was never really in love with her. I took responsibility for my own actions and committed to co-parenting our son. Due to my FIFO work 50/50 parenting was never an option for me, however, I reasonably (and naively) expected substantial time with my son during my time off. I never even came close to this during the three-years I remained in my son’s life. My parenting access to my son was always extremely limited and controlled, not to mention the continual unpunished contraventions of Minute of Consent parenting orders by her.
To cut a long story short, I was falsely accused of abusing my then 30-month old son. My son was always happy in my company and I would never have hurt a hair on his head. Even so, I always suspected my son’s mother was capable of plumbing the depths of vindictiveness. I was never interviewed by the Police and only over the phone by the DCP. Eventually the allegations were found to be unsubstantiated, but the Family Court registrar ordered supervised visits at my expense. So that his mother could concentrate on parenting our son, rather than continually plotting for revenge, I walked away. Basically, since July 2010 I have been paying vast amounts of child support for a son I have “no” contact with. My son will turn 12-years old in July and I have no idea what he even looks like. Out of total frustration and sheer exhaustion, in April 2015 I left Australia and returned to the country of my birth. Since then I have been locked in a battle with the CSA, and mental ill health. The latter has prevented me from working, and being a productive member of society. That said, I did manage to write and publish a book about my Parental Alienation experience.
To add insult to injury, during the short time we were together, I paid-off my son’s mother’s mortgage to the tune of $69.5k. She was very smart though, because she didn’t register me with the CSA for 12-months, thus ensuring none of the $69.5k could be offset against my child support payments.
It is also worth noting, my son’s mother has pulled a similar stunt with her daughter’s father.
Although my payments have been re-assessed at the minimal annual amounts for the previous four financial years, I am now locked into a dispute with the CSA and AAT to have the arrears for these four-years zeroed.
I have always said, Australian Government departments would spend $100k to recoup $10k.
Best of luck everyone!


Just as you thought things couldn't get any worse. And what about the two guys you ask? They're fkn pissed ,dont care about anything and hate everything, don't know who will survive. Just another perfect example of the gov maggots destroying the fabric of society through their social engineering , then they tell you how much they fight domestic violence.I wont even mention the new stolen generation of kids out there. Fight the system not each other.

My psychologist currently is concerned that this pushing from CSA will have a serious and detrimental effect on my mental state and possibly send me back to were I was in December 2017, he wants to issue a letter to them advising this but what good will it do?? They just wont listen and wont stop their adherence to CSA policy and the fact that my estranged 17yr old son deserves his last year of payments from his father, even though he's not earning money to even afford his family regular things like clothes and food? What about them?? Are they not considered in need just because their father lives with them? Why are they not worthy of the same things that another kid gets because it is in "CSA policy". I need some help as I to fear for my mental state and the subsequent effect on my wife and family, after all they have had to endure enough and I do not want them going through anymore. I need help with what I see as constant harassing by CSA with no consideration for myself or my family.

If you think the DHS cares, think again. They don't care for their own staff let alone us mere mortals.

I pay too much as it is hence the need for a second job. I just can't seem to get ahead. 7 years since divorce now paying an insane amount of child support, I cannot get out of debt, I have nothing and still have 3 years to go of this.
Any ideas would be appreciated.

I would gladly fight for our rights as male humans but I’m afraid the system has broken me and I don’t have the strength to do much more than write a simple comment.
I am left broke and broken hearted.
Good luck to all those that are being enslaved to the same system, I hope you find a way through.

Much too much to say here.
CSA sucks if you have make.plumbing
Anyway, I fought CSAHOLES and won .I self represented through the SSAT court process, the highest way to object to their decisions. I suggest you do the same brother.

I then searched for agencies that help in this matter, I came across Child Support Help Australia, Talked to Laurie Fittock, he assured me that I have a case, that they have plenty of experience and knowledge in these matters, I was receiving a call almost every second day until I paid them half of the money, Everything stopped as soon as I paid, every time I called he simply bagged CSA and said how bad and unfair they are, asked for more documents and did nothing,
I finally found out by CSA that the act prevents parties to have a representative on reassessments, so the money was gone, Laurie from CSHA didn’t help and refused to refund.
They just take your money and run,
They have a facebook page that is run by a marketing company, they charge Laurie a fee for every lead they get, Laurie Fittock from Child Support Help Australia on the other hand gets paid and does nothing, Beware and don’t waste your money. I paid them $1,000 and after a month got a very poor draft that was copied from my objections.
Is there anyone with personal business benefit experience that can help.

Family court judges / CSA- are natze and dictators
No one can change the system
I pay CS+spousal maintenance because my x studying so she can maintain her
Life style $3055 a month
So I’m working 7 days just so she can have good life style LOL
nothing make since
So I do t bileve in free Australia we will have hitler
In every aspect of our life
God help up

I think the only way fwd is for the ex to only ever receive 50/50 care payments unless Ex can prove the other partner will not take care of the kids. Too many ex's keep the kids out of spite and financial gain.
The system is broken. Government love it, no cost to them, fk the kids and dad.

My EX is now working full time and has been for 6 months, but I'm paying full CS for her previous income which was nil. My question is can I initiate a new income assessment on my EX so i can get some financial relief and actually support my daughter.
Many thanks, I look forward to your responses and to hear from anyone who is in the same boat.

1) You've separated/divorced. Primary carer wants/needs financial support (cash) from you as other parent.
2) If primary carer does not get this through a property settlement or child support agreement between parents (both ways recommended), they often make application to CSA. If they seek a Welfare/Centrelink benefit they have no choice but to first show evidence of a CS agreement or application to CSA.
3) Non primary parent then receives CSA notice of say mother's claim and request for father's particulars of income, % child care details etc. At this point, if you are not the father you must rebut the presumption that you are. The mother will have to provide irrefutable evidence that you are (ie. DNA). Whatever you do, don't deal with CSA.
4) If you have fathered the child/ren for many years, suspect they're not yours and want to possibly end the r'ship with your kid/s over a few dollars, then this is the time to seek proof of paternity. Otherwise if they are yours, you have fathered them and want to continue and don't object, the presumption stands.
5) If you are caught by the CSA machine and work for someone as an employee, you are pretty much fucked. They know what you earn, can garnish your wages and seize any crazy amount the CSA say is owed from any tax return or bank accounts (which don't belong to you anyway).
6) If you can afford whatever the CSA demands and takes from you great. Usually they start low, get you on the agreement hook, and then they can jack up the charges. If this is not for you, you have to create a company/trust entity being different from the entity you know as your name and then pay yourself a modest sum. Yes, this will mean leaving a job as you know it and making changes. Perhaps you can contract with your previous employer.
7) Alternatively, go on welfare/Centrelink benefits and be protected by the ceiling of say $30/fn and maybe setup a new entity/income on the side.
So that's it. For those unsure about when the agreement was first formed, it was when the man and woman consented to that act of lust and pleasure and did the deed. Agreements get stronger with time making them harder to terminate. So too does refuting any presumption of fatherhood.
The most important part about all of this is to be responsible for your kids in whatever way you can, but if the ex-partner is being unfair and unreasonable, don't contemplate taking your life as this doesn't serve any good, least of all for you, your children, family, friends and the positive difference you can make in the world. Never forget this! Just use a remedy that allows you to live fairly too.
And yes keep away from dealing with the CSA at all costs. Don't respond, write or call them. Don't contract with them. Make them insignificant because their terms are unfair and one-sided with their antics worse than Nightmare on Elm St.
The only way to abolish the CSA racket is by not using and empowering it, otherwise your participation will only serve to dis-empower yourself; sending you crazy and broke in the process as it sucks your energy dry.
Remember: Fairness and CSA are not synonymous so give it a wide berth !!!
Good luck!

I’m the partner of a payer of child support.
He divorced her ex 13 years ago and still she goes out of her way to have my partner reassessed by child support.
Recently, he received a change of assessment using reason 3 + 8.
Long story short. Her application was full of fraudulent statements and only partially filled in.
Even after responding CSA didn’t take anything he said into consideration.
Why partner objected and provided evidence and documents supporting his reasons. CSA didn’t even address them in the objection decision letter.
The stage we are at now is AAT.
It’s been so stressful for both my partner and myself, with the new inflated payment we have to find we are sure to lose our house.
Obviously as I feel an injustice has been done I started researching and have read both the acts this department follows trying to find a way to help my partner. I also google his ex’s name.
OMG what I found was shocking.
She has 8 registered businesses which she omitted on her CoA application, she is also in a family trust, again this wasn’t on the form. She claims Centrelink payments as well. I then found her business page and even watched videos of her. (She apparently is a personal trainer)
With this ammunition I reported her to CSA and Centrelink for fraud. Will anything happen? Probably not but it made me feel better.
Anyway, my partner still has to go to AAT but now we have even more evidence to support his case. I’m still not convinced that anything will change after the tribunal as from what I’ve read not many people have a good result.

The system needs huge overhaul, inc sack all the brainwashed people who work there. Fathers are not 'wrong' because we are gathers. Assess total family income for both families. Both parents pay into bank account for child based on submitted budgets.....the list is long my friends

If there are no orders, let the kids speak their concerns to dad direct. Do they not want to be with him for the holidays or just not to the farm. If the kids don't directly want to be with dad, and its their uninfluenced desire, then so be it, they stay home with mum, but mum has no basis to issue any claim for any amount as how is it dads fault?
Depending on the current r'ship and time between kids and dad, sometimes kids find it hard to leave the primary carer, especially if say mum is not promoting a r'ship and good time with dad. It's a thing called exit and entry in r'ships. Sometimes it's that initial awkwardness for kids and the contact parent which first has to be understood and then overcome gradually. However, get passed this both kids and adults can have a ball.

peoples thoughts please.!!cheers

This system is broken beyond repair. I can't afford to even feed my two younger children and am unable to even have the child I am paying the support for visit as I can't provide anything for him.
How is this 'thinking of the child'? It's past a joke. I really need help in circumventing this wrong system - NOT avoid supporting my children - but making sure ALL of them are looked after and not just the mother of ONE child! ANY help would be very appreciated. Legal, illegal - I don't care anymore - I have been doing the right thing since this all began - and I can't survive anymore, so why should I? The system doesn't account for those doing the right thing!

& how can she arrange this without my consent, & they take it without even informing me they are going to??

Enuff said it sux shit 🖕🏼

Then came me and our daughter a couple of years later but I know he didn’t have much so I was left to provide for our family
Next the mother takes him to court as he could afford the kids braces (cosmetic) and lavish school camps and activities. He has been paying all essential items for them. Plus all there non essential medical eg massages. What does the judge say “it’s in the best interest of the kids” cough up another $11,000, oh but you can pay it off in 24 months. Also that’s the mother’s good luck that she gets government benefits, school camp, excursions funded. No wonder my poor husband is broken, his lost his everything and now we have to find an additional $11,000 on top of everything else. Where is the justice and fairness. I have to work to make ends meet and we are just above the threshold to receive any benefits. Sometimes I wonder what’s the point of working!!