Child Support Discussion Forum

Child Support — What does it all mean?
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Who wants to be dictated to by the State on how you support your children — what, how and when?

Whilst many views float around arguing for and against child support, most decent fathers and parents would argue the issue is not whether or not they wish to support their children, but rather the often unfair conditions imposed upon them.

Simply, it's an attack on the nature of a father's freedom and how he best wishes to raise and support his children in the many different ways a responsible father can, which are often more effective and benefical to a child than any 'slap-bang' instrument of government and statism can ever be.

For a father going through separation/divorce, experiencing the loss of family and children, horrendous false allegations, litigation, uncertainty of where your children are and how they are doing, often causes ill health, work and life instability in so many ways. Also, the effects from not having a fully functioning and emotionally present Dad in a child's life can be equally, if not more devestating as their development can be hindered considerably.

Then if that isn't bad enough, along comes an assessment from the Child Support Agency (CSA) for an outlandish sum of money based on your capacity to work at the highest rate when you were fit and able and on fire, which is possibly a stark contrast to where your financial position is today, or will be in the future if you are unable to recover from the upheaval of a traumatic separation that's often compared to a fate worse than death.

From 2006 CSA powers in Australia have increased to not only garnish your wages, but directly withdraw from bank accounts any amount they deem appropriate, siezing assets of any sort to pay the often highly questionable and unjust debts. As Fathers are assaulted with such draconian measures, one can only feel a sense of dictatorship giving rise to a totalitarian society — not a free Australia — causing fathers to unite and fight for their rights and freedom.

As there are many issues surrounding child support and the effects upon fathers, children and families,

Share your opinion and experiences about the pros and cons of child support,
lifting the veil on a most horrid part of family breakup!

Start writing a comment now...

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    By: All men are assholes from qld, australia on July 2, 2016 @ 9:38 am
    Well robin i can understand your concern with my comments if you have daughters they stand to loose out on financial gain and early retirement if men won't marry . Secondly no one likes to hear the truth about themselves especially women i don't mind being the brave one . Feel free to read other comments submitted on this site they all tell the same story . Your use of bold type to ram home your opinion and the fact that your on a site for men and barking at others tells me your most likely one of those women i avoid .
    By: Ben from Nsw, Australia on July 2, 2016 @ 8:35 am
    I have had a really messy split with my ex after catching her cheating. She is really nasty and will do anything to get her own way. She refused to let me take anything from my house, even calling the police when I collected a towball from the garage so I could start my new life, after having for the first time in my life having to get a store credit card to set myself up with the basics like a bed. She threatened to concoct assault charges on me if I didn't give her most of the settlement of our assets, fortunately her story was quickly dismissed by the police. We shared a family business that my ex ran, I was shut out completely. Even to the point of her selling part of the business, lying about it and hiding the money.

    Child Support Australia assessed her income at a few hundred dollars per year, which was obvious to everyone that this was a ridiculous lie. After selling most of the business my ex worked full-time. CSA refused to change the income as I didn't have proof of her employment. Eventually I gathered the evidence and CSA are refusing to backdate any payments. She is still able to hide her commission payments.CSA is a corrupt system run by people who hate men and treat all men as bad fathers. I have lodged a formal complaint, but I have no real say.

    I have spent a tonne on lawyer fees, and have gone nowhere. Last night I picked up my 10year old who abused and screamed at me. His mother continues to use every trick in the book to manipulate the situation. Fortunately my 13yr old has seen through the lies and sees her for what she is.

    CSA not only ruins the lives of Dads, but through its hatred of men, it destroys the lives of children. I agree that I am responsible in part of the costs of raising my kids, but when the kids are viewed as a way of making money by women, as a thing to be manipulated and exploited the system is very wrong.
    By: Mick from QLD, Australia on July 1, 2016 @ 7:37 pm
    Hey just thought id ask, because really i dont know what else to do - has anyone else had CSA use a "provisional" income amount? it happened when i lodged my tax return last year. I was paying based upon my estimate of $50k, then i lodged my tax return which was $52,090 - and now it says my assessment is a provisional $88k wth????

    but it wasnt $88k it was $52,090 and now they have imposed a debt - how can they do this? how do i get it fixed does anyone know? they accept my current year estimate of $55k but, being that the financial year has just closed again i dont want the same thing to happen!
    By: Greg from Sydney NSW, Australia-England on July 1, 2016 @ 3:31 pm
    My apology to bloggers and readers for using the S word

    Many thoughts and feelings distorts one's mind when in a suicidal mood.
    By: Greg from NSW, Australia on June 30, 2016 @ 9:06 pm
    Hey Steve
    Go fuk another slut, if one kicks you out, another will take you in.
    Go live with another bitch, surely one of the other poor bastards here pays her CSA payments too! If so, you can live off her and her ex .

    This is a fucked system, but if you learn to play the game you will smile in no time.

    ******Rules of life******

    Never ever, answer a private call.
    Never ever, talk to CSA.
    Never ever, correspond past your first responce of "What the fuck you talking about".

    Do pay for your children (if they are yours), but not through CSA (keep records).
    Do resist all requests from CSA.
    Do place all CSA mail in the bin or return it to sender.

    Resist this Evil organization at all costs and advise your boys how to avoid this Evil organization.
    CSA causes more deaths than by any other means.
    CSA forces men to their knees then to the grave.

    No politician in Australia has the balls to stand up guys, you/we are on our own..
    Revert to the "never ever rules above guys", we all die eventually, but we dont have to die by CSA rules.

    Hay! maybe Ill see you in hell one day :)

    Over 585,300 views
    By: steve from NSW, Aus on June 24, 2016 @ 11:24 am
    I think it is very unfair that the Court looks at income in awarding a much higher percentage of the assets to the wife- then on top of this- the Child SupportAgency then base your income on Child Support to the wife. She claims she is mentally unwell and cant work so you then have to pay her spousal support. This has now gone on for 5 years.
    On top of this- Child Support say the highest amount of child support ($2500 per month for 2 children) is not enough for school education-so they decide you have to give another $27000 per year for schooling. You have nil choice and if you don't pay them you get the money taken from your bank account.

    I understand that the vulnerable have to be supported- However- they system is not right because the income producer becomes the vulnerable one.

    very hard to start a new life- very hard to date and provide any future- The Court system is not right and then the Child Support System is not fair and equitable
    By: robin from nsw, australia on June 23, 2016 @ 12:54 pm
    I really hope u dont have kids with the way u talk about females please dont pass that onto a male child or any child for that matter.
    Some mums do the right thing by their x ( the childs father )but then again some men can be real pigs to if it comes to that
    Im rasising my 2 kids without the help of their father HIS CHOISE I might add HE WALKED OUT ON THEM I do every thing on my own. Chasing him all the time so the kids can see him but its what he wanted but the kids they want to see him so Im doing everything I can so they can driving 4 hrs just so he can have lunch with them half the time hes late or just dosent turn up as he was to busy. So are females all bad ? BTW Im a working female WITHOUT the help of a CSA payment he cant afford to pay so I dont ask
    By: all men are assholes from qld, australia on June 22, 2016 @ 7:15 pm
    Remember women are the best liars and there is nothing more manipulative cunning or evil than a woman solicitors and judges come second . Once divorced all the miserable fat ugly man haters will do their best to destroy you . Some man haters clubs are Child Support Agency Qld Education Child Services womens help groups and women in the law industry and not limited to these . Hope this helps every young man should talk to a divorced dad . My recommendation for what its worth .
    By: member of all men are assholes from qld, australia on June 21, 2016 @ 8:46 pm
    Do the right thing and warn all young men why they should never marry or have kids
    1250. By: mic from vic, Oz on June 20, 2016 @ 8:33 pm
    Sorry to hear about your husband's health Erin and what you've both been going through. Many others have had hell too and I think its due to a lack of understanding of commercial agreements and contracts, knowing who we are and what CSA are, and as Jay eluded to, one must request proof of any debt obligation. But there is a way to do it. Plus one has to have the belief and persistence to put the time in, ask Q's and research. Worldwide, our agreements must be held sacrosanct and not dishonoured else everything goes to shit, however at the same time they shouldn't be entered into under duress, via coercion or trickery. Most parents are tricked into contracting with 3rd party debt collection agencies like the CSA, Baycorp, D&B etc through suffering emotional obfuscation and lacking knowledge. But it's never too late too learn, understanding who you are and where you stand in relation to the world of fiction, commerce and attempts to obliterate families, fathers and our estates.
    By: Kris from nsw, ZOG on June 20, 2016 @ 7:06 pm
    Hi to all paying parents.
    The one thing that "might" be worth pushing for with csa/politicians maggots is the amount the csa uses as self support in the formula ,which is like $21thousand!@$#×. This figure is as old as the csa. Rent in most cities is well in the $450++ category,and what about food?,the cost of travel to work etc. The self support amount should be at least 30thousand+ for a WORKING person. And why should my cs go up when the kids turn 13,cause they have more needs? And what about my self support needs??? So as im paying 18% for my son out of my gross income which is like 23% out of my net income,then I'll be pay 23% out of my gross when he is 13 which will really be 26% out of my net.
    So there you go people some interesting figures to ponder about.
    It is worth pushing for an increase in self support.
    Revolution dreaming. ..
    By: Erin from NSW, Australia on June 20, 2016 @ 9:06 am
    My husband has been working himself to death to support his ex who hasn't worked in 16 years (been paying CS for 14). He actually had a heart attack the day last month's CS was due 1.5 weeks ago, so forgive us if that wasn't the biggest priority in our lives at the time. He's had an aggressive call from a CS officer and informed her that he'd had a heart attack and was on bed rest recovering... he just got more and more aggressive posturing from this person once he told her about his health. I am so upset and beside myself that they are hounding him for this money RIGHT NOW in these circumstances. He doesn't need the stress, his health is precarious. Isn't it in their interests that he remains alive and able to pay his bludging ex wife than dead when CS becomes a terminating event? These leeches have no moral compass. I know it's "just a job" to them, but to verbally bulldoze a critically ill man is disgusting. If he dies it will be blood money.
    By: Jay from SA, Australia on June 20, 2016 @ 8:35 am
    Curious.. I'm about to have it out with CSA and have read many posts re requesting a copy of a 'contract' and proof of debt. Does this actually get you anywhere?
    By: Hux from w.a, Australia on June 19, 2016 @ 9:17 am
    Hi I am fkn over all this child support bullshit.they are legal thieves and make up new rules when you stump them on a legality!!! I don't understand why a parent is charged so much for child support and it's on the gross income and then that gross percentage is taken from the net!!!!!so instead of paying tax of 35%+ of wage I end up actually paying 60%+ once added up ..and where is the help for the worker once the job they are in is finished and they are on the street !!!after paying child support at a ridiculous rate for over 13 years and ya just get kicked in the ass again...FCK this agency is the biggest fkn wrought I've ever heard of and to top it off the fkrs keep the late fees for themselves more pay offs to this corrupt fkn govt of ours FCK Them
    By: Chris from Qld, Australia on June 19, 2016 @ 2:10 am
    Hi all,
    Accidentally clicked the submit button, long story short I put in an assessment as I did not believe her income was correctly reflected because she has a part time job and also receives Centrelink payments to the tune of approx $600 per week and Child Support declined the assessment advising that the $18,000 she claimed she was earning per year is correct and they don't take into account Centrelink payments. Has anyone else experience this? If she is receiving approx. $30,000 from Centrelink shouldn't this be considered when calculating my child support?
    By: Lundon from Qld, Aus on June 18, 2016 @ 11:02 am
    I have question re tax if my ex worked part time for 10 months then works under an abn paid by commission and paid no tax on the commission ( spent the money ) how the hell can she claim a lot of deductions to get her income down but pay no net tax . She's told my kids she's getting s big refund to pay them the money back she's owes them . I suspect she might get a tax bill ? Any advise
    By: Kris from nsw, ZOG on June 17, 2016 @ 2:00 pm
    The reason why your x doesn't do her tax returns is because it will reduce the amount she gets from you, my x does hers when she is not working, that way I'm always paying the 100% of the formula. And her previous years that she was working are not used but yours are, so be up to date or you will pay till your kids turn 25. Work for cash as much as possible and keep the bastards
    honest. Dont even think about offsetting your cs by getting another job,unless
    its for cash only, cause if you do it will all be added together, this might push you over into the next tax bracket and increase you cs to the point where you will contemplate self harm or worse.. Remember the key word CASH ONLY.
    By: Kris from nsw, ZOG on June 17, 2016 @ 10:33 am
    Hi to all paying parents.
    Just wanted to let you all know not to fall into the "dont do your tax lodgment trap".
    If you don't lodge you tax return for a number of years and your kids turn 18 or more, the csa maggots /parasites will hit you with back pay , also you might beearning less now but will be forced to pay on what you earnt back then.
    Better to be up to date with the cs otherwise you'll be paying backpay till your kids are in the late 20ies and guess to who.
    Cause once the cs ends and you own them nothing then you will get true
    justice. And will see how they do it on their own. Revolution dreaming. ..
    By: Herman Boitze from WA, Australia on June 17, 2016 @ 9:26 am
    Thanks Mike so after the school year when they are 18yrs it is done? Cause money craving x will do the same as yours and apply for end of school year. I was reading something about child maintenance after, saying its different from support is that true?
    They've taken 3 of my tax returns in the past saying I'm overdue on payments so I pay all that out to that bitch cause I know my daughter doesn't see a cent but now I get my tax returns and its never the full amount there's always some crap involving arrears etc. I can't even enjoy any of my own hard work I still don't understand why I'm always in arrears when it comes straight out of my pay before I see it. When I speak to their useless csa agents they keep saying sometimes the system isn't quick enough to update which looks like your behind on payments when actually your not. So then I ask them so if I'm actually not behind why in the bloody world are you still stealing from me? Then they give me shit info never helpful. The x dictates when my daughter can see me I always try to have her during holidays birthdays there's always bs that they have plans I can never just set a date and it's all good she's always gotta have the last say. Why do you think she hasn't lodged her taxes? Is she hiding something from csa?
    1240. By: Mike from Vic, Aust on June 17, 2016 @ 8:27 am
    Hi Herman,

    My eldest turned 18 in May and the x applied to have me keep paying child support until the end of his school year so yes, they sent me a letter granting her application for me to keep paying. Mind you, no proof was sent through that he is actually still attending. Rang the school to confirm and was told they can only tell relevant parties and as I was not on their list I was not relevant.

    Relevant enough for csa payments though. More double standards.

    If u don't lodge a tax return csa will increase yr assessed income for $ support arbitrarily. I think it's by 5% but they should have done that to her income for assessment aswell.
    By: Herman Boiszte from WA, AUSTRALIA on June 17, 2016 @ 1:36 am
    So you have to keep paying even when they turn 18yrs? Serious? Been sweating my guts out paying child support just wanna piss this fricken child support off! Im over it! The bloody x hasn't lodged her tax returns in 2 years so this year im not lodging mine stuff them all sick of this unfair crap
    By: garret k lavigne from fl, pasco on June 16, 2016 @ 2:30 am
    I Called THE CONGRESSMAN RICHARD E NEAL IN SPINGFILD MASS. The response was they cannot help me because it is a state issue not a federal issue. But yet they can take my federal license and steal from my bank in other state's Now they want me to call the governor's office to make a complaint to Elizabeth Warren in Boston mass. LET'S SEE WHO PASSES THE BUCK THIS TIME.
    By: Andrew from NSW, AU on June 15, 2016 @ 5:44 pm
    Hi All,

    I do strongly suggest in using your local political member who usually have someone in house to liase with the CSA higher up the food chain than the call centre and complaints group provided you have legitimate complaint that can be supported and not just a grumbling session.

    The local political members keep stats on these things and apparently are legally obliged to respond and act to your queries. I have had better responses using this approach.

    Even if you have no success in your claim then atleast there is another avenue that is aware of the CSA's actions and in big enough numbers it may gain some traction and critical mass.

    Keep a copy of the CSA legislation handy and search for sections that affect your situation. This should ultimately be the CSA's bible and hence must follow it. The frontline CSA staff do not seem to be aware of much of it from my personal experience.

    This is handy online guide but hold the pdf copy handy since I think it may have more detail.

    I share your pain and just want and expect some equality.

    Now I scan all of my CSA dealings with a fine toothed comb since they cannot be trusted and are a debt collection agency foremost and must be treated as such.

    Be strong and focused my friends............
    By: richard from western australia, Australia on June 15, 2016 @ 1:30 pm
    Except from case
    This is a case drawing upon both the supervisory and adjudicative authority of our nation’s highest court to rectify family court processes in the states that “shock the conscience,” Rochin v California, 342 US 165 (1953). Through an unchecked expansion of
    parens patriae
    authority over America’s children, local family judges have been able to abuse equity jurisdiction to invade every aspect of private life. Such power can exceed that exercised by the NSA, IRS and CIA
    By: richard from western australia, Australia on June 15, 2016 @ 11:24 am
    this looks promising wonder if we could get enough support to do similar in Aus
    By: Garret Lavigne from Florida, United States on June 14, 2016 @ 5:13 am
    we the American people need to stop the corrupt system in child support we need to protest 2 Congress we the taxpayer pay for these entities are ready through our tax income this would be called double-dipping they do not supply money we the American people pay for this it is our money not theirs this it's extortion
    By: garret k lavigne from fl, pasco on June 14, 2016 @ 5:03 am
    it's hard to fight a corrupt system when you have a corrupt judge on a The bench like MARIA LYON'S The state don't care whether you're guilty or not. All they're in in how is how they can still you money . That is why can call it EXTORTION. it not there money and call it disposable income. I've been refused a DNA test and fair trial for 20+ years I had no right to present any of my evidence that I have. was found guilty with a bogus blood test and was incarcerated for 6-month's 180 DAY'S [ IN THE STATE OF MASS ]
    By: glen b whittaker from nsw, land of the free on June 13, 2016 @ 10:24 pm
    im always happy to pay any radical terrorist extornist organisation,,, just first show me a lawful f*ckin contract
    By: Billy c from Nsw, Au on June 10, 2016 @ 3:57 pm
    I'm going to follow in the footsteps of the great Jack storm who managed to beat the system. Csa keeps calling me to start my re-assessment but I've been avoiding the csa calls cause I've heard really bad things. Quit my job on payroll today. I'm going to go off the radar, work for cash but instead of no bank account Im thinking joint account with family or in family name not mine and getting my mortgage put into my family's names and I'll just give them the cash. If I ain't got nothing on paper than they ain't got nothing to take from me. why should I live in poverty while my ex moves on happy with my children and my money funds her new life with her new man?
    Time for change! So long csa!
    1230. By: Suzy from NSW, Australia on June 9, 2016 @ 3:06 pm
    Nick, Your situation does sound like mine...this is what I did...If your like me/ my situation You need to planr a seed RE: the tax returns, they eventually go after this them selves but it takes a long time ( they did with my ex but it took 11 years) if you write to them and insist on them looking into it 9both child support and ATO) they will and it will speed up the process...I didn't do this hence why it took so long and then when it did happen CSA tells you you have to take out a civil suit to reclaim that money as " They don't go back that far" I told them I didn't want to get that money back I just didn't see why when their own records showed he owed me over $40,000 how could they insist I pay $240 per week now?" Then they said because the care arrangement has changed now and you didn't pursue it back then... Anyway moral of the story is you can actually take out a Civil suit...I'm not suggesting you it wasn't what I wanted to do either, but if you did, you would eventually win and I'm guessing your my ex, knows this and she isn't going to want any attention on her from the ATO...What I did, is call my EX and discuss very calmly with him on the phone whilst recording the conversation (it's important you be nice and calm and friendly about it) I just mentioned to my ex on the phone that he knew as well as I did that I had never made him pay what he legally had to and that as he knew I could have called the tax office and dobbed him in but I never did and I also allowed him not to pay anything and gave him unlimited access, yet he took up the ' No paying" but not the actually seeing his son more often part. I then when on to mention that I was sure that I had spoken to child support and relayed this information and that they had informed me that if I put this in writing to the registrar that it would be considered grounds for not paying anything at all. I then went on to tell him though that I would never not pay anything even when the law says I don't have to, so what did he consider to be a fair amount of child support based on these circumstances and knowing that legally I could choose to pay nothing and that when he had that option, he chose to pay nothing....we ended up settling on a figure that is Half of what CSA wanted and he now gives 2/3 of it directly to my son. Bare in mind Nick, your EX is NOT going to ring child support and ask them if you really had that conversation and if what you say is I said if she's been lodging dodgy tax returns for years or none at all like my EX she is not going to want any government body looking in to it or having their attention drawn to it, people that do this and get away with it for years because people like you and I let them, always fear that it will catch up with them and if she's driving a BMW and living on the Northshore, she's making it pretty obvious that she's up to no good....Use what you have for yourself, without having to go through the government...let them do that in their own time...they'll catch up with her eventually, but you don't want it to be because of you as she is the mother of your children....Remember you catch more flies with honey...
    By: Henry from Nsw, Oz on June 9, 2016 @ 1:44 pm
    Thanks to the never ending debts I've incurred due to job changes due to economy I feel like I'll never get ahead in life if I have to keep paying csa minimum 50% of my heard earned money. I don't want to rent forever or live with my parents when I'm in my 30s. This isn't the life I had planned for myself. Don't kid yourselves people human rights don't care about us they also just care about the money. I know it's suposed to be for the kids but it's never enough for csa or the exes and it never ends unless I move away cut all ties with my ex and kid so she can't find me and tell csa where I am or I end it all completely.
    No wonder suicide rate is so high. I bet those men are happy now they're free from csa.
    At least I know I'm not alone here. People judge absent parents but sometimes we don't have a choice really
    By: Byron from Vic, AU on June 9, 2016 @ 12:57 pm
    Has anyone tried complaining to the Australian Human Rights Commission? Surely when any person or organisation takes over 50% of your income and doesn't leave you enough to support your family ($300/wk), its a breach of human rights?
    By: Kris from nsw, ZOG on June 9, 2016 @ 8:53 am
    Hi to all paying parents.
    If you had no money to buy a house , would the bank let you buy one?
    If you couldn't afford a car that you want could you still buy it.
    then why is it that the parent who cant afford to support the child, 9 times out of 10 gets to keep that child.
    custody should be based on the ability to support the child.
    if you cant even support yourself, then how can you afford to support a child.
    that would mean that the child support you receive goes to support you .putting the child second.
    If a"deadbeat father" is someone who is forced to pay cs. Then what is the term that best describes a mother who refuses access to the father?
    Child abuser=criminal.
    Revolution dreaming. ...
    By: Angry father of 1 from Vic, Australian on June 9, 2016 @ 1:40 am
    Why do men gotta pay for children they don't get to see? I'm about to give up with csa. They make it so hard for father to be a father. They only care about getting u out of as much money as possible. They don't care about facts. I've seen my daughter handful of times out of her 6 monthof life. My ex never want me too see her so I don't. Started court to see her but couldn't afford to keep going unless I can find a way to stop needing food and house or pay less child support. Don't know why I have to pay support when I don't see my daughter. It's shit. csa is garnishing my wages now. Ex refused private agreement and wants full amount for if I'm in her life but I can't live with just that. Don't know how they work it out anyway considering I need to pay rent and ex doesn't and I'm on single income and she's not.
    I offered to put aside whatever amount I can afford in a account for my daughter when she's older but my ex told me to fuck off. My ex is well off and has told me she doesn't need my money but wants me to suffer which I told them but csa continue to take my pay and don't leave me enough to get by on.
    Maybe i should get a job far away from ex or work for myself and not lodge tax return like other's do and GIVE UP WITH CSA. My daughter will come to me when she's grown up. Maybe it's time to move on with life and move away until this country stops fucking fathers over
    By: Rob from WA, Australia on June 6, 2016 @ 11:51 pm
    Well sorry to say but you have lost me boys! all the Philosophizing in the world wont stop these pricks harassing us.
    They will keep racking up the debt no matter what and at some stage you WILL pay, we need a means of stopping their corruption.
    Dont get me wrong, i have no qualms whatsoever in "contributing" to my sons welfare. In fact id have him 100% in a heartbeat but the sda fact is im not contributing, i am being used as the sole supporter whilst his mother lives the perfect lifestyle. Re-married, nice job, house, overseas holidays and im the one paying for it all. great system.
    By: Trevor Watson from NSW, Australia on June 6, 2016 @ 8:42 pm
    Thanks Mic, the matrix control system and the associated conditioning I am well aware of. Who I am evolves each second. My nature as one with all is of love and truth. Experience outside of the matrix creates freedom and peace both internal and subsequently, external. We must consider being bold enough to test our conditioning. Be strong all.
    By: mic from vic, aust on June 6, 2016 @ 11:03 am
    Trev, there is a commercial process to follow but simply, the first Notice to the dead entity (CSA) is to have them cough up proof of any valid debt within say 14 days. I'd love to see them produce a contract with all the elements, haven't seen one yet. Remember, they will attempt to deceive and confuse you for this is a huge racket of control, just like banks and mortgages. You will not get any validation in writing saying "Oh, you caught us with our pants down. Your the fifth one this week, aren't we so naughty... Shhh...don't tell anyone else about our dirty little secret...promise? We will now cancel your account so you can now go and be free and sow more seeds," but you will get acquiescence if done right. Men and fathers need to learn who they first are and what fictions are at play. When you find out who you really are this empowerment may just bring you real peace and joy.

    Geoff, what one has to look at is, who/what is govt, csa, dhs, legislation, corporations, living man, contracts and consent? Being responsible for one's flesh n blood and unknowingly being a slave to a fiction and 3rd party interloper out of ignorance and deception are two different things in my book. One either lives under the creator or under man and his 10 million statutes biased toward the state. Like being good or evil, it's all a choice and individual journey. Just remember, we're all on the seas of commerce.
    By: Geoff from Qld, Australia on June 6, 2016 @ 6:55 am
    mic the legal contract you form with the govt is when you actually have a baby. Although you sign nothing if you are the biological parent you are responsible you cant get out of that. There are moral and financial responsibilities the law puts on parents to look after the children. Its the legislation that divides these responsibilities between separated parents and the way some parents abuse it that needs to be looked into
    By: Trevor Watson from NSW, Australia on June 5, 2016 @ 8:15 pm
    Mic, I have zero hope that the CSA will ever comply to any request I may propose to them. Everything I have ever communicated to them has been used against me. I presently ignore every attempt they make to contact me and the fanciful debt I am allegedly responsible for continues to rapidly rack up. I am traveling the country and experiencing the beauty that life has to offer. Anything else is way too painful for all involved. My children have been alienated from me yet I am expected to continue to play slave to the Government and my family who has rejected me for no understandable reason. I choose to give away my permanent professional humanitarian servicing career in pursuit of peace and joy.
    1220. By: mic from vic, aust on June 5, 2016 @ 11:35 am
    An "invisible contract" is apt Trevor as no contract can ever exist between man and fiction. The process when responding to any claim made upon you, the living man, is to state you're happy to pay on condition proof of claim be first substantiated. Proofs required must include a lawful contract showing an exchange of value. The irony is many pay out of fear, ignorance, confusion, under duress and guilt which only serves to reinforce an obligation or common law contract binding them commercially, when on the contrary, if one believed they had no true debt, one wouldn't pay at all. If such notices are written properly CSA can't prove up extinguishing honourably any alleged financial obligation CSA, as a 3rd party collector, believes you owe them. In many instances this can free up a father to first breathe again, get his life in order and hopefully, all being well, contribute to his kids when and how he can directly. This process is not an overnight job and like obtaining any skill and knowledge, does require time and study.
    By: Geoff from Qld, Australia on June 5, 2016 @ 10:44 am
    I feel sorry for all the dads having access issues its terrible. I fortunately dhave access however the CSA has screwed meout of money because my ex has decided to have another baby with her new partner. Neither of us have paid any child support in the last 5 yrs because we have a 50/50 court ordered arrangement and had agreed (not formally) on private collection with no money exchange between us. She was actually supposed to be paying me money. She has re partnered, is in a defacto relationship living with him and has just had a new baby. Because she has stopped work due to the baby and now has no income she has enforced child support on me. I am single, live by myself pay everything myself work fulltime and although my daughter is always well provided for i still struggle financially from time to time. I simply cant afford to pay her anything it will send me broke.....but she doesn't care and neither do the CSA because they have started garnishing my wages after all my appeals. I do not see how i am responsible for their lifestyle choice to have another baby? I certainly did not want another baby. Another problem is the "self support income" the CSA convieniently provide for everyone at the same rate. On my assessment they have put both of our self support incomes at $23000 however she lives in a family unit style household where they share their bills. Ive worked out i need to make approx $42k after tax to pay all my yearly bills. I pay $20k per year just in rent. They have given me $3k per year for everything else?? And no one cares about the quality of my daughters life in her time with me. Her mother just says if i cant afford to keep my daughter she will gladly take full custody of her (her whole intention i think) and the CSA are heartless and just say they are following legislation. Legislation that's extremely flawed and well overdue for a revamp to make it fair on children and fathers everywhere. On reading thru this forum and others online the social implications with what they CSA are doing cant be overlooked anymore. Finding ways of earning untraceable money, cash jobs, selling drugs and stolen goods etc....the things the CSA are making everyday good people do justvto survive is disgraceful. I am in the middle of drafting a letter explaining my personal situation as well as using others as examples and i am sending it everywhere. From Kathryn Campbell herself to local, state and federal MPs, to a number of various media outlets. Something has to be done and i encourage anyone who has been legitimately screwed by the CSA to please to the same make yourself heard. Power in numbers and If the public gets bombed with whats really going on especially with an election coming up we might start getting some decent changes in this destructive legislation. Chin up lads 👍
    By: Trevor Watson from NSW, Australia on June 4, 2016 @ 10:39 pm
    Totally support your invalidation and disregard of this government psyops project referred to as the CSA Mic. I too operate outside of it's influence as it is I and I alone who determines how I live my life. I was wondering are you aware of anyone who has requested a formal copy of the invisible "contract" from the CSA and what type of outcome has resulted?
    By: mic from vic, aust on June 4, 2016 @ 9:08 am
    Tis a good Q Col. For me I am the ultimate authority living under god our creator. I don't live under the authority of other men or corporate fictions such as CSA.
    By: Colin Carpenter from NSW, Australia on June 3, 2016 @ 2:30 pm
    i wonder how many can answer the question "who are you?" which is becoming more important in handling these corps
    By: mic from vic, aust on June 3, 2016 @ 12:52 pm
    Rob, for starters contact CSA and request details of any contract or binding agreement (incl. terms) and see what they say/provide.
    By: Rob from WA, Australia on June 3, 2016 @ 12:33 am
    Hi Mic, Dont know what "contract" i have with the CSA? where would i even look?

    As for your situation Daryl, Why does this familiar story keep happening? the CSA are criminal in the way they do things yet accountable to no one.
    A law unto themselves and can do what ever they want without fear of reprimand.

    By: Daryl Arbon from South Australia, Australia on June 2, 2016 @ 5:58 pm
    My child support was up to date 2 1/2 years ago.Lost my job, didnt work for 16 mths. Got a job in the Riverland an my first pay check put $300 into my 16 yr old daughters account.Made me feel good talking to them ( I have 3 girls) an letting them know there was money in there for them. In my daughters acc. otherwise my ex would spend it at the casino an tell them dad doesnt give us anything.Every pay check $300 went in without fail. The CSA send me a letter saying they are going to yake 24c in every dollar from my wage til the overdue CS is caught up. Over $16,000 was owing....WTF !!! Did a none lodger tax return as they the take 4c in the dollar. Every month my CS debt increases by $800, they take $160 a mth, I get a other charges fee of around $140-50 where as before I was paying $600. My CSA debt now is $23,000 an today got home an the letter I got from the says there going to start legal proceedings if I dont pay the money. Over trying in life to make things better ready to throw in the towel an be a bum on the dole. No wonder theres no face to face with CSA anymore. They are the scum of the earth !!!!
    By: mic from vic, aust on June 2, 2016 @ 8:17 am
    Hey Rob, ombudsman are useless as they are part of the same State based racket as CSA and all the alphabet agencies (private businesses) like the cops, courts, asic, ato, centrelink, regulators, tolls, banks and so on. The area to look at is contracts, ie. what contract have you entered into with the CSA?
    By: Rob from WA, Australia on June 2, 2016 @ 1:21 am
    OK, So i have read just about the whole of this forum and the common thread is that many if not all of us are being skimmed and ripped of either for money or contact with our kids(or both in most cases)
    What do we as a collective group do? what can i as an individual do?
    I have googled and searched for answers, contacted the ombudsman and done as much as i can but it seems like a dead end in every direction.
    How can we change the corruption and destruction causing of this agency?
    Is there a method or avenue of having it addressed?
    Ihave found documents online from the Ombudsman and some other investigation a few years back on the services of the CSA and it is damning yet fark all is being done and no action taken on them.

    Im at my witts end trying to sort out my own mess let alone pay my ex $1950 a month based on my earnings nearly 3 years ago!!!oh and the ex continually telling them she has my boy 100% when that is simply not true and apart from the time i have with him which is over the 51 days it costs me around $5k a pop to see him..

    I dont want to become a statistic.
    1210. By: Bee from TAS, AUSTRALIA on June 1, 2016 @ 7:17 pm
    As a Grandma of two beautiful girls and mother to a beautiful, loving, caring son and father to those two girls (only one biologically), I can only sit and wait, along with their Grompa, for the inevitable outcome of a totally unjust system that not only refuses to means test any new relationship a parent enters into, but dictates how and what the father must pay. This is like the last straw after watching our son slowly be screwed into the ground by his x as punishment for daring to suggest he has been an equal carer and for wanting to see his children on some kind of equal footing. She blatantly says she is denying him access and 'witholding the children' without needing proof of any wrong doing on his part and he does not see the children for close to six months and counting with no consequences whatsoever for her. In fact she is rewarded by being seen as the primary carer regardless of her blatant lies, twisted facts, and obviously using the children to get at their father. I can not write anymore, as it is too heart breaking to see him go through an unjust system we were always led to believe, that even if it cost a lot in legal fees, in the end the law would be interested in truth, fairness and justice. It isn't and it can't be while the current socio-political view is that there is no questioning the mother's right to be seen as the primary carer and consequently make fathers pay in every way possible, regardless of any circumstance. I know there are women too, as in these comments above, that have been treated equally unfairly, but perhaps the the consolation for most women is that generally their right to custody as the mother of the children is taken for granted. This may say better what I feel for my little angels/grandgirls we may not see again. We miss you little ones, and love you our wonderful son. Walk with your head held high all you fathers who have tried to love and see your children through lies and horrendous allegations - it is the court system that has failed you, not you who have failed.

    I But Saw Him Passing ( Father-Daughter Bond) 20-02-16

    Every time the law fails a father
    It fails a child
    Every day that passes
    him passes her
    Every day without contact with her
    Is every day their bond diminished
    Each happy smile, cry and nappy changed
    Each walk in prams to count the cows
    Each flower picked, each preparation
    For the visits to the grandparents,
    the park, the doctors, friends, the trip to town
    Her determined little frown
    Each day that passes
    him passes her

    Every time the law fails a father
    It fails a child
    Every day that passes
    him passes her
    Every day without contact with him
    Is a flower missed about to bloom
    A song unsung or with no tune
    Every day he is denied her presence, she is denied his love.
    Farther-Daughter bond diminished to a weekly payment (centrelink dot gov)
    And if we're talking numbers, the 50:50 care
    That was always part of their routine they shared
    comes to nothing in the end when
    Her smile, her love and her
    are all withheld
    A hope given and then burned
    A good-bye kiss with no return
    Every day that passes
    him passes her
    Every time the law fails a father
    it fails a child.
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